Friday, December 31, 2010

If only One of these Three should get a tax cut , which would it be?

If only One of these Three should get a tax cut , which would it be?

Sean Lewis
December 31, 2010

The US corporation that fires American workers to hire workers in
other Countries to manufacture goods to sell in the US?

The Small Business Owner who owes this company, and is currently
making record profits because his costs have been drastically cut
because he is using cheap overseas labor?

The Unemployed or underemployed US worker who was fired at this
company and now is struggling to keep his home, healthcare, his
kids in college and his dignity?

Monday, December 20, 2010

9/11: the GOP can hold 'patriotic' political fund raisers on that day, but can't find the time to help the 9/11 responders!

7 years of hearings.

First Responders dying of exotic diseases.

21 different amendments.

The GOP said tax cuts to the rich must pass before they would even
consider anything else.

Now the GOP doesn't have time to pass the Bill, it would be
disrespectful to THEIR families to work through the Holidays.

I guess their were no Republican 9/11 responders, because if there were, they would of had 4 years of debate to determine if it was viable to save Americans in need. Then another 4 years of determining how to save them. Then another 4 years of discussion about how they would get compensated!

Friday, December 17, 2010

The GOP obstructed the Spending Bill, denied 9/11 Responders, but got the tax cuts for the rich

Sean Lewis
December 17, 2010

Democratic leadership decided not to play the chicken game of the GOP,after Republicans piled on with Billions of Ear Marks making it a poison
Pill for Moderate Republicans to vote for it.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid abandoned the measure yesterday
after several Republicans he had been counting on withdrew their
support for the plan that would have funded government programs and
agencies through Sept. 30, 2011.

On Dec 17, 5:06 pm, VT VirtualTruth <> wrote:

> This is something apparently Republicans think should be celebrated?

The GOP poison pill of of Ear Marks worked to kill the Bill to Fund the Government, this is cooperation?

The GOP poison pill of of Ear Marks worked to kill the Bill to Fund
the Government, this is cooperation?

Sean Lewis
December 17, 2010

The very Republicans who signed a pledge against Ear Marks
piled on Billions of Ear Marks on the Bill to Fund the US
Government making it a poison Pill for Republican Senators
to vote for,

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid abandoned the measure yesterday
after several Republicans he had been counting on withdrew their
support for the plan that would have funded government programs and
agencies through Sept. 30, 2011.

Republicans celebrated this.

Republicans forced a Greater Amount of Debt on America by
forcing the continuance of tax cuts for the Wealthiest 2% of
Americans at the expense of all other US Government business
in effect holding the other 98% of America Hostage, and now will
harm even more Americans by sabotaging the US Budget and delaying
funds to desperate Americans and Programs.

Glad we are looking at the NEW GOP, one that is about compromise,
and working with the President, not the GOP that was about Party
before Country and whose only Agenda is/was making President
Obama a one Term President regardless of the Damage to the Country.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Republicans sold out their base, and the GOP sell out is on the record!

Republicans sold out their base, and the GOP sell out is on the record!

Sean Lewis
December 13, 2010

The Tea Party Voted Republicans into office to reduce the Deficit
and the Debt.

The First vote was for tax cuts to working class Americans ONLY.
Republicans voted in unison, NO not unless we get ADDITIONAL
tax cuts for the rich.

The Second Vote was to have a NEW tax cut and package
GREATER than the stimulus package of 2009.

In fact the GOP stated that NOTHING else would get done
UNTIL the new tax cuts were passed. They DEMANDED
the NEW tax cuts and in doing so DEMANDED that the
Current Debt and Deficit spending continue for another
2 years!

LOL, I thought the Republicans learned about the mistakes
of being fiscally irresponsible during the Bush years, and
promised they would not make the same mistake again.

The Republicans are not even in office yet, and they already broke
their promise to the Tea Baggers.

I wonder if buyers remorse is setting in yet......

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Flat Earthers say Climate change is a myth.

The Flat Earthers say Climate change is a myth.

Sean Lewis
December 12, 2010

There was a time that if you said the earth was round
you were called a heretic, a child of Satan, stripped of
all property, imprisoned by the Church, tortured, forced
to recant your declaration, and in some cases crucified
or burn at the stake.

Everyone now knows the Earth is round.

There was a time that if you said the Earth was not the
center of the universe you were called a heretic, a child
of Satan, stripped of all property, imprisoned by the
Church, tortured, forced to recant your declaration, and
in some cases crucified or burn at the stake.

Everyone now knows the Earth is not the center of the

There was a time that if you said the earth traveled around
the sun you were called a heretic, a child of Satan, stripped
of all property, imprisoned by the Church, tortured, forced
to recant your declaration, and in some cases crucified
or burn at the stake.

Everyone now knows the Earth travels around the Sun.

For many 'Believers' Science is the destruction of faith,
it is not. Science is about understanding the empirical
facts that govern life. Religion has tried to control
knowledge because knowledge contradicts many of
the erroneous teachings of modern religion.

God is love. It is as simple as this. But if you teach this
simple message, you do not gain power or wealth.
So you need to make this message more complicated
so you can govern and control, gain wealth and power.

That is why it is important not to allow the 'faithful'
to become an informed educated people. Because then
when a religious leader makes a comment that we
are the center of God's universe, yet facts say otherwise,
it brings to question EVERYTHING that a manipulative
religion tells it's faithful beyond God is love.

This brings us to the modern day Flat Earthers.

Today's the 'Earth is Flat' beliefs are these 'revelations'.
Dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark.
Creationism replaces Evolution.
Climate Change is a myth.

Empirical science proves all of this wrong,
but the Modern day Flat Earthers are in full throated

There were no WMD's
Bush ignored warnings about 9/11.
Bush ignored warnings about Katrina.
Tax cuts to the Rich did not 15 million jobs.
President Obama was not born in the United States.
Tax cuts to the Rich did not stimulate the economy, but contributed to
the near economic collapse of the United States.

The flat earther are now turning to beliefs that in their minds can
not be disproved as all of these previous beliefs have been
empirically proven to be wrong. So the Flat Earthers are reaching out
to things that only large expanses of time can prove wrong. It is
safer not to have to face the reality that the things you thought were
true are not. Previously, you could simple torture and kill those who
threatened your beliefs, we are at war with people who think this way,
Hopefully this type of extreme radical religion will not dominate the
American landscape either.

Then again these Flat Earthers do kill Doctors in Church they disagree with.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

The GOP: Help the 9/11 Responders? Hell NO, we want to get ours first!

The GOP: Help the 9/11 Responders? Hell NO, we want to get ours first!

Sean Lewis
December 9, 2010

You got to love the GOP. They are clearly about Party before Country.

The Senate GOP will not even allow the Bill to come up for a vote in the Senate, these Assholes are blocking all legislation until the Tax cuts to the Rich are passed first!

9/11 Responders are dying from respiratory disease cause by working
at Ground Zero. These men need medical aid. They did not first say
what are you going to do for me BEFORE I help America.

NO, the 9/11 Responders put Country before themselves.

The GOP is allowing Americans to suffer and die for political gain.

This is not holding America Hostage?

This is obscene, hateful, Un-American and UN-Patriotic!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Republicans Gave Democrats a GIFT!

by Liberal Reality Check

Wed Dec 08, 2010 at 01:01:45 AM EST

The Republicans are about increasing the Debt and Deficit and about holding the working class Hostage to the rich. The GOP is about ignoring the suffering of the Middle class to give further aid to the rich.
This flies in the face of everything the Tea Party was about, reducing the Deficit and the DEBT.

The Republicans are ignoring the fact that Main Street Bailed out Wall Street, and now that the Bill is due, the GOP refuses to pay up, but demands even MORE! This is Blood money, blood of our future and our children! Do you really think the world will reward such irresponsible fiscal governance?

This is the first skirmish of the next two years and it is clear what it will be about. Class warfare. The Democratic Party need to exploit this and change the narrative. Country before Party! I want the Democrats to block this deal or Amend the SHIT out it! I want the point to be that Democrats are about keeping down the Debt!

The Culture wars are about to get bloody.

There are fools who are cannon fodder who will realize too late they
were fighting for the wrong side and listening to puppeteers who
pulled the strings of their minions against their own self interest.

There are intellectuals who swore that if the facts were clearly
stated that it was obvious what should be done, intelligence in this
Country is now over rated.

We have slit our own throats and it is clear by this early skirmish
just how bad things are about to become.

It was Saturday, Bloody Saturday.

Democrats need a leader, Republicans need a conscience.
We all need some common sense!

The 'Compromise' is actually SURRENDER

We need a leader! some one who is not about being weak. I felt like the minority party the last two years, not the majority, and now with the House gone to Republicans, and the Senate arcane rules, the president is a lame duck for the next two years. This is going to get ugly and FAST!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Their way or the Highway, the Selfish GOP

Selfish GOP, if we can't get what we want we will take our ball and go

Sean Lewis
December 6. 2010

The GOP wants tax cuts for the richest Americans and
are so set on accomplishing this goal, they will not
even discuss any of the other problems this country
is facing, including National Security.

To vote for NEW tax cuts for the rich would increase
the all NEW tax cuts by 300%. This is because
the Tax Cuts for the rich equaled 75% of the Bush
tax cuts.

This is days after a election that Republicans demanded
that Democrats address the rising Deficit and Debt.

So there first thought after such an election? To
get tax cuts accomplished under the DEMOCRATICALLY
controlled Congress before the Republican controlled
Congress comes into office. This way the GOP can deny
they were the party that passed the tax increases!

The lie of course is that Republicans are refusing to
address any legislation that is not about the tax cuts
to the Rich.

The GOP refuse to discuss National security issues.
The GOP refuse to discuss Unemployment extensions.
The GOP refuse to address benefits to 9/11 responders.
The GOP refuses to address DADT legislation.
The GOP refuse to address the issue of DEBT reduction.

This is about the GOP blatantly putting party before Country,
the GOP is even putting the elite Republicans before
the Grass root demands of the Tea Party who were
about DEBT and DEFICIT reduction.

This is NOT what the majority of America wants, yet this
is how the GOP understands the results of the last election.

In purely old party platform views not the agendas of an
outraged country who view favoritism of the elites as a
disservice and a call to arms to revolt against the status

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Democratic leadership said only increase debt by $26 Billion, Republicans said, no increase the debt by $99 Billion

Democratic leadership said only increase debt by $26 Billion,
Republicans said, no increase the debt by $99 Billion

Sean Lewis
December 04, 2010

Tea Baggers is this what you voted for?

Just on extending the Dividend and Capital Gains tax for people making over $200,000 a year
this adds an additional $73 Billion to the annual Debt. This is what Republicans voted for.

The Democrats only wanted to increase the Debt by $26 Billion.

So please tell me if Republicans said they were NOT going to repeat
the same mistakes, how is DEMANDING an increase in the Debt 4 times
greater than Democrats suggested a change?

I am going to break this down for everyone based on the ADMINISTRATIONS numbers....

In 2003 the Administration said there were 92 million tax payers who on 'average' would receive $1083 each. This does not mean each of the 92 million GOT $1083, it just meant that if you took the entire tax cut and divided it by the number of tax payers it comes to $1083.

The reality is this.

The total tax cut in 2003 was $99,636,000,000.

According to theTax Policy Institute:
45.8% of the benefits from a reduction in capital gains and dividends went to people with incomes over $1 million. There were 284,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .19% of all taxpayers.

An additional 10.8% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $500,000 and $1 million. There were 593,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .40% of all taxpayers.

17.4% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000. There were 3,588,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is 2.46% of all taxpayers.

In other words --
74% of the total benefits from Bush tax cuts went to people with incomes over $200,000.

Friday, December 03, 2010

I would think that all the Republicans on the Deficit Reduction Committee would be for reducing the Deficit?

I would think that all the Republicans on the Deficit
Reduction Committee would be for reducing the Deficit?

Sean Lewis
December 3, 2010

$4 Trillion Deficit Reduction Plan a No-Go

You would think with the 'grass roots' tea bagger movement
that was against deficit spending and for Debt reduction,
the Republicans on the Deficit Committee would all be for
the comprehensive plan for across the board reduction in
Government spending.

But the Majority of the elected Republicans voted against
allowing the report to come up for debate and vote in the full

You would think that this is not the Tea Baggers voted the
Republican officials to do, keep the status quo.

But apparently this is what the GOP intends to do, the same
thing they have done to get this Country in fiscal trouble in
the first place.

Tax cuts with no reduction is spending and no real plan to
reduce spending.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Record Profits to business, Record bonuses on Wall Street, Record Unemployment on main street. Tax Cuts to the rich work? For who?

Record Profits to business, Record bonuses on Wall Street,
Record Unemployment on main street. Tax Cuts to the rich work?
For who?

Sean Lewis
December 2. 2010

Republicans claim tax cuts will trickle down to Working America,

They say we need to keep these tax cuts because Big Business
and wealthy Americans are the engines of job growth.

Well we bailed out wall street, allowed wealthy Americans
to keep their record bonuses, and did not raise their
taxes. The result flat job growth.

However Wall Street does now have even HIGHER Bonuses,
and Corporations now have record profits.

You think that since the rich Americans and corporations
are doing so well they might be able to pay higher taxes
since they are NOT hiring or creating new jobs?

Republicans say no, and we should punish the unemployed by
not extending benefits, and the GOP feels it is unfair to force
the rich to pay higher taxes, because we can't afford not
to give tax cuts even though it will cost more then the
unemployment benefits!

I think it is clear who the GOP supports. It ain't America.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

How do we add $73,730,640,000 to the annual Budget?

You allow the tax cuts on passive investments to sunset.

This is not on Wages, wages remained untouched, those tax cuts remain.

Passive investments for working Americans also remain untouched.

You only allow the tax cuts on dividend and capital gain income
on passive investments for individuals making over $200,000 a
year to sunset.

This generates nearly $74 Billion in additional tax revenues.

It does not increase WAGE income tax for those making over $200,000.
This is according to the figures supplied by the Bush White House on
the 2003 Tax cuts.

According to theTax Policy Institute:
45.8% of the benefits from a reduction in capital gains and dividends went to people with incomes over $1 million. There were 284,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .19% of all taxpayers.

An additional 10.8% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $500,000 and $1 million. There were 593,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .40% of all taxpayers.

17.4% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000. There were 3,588,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is 2.46% of all taxpayers.

This only effects 3.05% of Taxpayers.

How do we add $73,730,640,000 to the annual Budget?

You allow the tax cuts on passive investments to sunset.

This is not on Wages, wages remained untouched, those tax cuts remain.

Passive investments for working Americans also remain untouched.

You only allow the tax cuts on dividend and capital gain income
on passive investments for individuals making over $200,000 a
year to sunset.

This generates nearly $74 Billion in additional tax revenues.

It does not increase WAGE income tax for those making over $200,000.
This is according to the figures supplied by the Bush White House on
the 2003 Tax cuts.

According to theTax Policy Institute:
45.8% of the benefits from a reduction in capital gains and dividends went to people with incomes over $1 million. There were 284,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .19% of all taxpayers.

An additional 10.8% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $500,000 and $1 million. There were 593,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .40% of all taxpayers.

17.4% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000. There were 3,588,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is 2.46% of all taxpayers.

The GOP knows how to play Liar's Poker

The GOP knows how to play Liar's Poker

Before the 'Tax' Game even starts, the GOP has
set the rules. No Compromise.

President Obama just doesn't get the fact he has the
stronger hand. He is playing to the perceived hand
or strength of the GOP.

The reality is this.

Without accompanying Budget cuts to equal the
tax cuts, the NEW Tax cuts would only INCREASE
the Debt and Deficit.

Allowing the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy to sunset
is the first step towards fiscal responsibility.

The Sunset tax cuts would finance the shortfalls
in the Budget the US is correctly borrowing money
to balance the Budget.

The Tea Party Movement was all about NOT giving money
to people who do not need it, and balancing the Budget
and addressing the long term debt.

Public Opinion by an overwhelming majority support
allowing the tax cuts to the rich to sunset.

Yet The Democrats in their need to compromise for
bipartisanship are willing to ignore the will of the
people and listen to the voices of the People who are
not about Country, but Party first.

The result is that weak ineffective bills are passed,
if they are voted on at all. Policies are so ineffective
or delayed the results are negligible. The Republicans
obstruct, deny and sabotage honest attempts to fix
what is wrong for purely political reasons and have been
handsomely rewarded by a frustrated US population
that voted in protest not realizing the collective result
of this protest vote.

We will see the result of the GOP agenda over the
next two years. It will be clear ONLY if the Democrats
and President Obama force the Republicans to vote
on the policies Democrats and the American people
voted for overwhelmingly in 2006 and 2008.

Democrats are wholly ineffective at being a party of
force and strength even when they have large majorities.

Democrats in fact acted as if they were the minority for
the last 2 years and seemed to need GOP acceptance
on every Bill they put up for a vote. Democrats caved,
Republicans refused to compromise, then refused to
vote on the Bill because after gutting the Bill the GOP
claimed the Bill was now ineffective and would not achieve it's goals.

Republicans have no intention of changing strategy, why should they,
it works.

Democrats need to learn how to stand up for what they believe and get
a back bone, the first step is to learn the rules of Liar's Poker, a
game the GOP knows all too well!

Monday, November 29, 2010

GOP fiscal policy: Feed the Rich, Starve the Poor especially during war time and economic crisis.

GOP fiscal policy: Feed the Rich, Starve the Poor especially during war time and economic crisis.

Sean Lewis
November 29, 2010

The GOP's solution to the economic slow down?

Feed the Rich and Starve the working poor.

'Fiscal Republicans' believe that giving tax cuts to the rich
is the solution to creating jobs and stimulating the economy.
These are NEW tax cuts.

At the same time Republicans feel that the working poor
who are now unemployed should not be helped, in fact
this extension of benefits would be creating greater debt.

Understand, the GOP has given no cuts in the Budget to
offset the lost of revenue due to new tax cuts, and do not
feel the need to do so BEFORE the New Tax Cuts become law.

Again these are the 'fiscally conservative republicans' who
are not offsetting tax cuts with budget cuts.

Also if in fact the last 10 years of tax cuts did create jobs,
why were the last ten years of job expansion the most
anemic in recent history, culminating in job loss totaling
over 800,000 a month!

Why also are Republicans demanding that before unemployment
benefits are extended, the revenue cuts in the budget most
first be found? Yet the same standards for the tax cuts are
not necessary.

Monday, November 08, 2010

OK, Fiscally Responsible Republicans, you want tax cuts for all, then FIRST show the $4 trillion in Budget cuts!

THAT is fiscal responsibility.

First show the Budget cuts, THEN Americans will have a SURPLUS
they can THEN have!

Americans also can SEE what the Tax Cuts will actually cost
as far as shared sacrifice!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

GOP, you know the 'Mandate' is NOT the standing GOP Agenda

GOP, you know the 'Mandate' is NOT the standing GOP Agenda,
it is about doing the will of the people, COMPROMISE and GETTING THINGS DONE!

Sean Lewis
November 3, 2010

Republicans seem to forget that before the Tea Party Candidates won
against Democrats, the People FIRST voted out the established GOP
candidates and office holders.

The Change was not just Democratic Candidates, but REPUBLICAN
candidates FIRST.

Change was about eliminating ALL of the politicians that were not
doing the will of the people, which is passing legislation and not
obstructing laws that could have stimulated the economy.

420 passed House Bills being blocked in the Senate by the GOP
is not the will of the people, however the GOP did do one job well,
lie, misdirect, misinformation and half truths about what the
Democrats had actually accomplished.

The Country was saved from a complete economic collapse under
Democratic leadership, but Republicans managed to convince the
Country that all the emergency measures were Social Programs,
bloated spending and irresponsible legislation impeding job growth
and economic expansion, even though the facts clearly state the
the opposite.

So the GOP did not get the 2006, and the 2008 Mandate of the people,
let's see if they get it correct THIS TIME! Because this is the LAST
chance they may get in decades if they get it wrong!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Taking America Back(ward) or moving it Forward. That is the choice.

Taking America Back(ward) or moving it Forward.
That is the choice.

Sean Lewis
November 28, 2010

Currently the debacle that was the 2007 recession
and the 2008 Meltdown and near Depression has
been reigned in and the economy has been stabilized.

The Cause was irresponsible governance for 6 years.

Republicans want to claim it all began when the Democrats
came into office with a majority in 2007. A Lie.

Democrats did not have controlling input into economic policy
until the FALL of 2007 during the 2008 Budget process! That
Budget did not go into effect until 2008.

The Country was already in recession in 2007 and saw Bailouts
already BEGINNING in the First Quarter of 2008!

Republicans blocked and denied the economy was in trouble
until it was almost too late to do anything about it.

Now we have a stabilized economy even though the Obstructionist
Republican Senators have blocked 420 House passed bills from
being CONSIDERED to become possible law. 420 economic bills
that were to help grow the economy and create jobs,

Had these Bills gone through we might be well into economic
Recovery and growing the Country back to robust economic
job, earnings and GDP Growth. But this would mean the GOP
had it all wrong.

So blocking legislation did serve a purpose, it was about putting
the GOP party before America and the American people.

Many people actually believe the lack of economic recovery is
because of Democratic incompetence. Not entirely true.

The democrats are incompetent, but their incompetence is
about not being on message and telling simply and clearly how
they saved the Country from the cliff of Depression.

The issue now is this. What happens in 2011?

If the GOP actually gets control of one or both the Senate or
the House, it will now be on the GOP to present solutions that WORK!

Not an easy task because of the incursions of the Far Right
Tea Party Candidates, who naively believe the solution to everything
is to cut Federal Spending, end Social Programs, Deregulate
Business, end subsidies, and lower taxes.

Sounds great, but implementation would actually be disastrous if in fact no rational thought is given to such actions.

I am all for these actions, in moderation; and explained the hows and whys YEARS ago. However if in fact the TEA PARTY acts without reason the next 2 years could make 2008 look like a walk in the park.

If the Country SURVIVES 2 years of GOP/Tea Party chaos
the Country will know without a doubt who is really the cause
of all the pain this Country has endure these long last 10 years.

There is a chance however rational minds will actually rule and
attempt real compromise, rather than the demolition of the United States
from the inside the Tea Party unwittingly is advocating.

If we have real political compromise and Bi-Partisan rule we
may actually come out ahead in the next 2 years, regardless
of which Party actually controls Congress.

I ain't holding my Breath. There is a reason Gold is going up!
GOLD $1312.40 10/28/10

Sunday, October 17, 2010

$1.6 Trillion of DEBT in ten years, courtesy of the 2001, 2003 Bush Tax Cuts Options

JCT estimate, which was that the Bush tax cuts (2001 and 2003) would,
over the 10-year period, allow taxpayers to keep $1.6 trillion dollars
an unpaid for future Debt Liability that now must be paid back.
Written into law by The Republican Controlled Congress and signed into
Law by a republican President.

The Current UNPAID liability of the Medicare Drug Prescription Program is $19.3 Trillion courtesy or the Republicans.

The unpaid for Medicare Drug Prescription Program is currently a $19.3
Trillion liability written by a Republican Controlled Congress and signed into
law by a Republican President. Republicans lied about the cost and made no
effort to pay or offset these expenditures.

The Unfunded liabilities of the Medicare Drug prescription Program is
now greater than the Unfunded liabilities of Social Security!

This was not debated, the bill was forced through without being read
and the cost is greater than any other social program in recent

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The GOP is not disclosing their funding from big money! Wonder why?

Is it because the GOP are selling our Government to
the highest bidder, large Corporations and Foreign

Are they no longer being of service to the American voter,
but are instead showing loyalty to Corporate 'citizens'
and Foreign Corporations seeking American dollars
and more out sourced american jobs?

This is helping America in a time of crisis how?

Is this yet another example of putting Party before Americans and

Who outed Valerie Plane to reporters from the White House?

We still do not know because Bush allowed the
obstructionist to justice a get out of jail free card
contradicting his promise to the American people
to find out who was responsible no matter where it lead.

Libby was facing hard jail time a leverage to make him talk
and Bush said no. This is Republican governance. This is
what Republicans stand for, lying to America and selling her out for
political favor.

An entire CIA intelligence network was rolled up because of this, and
this was WHY the CIA DEMANDED an investigation.
All so we could go to war about non existent WMD's.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

be afraid be very afraid

be afraid be very afraid

A suggestion by a fellow blogger in the event of a Tea Bagger Senate Victory,
this person is a survivalist.

"here is my suggestions

1 sturdy 12G shotgun. most recommend a mossberg or remington pump gun
but I would suggest a Benelli Semi auto

2) 200 rounds of #6 birdshot-lethal up to 20 yards and useful for
harvesting birds and small mammals

3) 100 rounds of 1 ounce slugs-accurate to 75 yards-great stopping
power and kick less than the 1.25 or 1.5 slugs and just as effective
1 semi auto rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO. those derived from the M16
are the easiest to obtain and get parts for-Rock River is the best
easily obtained brand but BushMaster, DPMS, Armalite and Smith and
Wesson work too. Avoid the Colts-well made but they are "large hole"
receivers-harder to find stuff for
2) 2000 rounds of 5.56MM ammo-62 grains is a good compromise between
weight and accuracy
3) 10 magazines-20 round MagPul mags are the most reliable

If you prefer an AK platform the Bulgarian made ARSENAL in 5.56MM is a
great choice though slightly less accurate than the AR 15/M15 platform

1 bolt action rifle in 7.62 NATO with a good scope. Remington 700 is
pretty much the standard though the savage 110 is cheaper and as
accurate. put a 4-14 scope on it and go with leopold or Burris. you
can also chamber it in 5.56-with the 62 grain bullets its accurate out
to 600M

500 rounds for the above rifle

a smith and wesson 357 revolver with 4 inch barrel-most versatile
handgun in the world

500 rounds for that-some hot 357 and some lighter 38s

finally, a good quality 22 rifle and 5000 rounds of ammo (less than
200 dollars)

for collecting food"

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

420 Bills NOT even given an up or down vote in the Senate!

420 Bills NOT even given an up or down vote in the Senate!

Wed Oct 06, 2010 at 05:58:26 PM EDT

Do you want to know how the Republican Senators are helping
the Country? They are blocking legislation from even coming
up for a vote. Legislation that has already passed in the House
of Representatives.

420 Bills to possibly help the unemployed get jobs, the
economy to recover, people in danger of losing their
homes to keep them, small businesses to get tax cuts and
funding to grow their business and create jobs and stimulus
to expand the GDP growth to both help generate more
Revenues to pay down both State and Federal Deficits.

These Bills are not being voted down by Republican
Senators. No these Bills are being PREVENTED from
even coming up for a vote! Individual Republican Senators
have put personal holds on bills and Republicans have
blocked Bills from being called up for a vote.

This is not about doing the Business of Governance
the American people want in a time of need and emergency.
This is about the Republicans obstructing any Democratic
economic initiative because they are afraid it might work!

Republicans need and want the Democrats to fail because
then they can blame the Democrats for failed policies,
policies that the Republicans have actually sabotaged from

This is 420 examples of putting party first before the Country
and the American people in a time of pain, suffering and need.

Republicans need to be punished not rewarded for this selfish self serving behavior!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Denying Unemployment Benefits denies $16 Billion of Economic Stimulus

Denying Unemployment Benefits denies $16 Billion of Economic Stimulus!

Sean Lewis
June 30, 2010

The nationwide average weekly check to those receiving unemployment
benefits is $295.05
That is $15,342.60 a year.

The US Poverty Figure is $16,245 for a single person

Yet the GOP feels these people are getting a free ride?
Can that be the real reason to deny benefits?

Lets look at this again.

The sad fact is that nearly two million unemployed Americans will be
without benefits by July 10. That is 2 million people who are not
contributing to the economy!

That is over $2.3 Billion dollars not being circulated in local and
state economies!

You add the standard 7 fold multiplier for economic ripples and you
see a decrease of $16 Billions of stimulus!

The net effect will be a decrease in the economic indicators, and the
GOP will have ammunition proving the stimulus isn't working! Of
course they will also be the REASON the stimulus isn't working

My GAWD! Is that why the GOP is blocking the Unemployment

Is this another case of putting the GOP Party Agenda ahead of the
American people and the Country even if is sabotages the recovery?
Those Bastards!

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics Jobs and Unemployment Charts for June 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Unemployed Middle Class America Dumpster diving at Trader Joe's

Unemployed Middle Class America Dumpster diving at Trader Joe's

Sean Lewis
June 22, 2010

Today in Brooklyn NY just outside the posh 3 million dollar
brownstones in Brooklyn Heights I saw a gathering of white
unemployed middle class waiting patiently for 11 PM.

This is when Trader Joe's pushes their Dumpsters to the curb
for garbage pick up.

These unemployed orderly pulled out the bags and began
sorting the food waste into piles to be placed in car trunks
and back packs.

If the GOP needs to see the results of not passing the
unemployment extensions, all they need to see is their constituents
searching for food through dumpsters in their Dockers and golf
shirts in an upscale neighborhood.

These people will not soon forget the how's and why's they were
forced to feed themselves. The GOP may think this is
proving they are fiscally conservative, but middle America see's
it as being detached from reality and uncaring.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The GOP Protects Tax Cuts at the Expense of the Unemployed

The GOP Protects Tax Cuts at the Expense of the Unemployed

Sean Lewis
June 21, 2010

Why isn't the money the unemployed put aside when
working via unemployment insurance available?

Because the GOP gave irresponsible tax cuts
combined with irrational spending during
two wars and passed an unfunded Medicare
Prescription Drug Program that exceeds the
liabilities of Social Security.

So rather than admit their mistake, The GOP
is pretending they are making 'hard' fiscal
decisions by denying unemployment checks
to the millions of recently unemployed.

The same individuals who became unemployed
because of irresponsible economic, fiscal and
regulatory policies that allowed unregulated
greed go unchecked until the near
complete economic collapse of the US
economy in August of 2008!

So in an attempt to revise recent history,
the GOP is branding themselves as fiscal
Conservatives by punishing the very victims
of their previous economic debacle created!

Yet still the rich get to have their cake and eat it too!

The GOP were clueless about the economic collapse
in 2008, and are clueless now about the damage they
are doing to Middle America yet again!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The BP oil spill is NOT President Obama's Katrina

The BP oil spill is NOT President Obama's Katrina!

Sean Lewis
May 30, 2010

BP had the primary responsibility, they were the ones mandated by law
to have fail safes and contingency measures in place for such a spill.

Had BP actually followed protocols and regulations rather than
cutting corners for expediency and profit, there might never have
been a leak or emergency.

The Government's first response was a search and rescue. Afterwards
it was to contain the fire.

BP said at first there was no leak, then the leak was minimum only a
thousand barrels a day. By the time the true extent of damage was no
longer something that could be easier hid from the Government, BP
up'ed the leak to 5000 Barrels. It is now almost 20,000 Barrels a day!

The next phase was the legal entanglement regarding liability and
responsibility and control of the clean up which fiscally BP was
responsible for and tried initially to control all activities.

Eventually the Government and BP came to a compromise of Leadership.
BP had the expertise and the Government had the oversight.

Because no real plan was in place by BP or the US Government, BP
simply did not have one, and the Government because of previous
deregulation was excluded from such hands on plans.

To expect none of the perhaps millions of gallons of oil NOT to reach
shore was not based in reality, especially since large plums are below

The power that BP has now given the environmental movement is
unimaginable, as is the destruction unregulated greed has created.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Screening for Terrorists

It is simple.

There is a list Terror 'Sites'

There is a list of terror Countries

Note who is coming to and from from these countries and sites

Note the age and marriage status of these individuals.

Note their jobs and fiscal status.

Note if these individuals has money transactions coming INTO the US or
donating to these sites

Monitor the targeted individuals communications.

Note any nexus communications with other targeted individuals.

At no time is race a factor, because terrorism know knows no color,
race or Nationality.

It is just that simple. Once a person crosses a threshold of
'contacts' the trigger is activated to 'monitor' this individual.
we have the technology to do this we just need the program to tie all
the parts together.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Real immigration controversy.

The Real immigration controversy.

Sean Lewis
May 13, 2010

There is a solution to the illegal immigration issue.
It is called enforcing the existing laws, not creating
new ones.

We already have those laws on the books, all Arizona has to do is
enforce them, but that would be targeting the 'wrong' people. The
reality is this is not about actually ending illegal immigration, this
is about LOOKING like they are addressing the problem and giving red
meat to the Fringe Base.

Target the reason immigrants come to the Country,


Penalize those who hire illegal immigrants.
Fine them the first time.
Fine and jail them the second time.
Fine, jail and take away their business the third time.


Allow those illegal immigrants who are eligible a path
to citizenship.

Only those illegals who have been here 5 years and can prove this.
They can not have a criminal past or had run ins with the law in the
They must pay back taxes or are currently paying taxes.
They must pay a fine for every year they were in the US illegally.
For every year they were in the US is a year they must wait before
becoming a US Citizen.
They must be proficient in the English language at a 6th grade level,
in reading, writing and communication.


There needs to be a way to confirm non US citizens as
legal workers. We already have the Green Card system
and this can be expanded to include this new status of
LTR's Lawful Temporary Residence.


Once a year the LTR, Lawful Temporary Resident
must have their ID and status verified. This
is done by reissuing a photo ID and finger
printing to confirm identification. Once the
status and identification of the LTR is established
a verification code is sent to the employer
via email, mail, or fax. The employer can enter the
code and visually see the photo of the LTR to also
confirm the identification of the employed.


Once the illegals in the US are documented with Green
Cards, it will become difficult for NEW immigrants to
obtain employment, thus ending new illegal immigrants from
attempting to cross the borders. With no new illegals
attempting to enter the Country en mass the issue of law
enforcement along the borders will become easier. It
will be easier to monitor any and all border crossings using
high tech and low tech methods.


For the immigration issue to be resolved ALL parts of this
process must be enacted as one, for each piece alone
will not be enough to actually do anything accept appease
the anti immigration factions in the US, without actually
solving the immigration issue.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Tea Party Is really about four things Fear, Anger, Power, and Change

The Tea Party is really about four things:
Fear, Anger, Power and Change

Sean Lewis
April 16, 2010

The Issue of Tea Party discontent currently in America and
the political discussion is about the emotions associated
with the shifting demographics of the US Population.

It is not about race per se, but about Power.

The demographic of the US population is becoming one of
diversity and color.

The 2008 Elections emphasized this. The status quo has
changed. It is this change that has created the anger and
fear of the far right conservatives of this Country.

Power is shifting away from the old guard and is being given
to the next generation. A Generation that is better educated,
informed, diverse and open to embrace change.

For Generations America was a Country with clear
understanding of who had the power and who did not. The
Constitution clearly stated this, White Male Land owners
Not the poor
Not Non Whites
Not Woman

White Male Land Owners had control of the Country and
made the decisions. This legacy and entitlement was understood
to be the way things worked, regardless of what the Amendments
to the Constitution stated. This has changed.

The Country has clearly rejected the status quo and this is
personified by the election of a President who is for the leveling
of the playing field for all forcing the rich to be responsible and
accountable. The President also happens to be Black.

This one fact, A Black President makes the Change in Power
very apparent and the old guard of 'Entitled' white conservatives
are angry they did not get their way and have their candidate
elected, they are now in fear that if this president is successful
there is no turning back the clock,

No one likes to give up power, whether that power is real or
imagined, and many in the fringe have harbored xenophobic and
homophobic fears but felt societal pressure not to express these
bigoted ideas.

The tea bag movement has given a 'legitimate' outlet for this fear
and also anger at the lost of financial security the near Depression
has created. The old Guard is unwilling to accept the
changes needed to accept the new political environment or to adapt
to the changing economic and employment environment.

Tea baggers know they are becoming the minority, and that the
electoral process is no longer in their favor, so the Tea baggers
are trying to go outside of the Election process to turn back the
clock to how things were, even if it means they will have to use
violence to accomplish this goal.

We are seeing a major turning point in America, it is truly
becoming a melting pot, and all change is met with fear and anger
as power is shifted away from one group to another.

How this ends is dependent on if the fires stoking hate, fear,
rhetorical violence, and open dissent against Government authority,
are allowed to go uncontested or challenged. Having lively political
debate is the American way, however inciting revolution is not. This
is NOT an American colony suffering from no representation, this is
the minority not accepting majority rule.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Bush only Created 1,080,000 Jobs in the 8 years he was in office at 2.3 Million per JOB!

Bush only created 1,080,000 jobs in the 8 Years he was in office!

The United States Paid $2.3 Million a JOB!

2.3 Million a JOB!


The tax legislation enacted under President George W. Bush
from 2001 through 2006 will cost $2.48 trillion over the
2001-2010 period.

This includes the revenue loss of $2.11 trillion that results directly from the Bush tax cuts as well as the $379 billion in additional interest payments on the national debt that we must make since the tax cuts were deficit-financed.

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
2000 249 121 472 286 225 -46 163 3 122 -11 231 138
2001 -16 61 -30 -281 -44 -128 -125 -160 -244 -325 -292 -178
2002 -132 -147 -24 -85 -7 45 -97 -16 -55 126 8 -156
2003 83 -158 -212 -49 -6 -2 25 -42 103 203 18 124
2004 150 43 338 250 310 81 47 121 160 351 64 132
2005 136 240 142 360 169 246 369 195 63 84 334 158
2006 262 326 304 174 31 69 232 141 100 43 201 177
2007 194 104 239 92 149 55 -20 -71 52 86 128 70
2008 -10 -50 -33 -149 -231 -193 -210 -334 -458 -554 -728 -673
2009 -779 -726 -753 -528(C) -387(C) -515(C) -346(C) -212(C) -225 -224 64 -109
2010 14 -14(P) 162(P)

Sunday, March 07, 2010

It is Time for Fox News to stop stoking the flames of hate, violence and advocating political revolt and violence, the crazies are listening.

It is Time for Fox News to stop stoking the flames of hate,
violence and advocating political revolt and violence,
the crazies are listening.

Sean Lewis
March 7, 2010

After a second Fringe member with extreme beliefs
and paranoid anti Government fears decided that
violence against America was a solution to taking
back his country it might be time for Fox and
Friends to rethink their anti american rants.

It will only be a matter of time before one of these
Crazies directly states he decided to become
violent because Fox said it was the Patriotic thing
to do.

This recent attack was one that occurred because
of the easy access to weapons this disturbed person was
able to purchased days before the attack.

All the details are still coming out, but the reaction
of the Right trying to quickly distance themselves from
the violence only confirms the point that Republicans
are now realizing they have opened Pandora's Box.

The fact that their Presidential Candidate is now under
political attack from the very Fringe Party that the GOP
legitimized with the selection of Sarah Palin only reinforces
that the GOP has lost control of the very Party they
hoped to control and use in the way they used the
Religious Right in the 2000 and 2004 elections.

The GOP however are just now realizing their mistake,
these people are leaderless and view all of organized
Government as the enemy. The only reason they were
not previously empowered is because they were isolated
and unaware of their exact numbers.

The Fox 9/12 party gave these Fringe Elements a focal
point to rally around and now these disparaged groups
now feel they actually are the TRUE Patriots of
this Country and like the American Revolution they
feel a real call to arms is in order.

How can they not with the Fox News hosts stoking their
lies, beliefs and paranoia as the Truth and justifying
them with fraudulent 'facts'.

The problem is that Fox stoked the fanatics for ratings,
and the GOP stoked the fanatics for political energy,
neither truely understood what they were releasing.

However history shows us one individual who understood
the danger. After this leader consolidated his power he
killed all of the Fanatical leaders in a bloody purge.
We can not repeat such an act in the US, however in
Germany in the 1930's this occurred.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Health Care Summit: GOP offered No solutions No plans and No compromise, just obstruction, half truths and lies of omission

Health Care Summit:
GOP offered No solutions No plans and No compromise,
just obstruction, half truths and lies of omission.

Sean Lewis
February 25, 2010

President Obama laid out a Comprehensive Plan
for Health Insurance that had a minimum level
of coverage for all Americans with options to
allow people to have greater coverage and options
to allow people without means to obtain minimum

This the President said would replace the high
deductible, catastrophic health insurance many
people have because it is the only insurance many
can afford. It will not cover routine medical bills
but will cover major illnesses that would force
people to sell their homes to afford medical care.

The Plan would cost nominally more, at most 15%,
but the Insured could now afford preventative care
and not have to pay out of pocket for many routine
procedures. In the long run the preventative care would
save money by addressing illnesses when treating
them would be far less expensive then at later
stages of illness.

Republicans focused on the additional cost,
not the positive reason for the cost, better care.

Republicans said this would hurt small business
because of the additional costs, not admitting
that most people would choose to work for
a company that offered REAL health insurance
and that the preventative care would keep workers
healthy and more productive.

Republicans talked about free market, and that
this was Government run healthcare. The President
stated Government was merely regulating
a minimum level of care all Insurers must offer,
people were still able to shop for this anywhere they
wanted IF this was the standard for all Insurers.

It basically went on like this. Republicans misstated
a fact, the President corrected them, then the next
Republican would give a variation of the exact same issue.

No Concrete solutions were offered, just one line sound
bites with no substance behind it and complaints about
the plan on the table.

Republicans offered No Real Solutions
Republicans offered No Real Plans
Republicans offered No Compromise,
The Party of No only offered Obstruction!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action

Published by Sunday Times of London, June 12, 2005

The paper, produced by the Cabinet Office on July 21, 2002, is incomplete because the last page is missing. The following is a transcript rather than the original document in order to protect the source.




Ministers are invited to:

(1) Note the latest position on US military planning and timescales for possible action.

(2) Agree that the objective of any military action should be a stable and law-abiding Iraq, within present borders, co-operating with the international community, no longer posing a threat to its neighbours or international security, and abiding by its international obligations on WMD.

(3) Agree to engage the US on the need to set military plans within a realistic political strategy, which includes identifying the succession to Saddam Hussein and creating the conditions necessary to justify government military action, which might include an ultimatum for the return of UN weapons inspectors to Iraq. This should include a call from the Prime Minister to President Bush ahead of the briefing of US military plans to the President on 4 August.

(4) Note the potentially long lead times involved in equipping UK Armed Forces to undertake operations in the Iraqi theatre and agree that the MOD should bring forward proposals for the procurement of Urgent Operational Requirements under cover of the lessons learned from Afghanistan and the outcome of SR2002.

(5) Agree to the establishment of an ad hoc group of officials under Cabinet Office Chairmanship to consider the development of an information campaign to be agreed with the US.


1. The US Government's military planning for action against Iraq is proceeding apace. But, as yet, it lacks a political framework. In particular, little thought has been given to creating the political conditions for military action, or the aftermath and how to shape it.

2. When the Prime Minister discussed Iraq with President Bush at Crawford in April he said that the UK would support military action to bring about regime change, provided that certain conditions were met: efforts had been made to construct a coalition/shape public opinion, the Israel-Palestine Crisis was quiescent, and the options for action to eliminate Iraq's WMD through the UN weapons inspectors had been exhausted.

3. We need now to reinforce this message and to encourage the US Government to place its military planning within a political framework, partly to forestall the risk that military action is precipitated in an unplanned way by, for example, an incident in the No Fly Zones. This is particularly important for the UK because it is necessary to create the conditions in which we could legally support military action. Otherwise we face the real danger that the US will commit themselves to a course of action which we would find very difficult to support.

4. In order to fulfil the conditions set out by the Prime Minister for UK support for military action against Iraq, certain preparations need to be made, and other considerations taken into account. This note sets them out in a form which can be adapted for use with the US Government. Depending on US intentions, a decision in principle may be needed soon on whether and in what form the UK takes part in military action.

The Goal

5. Our objective should be a stable and law-abiding Iraq, within present borders, co-operating with the international community, no longer posing a threat to its neighbours or to international security, and abiding by its international obligations on WMD. It seems unlikely that this could be achieved while the current Iraqi regime remains in power. US military planning unambiguously takes as its objective the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime, followed by elimination if Iraqi WMD. It is however, by no means certain, in the view of UK officials, that one would necessarily follow from the other. Even if regime change is a necessary condition for controlling Iraqi WMD, it is certainly not a sufficient one.

US Military Planning

6. Although no political decisions have been taken, US military planners have drafted options for the US Government to undertake an invasion of Iraq. In a 'Running Start', military action could begin as early as November of this year, with no overt military build-up. Air strikes and support for opposition groups in Iraq would lead initially to small-scale land operations, with further land forces deploying sequentially, ultimately overwhelming Iraqi forces and leading to the collapse of the Iraqi regime. A 'Generated Start' would involve a longer build-up before any military action were taken, as early as January 2003. US military plans include no specifics on the strategic context either before or after the campaign. Currently the preference appears to be for the 'Running Start'. CDS will be ready to brief Ministers in more detail.

7. US plans assume, as a minimum, the use of British bases in Cyprus and Diego Garcia. This means that legal base issues would arise virtually whatever option Ministers choose with regard to UK participation.

The Viability of the Plans

8. The Chiefs of Staff have discussed the viability of US military plans. Their initial view is that there are a number of questions which would have to be answered before they could assess whether the plans are sound. Notably these include the realism of the 'Running Start', the extent to which the plans are proof against Iraqi counter-attack using chemical or biological weapons and the robustness of US assumptions about the bases and about Iraqi (un)willingness to fight.

UK Military Contribution

9. The UK's ability to contribute forces depends on the details of the US military planning and the time available to prepare and deploy them. The MOD is examining how the UK might contribute to US-led action. The options range from deployment of a Division (ie Gulf War sized contribution plus naval and air forces) to making available bases. It is already clear that the UK could not generate a Division in time for an operation in January 2003, unless publicly visible decisions were taken very soon. Maritime and air forces could be deployed in time, provided adequate basing arrangements could be made. The lead times involved in preparing for UK military involvement include the procurement of Urgent Operational Requirements, for which there is no financial provision.

The Conditions Necessary for Military Action

10. Aside from the existence of a viable military plan we consider the following conditions necessary for military action and UK participation: justification/legal base; an international coalition; a quiescent Israel/Palestine; a positive risk/benefit assessment; and the preparation of domestic opinion.


11. US views of international law vary from that of the UK and the international community. Regime change per se is not a proper basis for military action under international law. But regime change could result from action that is otherwise lawful. We would regard the use of force against Iraq, or any other state, as lawful if exercised in the right of individual or collective self-defence, if carried out to avert an overwhelming humanitarian catastrophe, or authorised by the UN Security Council. A detailed consideration of the legal issues, prepared earlier this year, is at Annex A. The legal position would depend on the precise circumstances at the time. Legal bases for an invasion of Iraq are in principle conceivable in both the first two instances but would be difficult to establish because of, for example, the tests of immediacy and proportionality. Further legal advice would be needed on this point.

12. This leaves the route under the UNSC resolutions on weapons inspectors. Kofi Annan has held three rounds of meetings with Iraq in an attempt to persuade them to admit the UN weapons inspectors. These have made no substantive progress; the Iraqis are deliberately obfuscating. Annan has downgraded the dialogue but more pointless talks are possible. We need to persuade the UN and the international community that this situation cannot be allowed to continue ad infinitum. We need to set a deadline, leading to an ultimatum. It would be preferable to obtain backing of a UNSCR for any ultimatum and early work would be necessary to explore with Kofi Annan and the Russians, in particular, the scope for achieving this.

13. In practice, facing pressure of military action, Saddam is likely to admit weapons inspectors as a means of forestalling it. But once admitted, he would not allow them to operate freely. UNMOVIC (the successor to UNSCOM) will take at least six months after entering Iraq to establish the monitoring and verification system under Resolution 1284 necessary to assess whether Iraq is meeting its obligations. Hence, even if UN inspectors gained access today, by January 2003 they would at best only just be completing setting up. It is possible that they will encounter Iraqi obstruction during this period, but this more likely when they are fully operational.

14. It is just possible that an ultimatum could be cast in terms which Saddam would reject (because he is unwilling to accept unfettered access) and which would not be regarded as unreasonable by the international community. However, failing that (or an Iraqi attack) we would be most unlikely to achieve a legal base for military action by January 2003.

An International Coalition

15. An international coalition is necessary to provide a military platform and desirable for political purposes.

16. US military planning assumes that the US would be allowed to use bases in Kuwait (air and ground forces), Jordan, in the Gulf (air and naval forces) and UK territory (Diego Garcia and our bases in Cyprus). The plans assume that Saudi Arabia would withhold co-operation except granting military over-flights. On the assumption that military action would involve operations in the Kurdish area in the North of Iraq, the use of bases in Turkey would also be necessary.

17. In the absence of UN authorisation, there will be problems in securing the support of NATO and EU partners. Australia would be likely to participate on the same basis as the UK. France might be prepared to take part if she saw military action as inevitable. Russia and China, seeking to improve their US relations, might set aside their misgivings if sufficient attention were paid to their legal and economic concerns. Probably the best we could expect from the region would be neutrality. The US is likely to restrain Israel from taking part in military action. In practice, much of the international community would find it difficult to stand in the way of the determined course of the US hegemon. However, the greater the international support, the greater the prospects of success.

A Quiescent Israel-Palestine

18. The Israeli re-occupation of the West Bank has dampened Palestinian violence for the time being but is unsustainable in the long-term and stoking more trouble for the future. The Bush speech was at best a half step forward. We are using the Palestinian reform agenda to make progress, including a resumption of political negotiations. The Americans are talking of a ministerial conference in November or later. Real progress towards a viable Palestinian state is the best way to undercut Palestinian extremists and reduce Arab antipathy to military action against Saddam Hussein. However, another upsurge of Palestinian/Israeli violence is highly likely. The co-incidence of such an upsurge with the preparations for military action against Iraq cannot be ruled out. Indeed Saddam would use continuing violence in the Occupied Territories to bolster popular Arab support for his regime.


19. Even with a legal base and a viable military plan, we would still need to ensure that the benefits of action outweigh the risks. In particular, we need to be sure that the outcome of the military action would match our objective as set out in paragraph 5 above. A post-war occupation of Iraq could lead to a protracted and costly nation-building exercise. As already made clear, the US military plans are virtually silent on this point. Washington could look to us to share a disproportionate share of the burden. Further work is required to define more precisely the means by which the desired endstate would be created, in particular what form of Government might replace Saddam Hussein's regime and the timescale within which it would be possible to identify a successor. We must also consider in greater detail the impact of military action on other UK interests in the region.

Domestic Opinion

20. Time will be required to prepare public opinion in the UK that it is necessary to take military action against Saddam Hussein. There would also need to be a substantial effort to secure the support of Parliament. An information campaign will be needed which has to be closely related to an overseas information campaign designed to influence Saddam Hussein, the Islamic World and the wider international community. This will need to give full coverage to the threat posed by Saddam Hussein, including his WMD, and the legal justification for action.


21. Although the US military could act against Iraq as soon as November, we judge that a military campaign is unlikely to start until January 2003, if only because of the time it will take to reach consensus in Washington. That said, we judge that for climactic reasons, military action would need to start by January 2003, unless action were deferred until the following autumn.

22. As this paper makes clear, even this timescale would present problems. This means that:

(a) We need to influence US consideration of the military plans before President Bush is briefed on 4 August, through contacts betweens the Prime Minister and the President and at other levels;

Jack Straw Memo

Text of the Jack Straw Memo - March 25, 2002 memo from Jack Straw (UK Foreign Secretary) to Tony Blair in preparation for Blair’s visit to Bush’s Crawford ranch, covering Iraq-al Qaida linkage, legality of invasion, weapons inspectors and post-war considerations.
1 The rewards from your visit to Crawford will be few. The risks are high, both for you and for the Government. I judge that there is at present no majority inside the PLP for any military action against Iraq, (alongside a greater readiness in the PLP to surface their concerns). Colleagues know that Saddam and the Iraqi regime are bad. Making that case is easy. But we have a long way to go to convince them as to:
(a) the scale of the threat from Iraq and why this has got worse recently:
(b) what distinguishes the Iraqi threat from that of eg Iran and North Korea so as to justify military action;
(c) the justification for any military action in terms of international law: and
(d) whether the consequence of military action really would be a compliant, law abiding replacement government.
2 The whole exercise is made much more difficult to handle as long as conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is so acute.
3 The Iraqi regime plainly poses a most serious threat to its neighbours, and therefore to international security. However, in the documents so far presented it has been hard to glean whether the threat from Iraq is so significantly differently from that of Iran and North Korea as to justify military action (see below).
4 If 11 September had not happened, it is doubtful that the US would now be considering military action against Iraq. In addition, there has been no credible evidence to link Iraq with UBL and Al Qaida. Objectively, the threat from Iraq has not worsened as a result of 11 September. What has however changed is the tolerance of the international community (especially that of the US), the world having witnesses on September 11 just what determined evil people can these days perpetuate.
5 By linking these countries together in this "axis of evil" speech, President Bush implied an identity betwen them not only in terms of their threat, but also in terms of the action necessary to deal with the threat, but also in terms of the action necessary to deal with the threat. A lot of work will now need to be to delink the three, and to show why military action against Iraq is so much more justified than against Iran and North Korea. The heart of this case" that Iraq poses a unique and present danger - rests on the facts that it:
* invaded a neighbour;
* has used WMD and would use them again;
* is in breach of nine UNSCRS.
6 That Iraq is in flagrant breach of international legal obligations imposed on it by the UNSC provides us with the core of a strategy, and one which is based on international law. Indeed' if the argument is to be won, the whol case against Iraq and in favour (if necessary) of military action, needs to be narrated with reference to the international rule of law.
7 We also have better to sequence the explanation of what we are doing and why. Specifically, we need to concentrate in the early stages on:
* making operational the sanctions regime foreshadowed by UNSCR 1382;
* demanding the readmission of weapons inspectors, but this time to operate in a free and unfettered way (a similar formula to that which Cheney used at your joint press conference, as I recall).
8 I know there are those who say that an attack on Iraq would be justified whether or not weapons inspectors were readmitted. But I believe that a demand for the unfettered readmission of weapons inspectors in essential, in terms of public explanation, and in terms of legal sanction for any subsequent military action.
9 Legally there are two potential elephant traps:
(i) regime change per se is no justification for military action; it could form part of the method of any strategy, but not a goal. Of course, we may want credibly to assert that regime change is an essential part of the strategy by which we have to achieve our ends - that of the elimination of Iraq's WMD capacity; but the latter has to be the goal;
(ii) on whether any military action would require a fresh UNSC mandate (Desert Fox did not). The US are likely to oppose any idea of a fresh mandate. On the other side, the weight of legal advice here is that a fresh mandate may well be required. There is no doubt that a new UNSCR would transform the climate in the PLP. Whilst that (anew mandate) is very unlikely, given the US's position, a draft resolution against military action with 13 in favour (or handsitting) and two vetoes against could play very badly here.
10 A legal justification is a necessary but far from sufficient pre"condition for military action. We have also to answer the big question - what will this action achieve? There seems to be a larger hole in this than on anything. Most of the assessments from the US have assumed regime change as a means of eliminating Iraq's WMD threat. But none has satisfactorily answered how that regime change is to be secured, and how there can be any certainty that the replacement regime will be better.
11 Iraq has had NO history of democracy so no-one has this habit or experience.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office
25 March 2002

Peter Ricketts Letter

Text of the Peter Ricketts Letter - March 22, 2002 memo from Peter Ricketts (Political Director, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office) to Jack Straw (UK Foreign Secretary) providing Ricketts’ advice for the Prime Minister on issues of the threat posed by Iraq, connections to al Qaida, post-war considerations and working with the UN.
Confidential and Personal PR.121
From: P F Ricketts, Political Director
Date: 22 March 2002
Secretary of State
IRAQ: Advice for the Prime Minister
1 You invited thoughts for your personal note to the Prime Minister covering the official advice (we have put up a draft minute separately). Here are mine.
2 By sharing Bush's broad objective" the Prime Minister can help shape how it is defined, and the approach to achieving it. In the process, he can bring home to Bush home of the realities which will be less evident from Washington. He can help Bush make good decisions by telling him things his own machine probably isn't.
3 By broad support for the objective brings two real problems which need discussing.
4 First, the THREAT. The truth is that what has changed is not the pace of Saddam Hussein's WMD programmes, but our tolerance of them post-11 September. This is not something we need to be defensive about, but attempts to claim otherwise publicly will increase scepticism about our case. I am relieved that you decided to postpone publication of the unclassified document. My meeting yesterday showed that there is more work to do to ensuer that the figures are accurate and consistent with those of the US. But even the best survey of Iraq's WMD programmes will not show much advance in recent years ont he nuclear, missile or CW/BW fronts: the programmes are extremely worrying but have not, as far as we know", been stepped up.
5 US scrambling to establish a link between Iraq and Al Aaida is so far frankly unconvincing. To get public and Parliamentary support for military operations, we have to be convincing that:
- the threat is so serious/imminent that it is worth sending our troops to die for;
- it is qualitatively different from the threat posed by other proliferators who are closer to achieving nuclear capability (including Iran).
We can make the case on qualitative difference only Iraq has attacked a neighbour' used CW and fired missiles against Israel). The overall strategy needs to include re-doubled efforts to tackle other proliferators, including Iran, in other ways (the UK/French ideas on greater IAEA activity are helpful here). But we are still left with a problem of bringing public opinion to accept the imminence of a threat from Iraq. This is something the Prime Minister and President need to have a frank discussion about.
6 The second problem is the END STATE. Military operations need clear and compelling military objectives. For Kosovo" it was: Serba out, Kosovars back" peace-keepers in. For Afghanistan, destroying the Taleban and Al Qaida military capability. For Iraq, "regime change: does not stack up. It sounds like a grudge between Bush and Saddam. Much better, as you have suggested, to make the objective ending the threat to the international community from Iraqi WMD before Saddam uses it or gives it to the terrorists. This is at once easier to justify in terms of international law" but also more demanding. Regime change which produced another Sunni General still in charge of an active Iraqi WMD programmme would be a bad outcome (not least because it would be almost impossible to maintain UN sanctions on a new leader who came in promising a fresh start). As with the fight against UBL, Bush would do well to de"personalise the objective" focus on elimination of WMD, and show that he is serious about UN Inspectors as the first choice means of achieving that (it is win/win for him: either Saddam against all the odds allows Inspectors to operate freelyk" in which case we can further hobble his WMD programmes, or he blocks/hinders, and we are on stronger ground for switching to other methods),
7 Defining the end state in this way, and working through the UN, will of course also help maintain a degree of support among the Europeans, and therefore fits with another major message which the Prime Minister will watn to get across: the importance of positioning Iraq as a problem for the inernational community as a whole" not just for the US.

Christopher Meyer Letter

Text of the Christopher Meyer Letter - March 18, 2002 memo from Christopher Meyer (UK ambassador to the US) to David Manning (UK Foreign Policy Advisor) recounting Meyer’s meeting with Paul Wolfowitz (US Deputy Secretary of Defense).
British Embassy Washington
From the Ambassador
Christopher Meyer KCMG
18 March 2002
Sir David Manning KCMG
No 10 Downing Street
1. Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, came to Sunday lunch on 17 March.
2. On Iraq I opened by sticking very closely to the script that you used the Condi Rice last week. We backed regime change, but the plan had to be clever and failure was not an option. It would be a tough sell for us domestically, and probably tougher elsewhere in Europe. The US could go it alone if it wanted to. But if it wanted to act with partners, there had to be a strategy for building support for military action against Saddam. I then went through the need to wrongnfoot Saddam on the inspectors and the UN SCRs and the critical importance of the MEPP as an integral part of the anti-Saddam strategy. If all this could be accomplished skilfully (sic), we were fairly confident that a number of countries would come on board.
3. I said that the UK was giving serious through to publishing a paper that would make the case against Saddam. If the UK were to join with the US in any operation against Saddam, we would have to be able to take a critical mass of parliamentary and public opinion with us. It was extraordinary how people had forgotten ho bad he was.
4. Wolfowitz said that he fully agreed. He took a slightly different position from others in the Administration, who were forcussed (sic) on Saddam’s capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction. The WMD danger was of course crucial to the public ase against Saddam, particularly the potential linkage to terrorism. But Wolfowitz thought it indispensable to spell out in detail Saddam’s barbarism. This was well documented from what he had done during the occupation of Kuwait, the incursion into Kurdish territory, the assault on the Marsh Arabs, and to hiw (sic) own people. A lot of work had been done on this towards the end of the first Bush administration. Wolfowitz thought that this would go a long way to destroying any notion of moral equivalence between Iraq and Israel. I said that I had been forcefully struck, when addressing university audiences in the US, how ready students were to gloss over Saddam’s crimes and to blame the US and the UK for the suffering of the Iraqi people.
5. Wolfowitz said that it was absurd to deny the link between terrorism and Saddam. There might be doubt about the alleged meeting in Prague between Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker on 9/11, and Iraqi intelligence (did we, he asked, know anything more about this meeting?). But there were other substantiated cases of Saddam giving comfort to terrorists, including someone involved in the first attack on the World Trade Center (the latest New Yorker apparently has a story about links between Saddam and Al Qaeda operating in Kurdistan).
6. I asked to Wolfowitz’s take on the struggle inside the Administrations between the pro- and anti- INC lobbies (well documented in Sy Hersh’s recent New Yorker piece, which I gave you). He said that he found himself between the two sides (but as the conversation developed, it became clear that Wolfowitz was far more pro-INC than not). He said that he was strongly opposed to what some were advocating: a coalition including all outside the factions except the INC (INA, KDP, PUK, SCRI) . This would not work. Hostility towards the INC was in reality hostility toward Chalabi. It was true that Chalabi was not the easiest person to work with. Bute (sic) had a good record in bringing high-grade defectors out of Iraq. The CIA stubbornly refused to recognize this. They unreasonably denigrated the INC because of their fixation with Chalabi. When I mentioned that the INC was penetraded (sic) by Iraqi intelligence, Wolfowitz commented that this was probably the case with all the opposition groups: it was something we would have to live with. As to the Kurds, it was true that they were living well (another point to be made in any public dossier on Saddam) and that they feared provoking an incursion by Baghdad. But there were good people among the Kurds, including in particular Salih (?) of the PUK. Wolfowitz brushed over my reference to the absence of Sunni in the INC: there was a big difference between Iraqi and Iranian Shia. The former just wanted to be rid of Saddam.
7. Wolfowitz was pretty dismissive of the desirability of a military coup and of the defector generals in the wings. The latter had blood on their hands. The important thing was to try to have Saddam replaced by something like a functioning democracy. Though imperfect, the Kurdish model was not bad. How to achieve this, I asked? Only through a coalition of all the parties was the answer (we did not get into military planning).

David Manning Memo

Text of the David Manning Memo - March 14, 2002 memo from David Manning (UK Foreign Policy Advisor) to Tony Blair recounting Manning’s meetings with his US counterpart Condoleeza Rice (National Security Advisor), and advising Blair for his upcoming visit to Bush’s Crawford ranch.
DATE: 14 MARCH 2002
I had dinner with Condi on Tuesday; and talks and lunch with her an NSC team on Wednesday (to which Christopher Meyer also came). These were good exchanges, and particularly frank when we were one-on-one at dinner. I attach the records in case you want to glance.
We spent a long time at dinner on IRAQ. It is clear that Bush is grateful for your support and has registered that you are getting flak. I said that you would not budge in your support for regime change but you had to manage a press, a Parliament and a public opinion that was very different than anything in the States. And you would not budge either in your insistence that, if we pursued regime change, it must be very carefully done and produce the right result. Failure was not an option.
Condi’s enthusiasm for regime change is undimmed. But there were some signs, since we last spoke, of greater awareness of the practical difficulties and political risks. (See the attached piece by Seymour Hersh which Christopher Meyer says gives a pretty accurate picture of the uncertain state of the debate in Washington.)
From what she said, Bush has yet to find the answers to the big questions:
- how to persuade international opinion that military action against Iraq is necessary and justified;
- what value to put on the exiled Iraqi opposition;
- how to coordinate a US/allied military campaign with internal opposition (assuming there is any);
- what happens on the morning after?
Bush will want to pick your brains. He will also want to hear whether he can expect coalition support. I told Condi that we realiised that the Administration could go it alone if it chose. But if it wanted company, it would have to take account of the concerns of its potential coalition partners. In particular:
- the Un [sic] dimension. The issue of the weapons inspectors must be handled in a way that would persuade European and wider opinion that the US was conscious of the international framework, and the insistence of many countries on the need for a legal base. Renwed refused [sic] by Saddam to accept unfettered inspections would be a powerful argument’
- the paramount importance of tackling Israel/Palestine. Unless we did, we could find ourselves bombing Iraq and losing the Gulf.
No doubt we need to keep a sense of perspective. But my talks with Condi convinced me that Bush wants to hear you [sic] views on Iraq before taking decisions. He also wants your support. He is still smarting from the comments by other European leaders on his Iraq policy.
This gives you real influence: on the public relations strategy; on the UN and weapons inspections; and on US planning for any military campaign. This could be critically important. I think there is a real risk that the Administration underestimates the difficulties. They may agree that failure isn’t an option, but this does not mean that they will avoid it.
Will the Sunni majority really respond to an uprising led by Kurds and Shias? Will Americans really put in enough ground troops to do the job if the Kurdish/Shi’ite stratagem fails? Even if they do will they be willing to take the sort of casualties that the Republican Guard may inflict on them if it turns out to be an urban war, and Iraqi troops don’t conveniently collapse in a heap as Richard Perle and others confidently predict? They need to answer there and other tough questions, in a more convincing way than they have so far before concluding that they can do the business.
The talks at the ranch will also give you the chance to push Bush on the Middle East. The Iraq factor means that there may never be a better opportunity to get this Administration to give sustained attention to reviving the MEPP.

Legal Background Paper


Text of the Iraq: Legal Background-March 8, 2002 memo from UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (office of Jack Straw, Foreign Secretary) to Tony Blair advising him on the legality of the use of force against Iraq.
(i) Use of Force: (a) Security Council Resolutions
(b) Self-defence
(c) Humanitarian Intervention
(ii) Security Council Resolutions relevant to the sanctions regime
(iv) Security Council Resolutions relating to UNMOVIC
(i) Use of Force: (a) Security Council Resolutions relevant to the Authorisation of the Use of Force
1. Following its invasion and annexation of Kuwait, the Security Council authorised the use of force against Iraq in resolution 675 (1990); this resolution authorised coalition forces to use all necessary means to force Iraq to withdraw, and to restore international peace and security in the area. This resolution gave a legal basis for Operation Desert Storm, which was brought to an end by the cease-fire set out by the Council in resolution 687 (1991). The conditions for the cease-fire in that resolution (and subsequent resolutions) imposed obligations on Iraq with regard to the elimination of WMD and monitoring of its obligations. Resolution 687 (1991) suspended but did not terminate the authority to use force in resolutions 678 (1990).
2. I the UK’s view a violation of Iraq’s obligations which undermines the basis of the cease-fire in resolution 687 (1991) can revive the authorisation to use force in resolutions 678 (1990). As the cease-fire was proclaimed by the Council in resolution 687 (1991), it is for the Council to assess whether any such breach of those obligations has occurred. The US have a rather different view: they maintain that the assessment if breach is for individual member States. We are not aware of any other State which supports this view.
3. The authorisation to use force contained in resolution 678 (1990) has been revived in this way on certain occasions. For example, when Iraq refused to cooperate with the UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) in 1997/8, a series of SCRs condemned the decision as unacceptable. In resolution 1205 (1998) the Council condemned Iraq’s decision to end all cooperation with UNSCOM as a flagrant violation of Iraq’s obligations under resolution 687 (1991), and restated that the effective operation of UNSCOM was essential for the implementation of that Resolution. In our view these resolutions had the effect of causing the authorisation to use force in resolutions 678 (1991) to revive, which provided a legal basis for Operation Desert Fox. In a letter to the President of the Security Council in 1998 we stated that the objective of that operation was to seek compliance by Iraq with the obligations laid down by the Council that theoperation was undertaken only when it became apparent that there was no other way of achieving compliance by Iraq, and that the action was limited to what was necessary to secure this objective.
4. The more difficult issue is whether we are still able to rely on the same legal base for the use of force more than three years after the adoption of resolution 1205 (1998). Military action in 1998 (and on previous occasions) followed on from specific decisions of the Council; there has now not been any significant decision by the Council since 1998. Our interpretation of resolutions 1205 was controversial anyway; many of our partners did not think the legal basis was sufficient as the authority to use force was no explicit. Reliance on it now would be unlikely to receive any support.
5. The conditions that have to be met for the exercise of the right of self-defence are well known:
i) There must be an armed attach upon a State or such an attack must be imminent;
ii) The use of force must be necessary and other means to reverse/avert the attack must be unavailable;
iii) The acts in self-defence must be proportionate and strictly confined to the object of stopping the attack.
The right of self-defence may only be exercise until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to ensure international peace and security and anythign [sic] done in exercise fo [sic] the right of self-defence must be immediately reported to the Council.
6. for the exercise of the right of self-defence there must be more than “a threat

Iraq Options Paper

Text of the Iraq Options paper - March 8, 2002 Memo from Overseas and Defence Secretariat
Since 1991, our objective has been to re-integrate a law-abiding Iraq which does not possess WMD or threaten its neighbors, into the international community. Implicitly, this cannot occur with Saddam Hussein in power. As at least worst opinion, we have supported a policy of containment which has been partially successful. However:
* Despite sanctions, Iraq continues to develop WMD,. although our intelligence is poor. Saddam has used WMD in the past and could do so again if his regime were threatened, though there is no greater threat now than in recent years that Saddam will use WMD; and
* Saddam’s brutal regime remains in power and destablises the Arab and wider Islamic world.
We have two options. We could toughen the existing containment policy. This would increase the pressure on Saddanm [sic]. It would not reintegrate Iraq into the international community.
The US administration has lot faith in containment and is now considering regime change. The end states could either be a Sunni strongman or a representative government.
Tre [sic] three options for achieving regime change are:
* covert support to opposition groups to mount an uprising/coup;
* air support for opposition groups to mount an uprising/coup; and
* a full-scale ground campaign.
These are not mutually exclusive. Options 1 and/or 2 would be natural precursors to Option3 [sic]. the greater investment of Western forces, the greater our control over Iraq’s future, but the greater the cost and the longer we woul [sic] need to stay. the only certain means to remove Saddam and his elite is to invade and impose a new government. But this could involve nation building over many years. Even a representative government could seek to acquire WMD and build-up its conventional forces, so long a Iran and Israel retain their WMD and conventional armouries and there was no acceptable solution to Palestinian grievances.
A legal justification for invasion would be needed. Subject to Law Officers advice, non currently exists. This makes moving quickly to invade legally very difficult. We should therefore consider a staged approach, establishing international support, building up pressure on Saddam and developing military plans. There is a lead time of about 6 months to a ground offensive.
1 Within our objectives of preserving peace and stability in the Gulf and ensuring energy security, our current objectives towards Iraq are:
* the reintegration of a law-abiding Iraq which does not possess WMD or threaten its neighbours, into the international community. Implicitly this cannot occur with Saddam in power; and
* hence, as the least worst option, we have supported containment of Iraq, by constraining Saddam’s ability to re-arm or build up WMD and to threaten his neighbours.
2 Subsidiary objectives are:
* Preserving the territorial integrity of Iraq;
* improving the humanitarian situation of the Iraqi people;
* protecting the Kurds in Northern Iraq;
*sustaining UK/UK co-operation, including, if necessary by moderating US policy; and
* maintaining the credibility and authority of the Security Council.
3 Since 1991, the policy of containment has been partially successful;
* Sanctions have effectively frozen Iraq’s nuclear programme;
* Iraq has been prevented from rebuilding its conventional arsenal to pre-Gulf War levels;
* ballistic missile programmes have been severely restricted;
Biological weapons (BW) and Chemical Weapons (CW) programmes have been hindered;
* No Fly Zones established over northern and southern Iraq have given some protection to the Kurds and the Shia. Although subject to continuing political pressure, the Kurds remain autonomous; and
* Saddam has not succeeded in seriously threatening his neighbours.
4 However:
* Iraq continues to develop weapons of mass destruction, although our intelligence is poor. Iraq has up to 20 650km-range missiles left over from the Gulf War. These are capable of hitting Israel and the Gulf states. Design work for other ballistic missiles over the UN limit os 150km continues. Iraq continues with the BW and CW programmed and, if it has not already done so could produce significant quantities of BW agents within days and CW agent within weeks of a decision to do so. We believe it could deliver CBW by a variety of means, including is ballistic missile warheads. There are also some indications of a continuing nuclear programme. Saddam has used WMD in the past and could do so again if his regime were threatened.
* Saddam leads a brutal regime, which impoverishes his people. While in power Saddam is a rallying point for anti-Western sentiment in the Arab and wider Islamic world, and as such a cause of instability; and
* despite UN controls over Iraq’s oil revenue under Oil for Food, there is considerable oil and other smuggling.
5 In this context, and against the background of our desire to re-integrate a law-abiding Iraq into the international community, we examine the two following policy options:
* a toughening of the existing containment policy, facilitate by 11 September; and
* regime change by military means: a new departure which would require the construction of a coalition and a legal justification.
6 This would consist of the following elements:
* full implementation of all relevant UNSCRs, particularly 687 (1991) and 1284 (1999). We should ensure that the Good Review List (GRL) is introduced in May and that Russian holds to its promise not to block. The signs are positive but continuing pressure is needed. (The GRL focuses sanctions exclusively on preventing shipments of WMD-related and other arms, while allowing other business without scrutiny. As such, it will greatly facilitate legitimate Iraqi commerce under Oil for Food.);
* encourage the US not to block discussions to clarify the modalities of Resolution 1284 once Russian agreement to the GRL has been secured. We should take a hard-line on each area for clarification - the purpose of clarification is not to lower the bar on Iraqi compliance; but
* P5 and Security Council unity would facilitate a specific demand that Iraq re-admit the UN inspectors. Our aim would be to tell Saddam to admit inspectors or face the risk of military action.
* push for tougher action (especially by the US) against states breaking sanctions. This should not discriminate between allies (Turkey), friends (UAE) and others (especially Syria). It would put real pressure on Saddam either to submit to meaningful inspections or to lash out;
* maintain our present military posture, including in the NFZs, and be prepared to respond robustly to any Iraqi adventurism; and
* continue to make clear (without overtly espousing regime change) our view that Iraq would be better off without Saddam. We could trail the rosy future for Iraq without him in a ‘Con tract with the Iraqi People’, although to be at all credible, this would need some detailed work.
7 What could it achieve:
* There will be greater pressure on Saddam. The GRL will make sanctions more attractive to at least some of their detractors. Improving implementation of sanctions would reduce the regime’s illicit revenues; and
* the return of UN weapons inspectors would allow greater scrutiny of Iraqi programmes and of Iraqi forces in general. If they found significant evidence of WMD, were expelled or, in face of an ultimatum, not re-admitted in the first place, then this could provide legal justification for large-scale military action (see below).
8 But:
* Some of the difficulties with the existing policy still apply;
those states in breach of sanctions will want compensation if they are to change ge tack;
* Saddam is only likely to permit the return of inspectors if he believes the threat of large scale US military action is imminent and that such concessions would prevent the US from acting decisively. Playing for time, he would then embark on a renewed policy of non co-operation; and
* although containment has held for the past decade, Iraq has progressively increased it international engagement. Even if the GRL makes sanctions more sustainable the sanctions regime could collapse in the long-term.
9 Tougher containment would not re-integrate Iraq into the international community as it offers little prospect of removing Saddam. He will continue with his WMD programmes, destabilising the ARab and Islamic world, and impoverishing his people. But there is no greater threat no that he will use WMD than there has been in recent years, so continuing containment is an option.
10 The US has lost confidence in containment. Some in government want Saddam removed. The success of Operation Enduring Freedom, distrust of UN sanctions and inspection regimes, and unfinished business from 1991 are all factors. Washington believes the legal basis for an attack on Iraq already exists. Nor will it necessarily be governed by wider political factors. The US may be willing to work with a much smaller coalition than we think desirable.
11 In considering the options for regime change below, we need to first consider what sort of Iraq we want? There are two possibilities:
* A Sunni military strongman. He would be likely to maintain Iraqi territorial integrity. Assistance with reconstruction and political rehabilitation could be traded for assurances on abandoning WMD programmes and respecting human rights, particularly of ethnic minorities. The US and other militaries could withdraw quickly. However, there would then be a strong risk of the Iraqi system reverting to type. Military coup could succeed coup until an autocratic, Sunni dictator emerged who protected Sunni interests. With time he could acquire WMD; or
* a representative broadly democratic government. This would be Sunni-led but within a federal structure, the Kurds would be guaranteed autonomy and the Shia fair access to government. Such a regime would be less likely to develop WMD and threaten its neighbours. However, to survive it would require the US and others to commit to nation building for many years. This wold entail a substantial international security force and help with reconstruction
12 Saddam has a strong grip on power maintained through fear and patronage. The security and intelligence apparatus, including the Republican and Special Republican Guard, who protect the regime to effectively are predominantly drawn from the Arab Sunni minority (2-25 per cent of the population); many from Tikrit like Saddam. They fear non-Sunni rule, which would bring retribution and the end of their privileges. The regime’s success in defeating the 1991 uprising stemmed from senior Sunni officers looking into the abyss of Shia rule and preserving their interests by backing Saddam. In the current circumstances, a military revolt or coup is a remote possibility.
13 Unaided, the Iraqi opposition is incapable of overthrowing the regime. The external opposition is weak, divided and lacks domestic credibility. The predominant group is the Iraqi National Congress (INC), an umbrella organisation led by Ahmad Chalabi, a Shia and convicted fraudster, popular on Capitol Hill. The other major group, the Iraqi National Accord (INA), espouses moderate Arab socialism and is led by another Shia, Ayad Allawi. Neither group has a military capability and both are badly penetrated by Iraqi intelligence. In 1996, a CIA attempt to stir opposition groups ended in wholesale executions. Most Iraqis see the INC/INA as Western stooges.
14 The internal opposition is small and fractured on ethnic and sectarian grounds. There is no effective Sunni Arab opposition. There are 3-4m in northern Iraq. Most live in Kurdish Autonomous Zone, established in 1991. The Kurds deploy at least 40,000 lightly armed militia but are divided between two main parties, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). These groups have an interest in preserving the status quo and are more interested in seeking advantage over the other than allying against Saddam. Divide and rule is easy; in 196 the KDP assisted the Iraqi Army’s expulsion of the PUK and Iraqi opposition groups from Irbil.
15 The Kurds do not co-operate with the Shia Arabs who form 60 per cent of the population. The main Shia opposition group is the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), with 3-5,000 fighters, but it is tainted by Iranian support. Most Shia would like to have a greater say in Iraqi government, but not necessarily control: they do no want secession, Islamic autonomy or Iranian influence.
16 Iraq’s neighbours have a direct interest in the country’s affairs. Iran and Turkey, in particular, are wary of US influence and oppose some opposition groups. Turkey, conscious of its own restive Kurdish minority, will do anything to prevent the establishment of a independent Kurdish state in northern Iraq, including intervention. Iran, also with a Kurdish minority, would also oppose a Kurdish state and is keen to protect the rights of its co-religionists in the south (see FCO paper on P5, European and regional view of possible military action against Iraq, attached.)
17 We have looked at three options for achieving regime change (we dismissed assassination of Saddam Hussein as an option because it would be illegal):
18 The aim would be to bring down the regime byinternal [sic] revolt, aided by the defection or at least acquiescence of large sections of the Army. A group of Sunni generals probably from within the Republican Guard, might depose Saddam if they decided the alternative was defeat. This option could be pursued by providing covert intelligence, large scale financial and Special Forces support to opposition groups. The Kurds would be persuaded to unite and attack into northern Iraq, tying down some Iraqi forces. Simultaneously, in a greater threat to the regime, the Shia would rise up in the southern cities, and in Baghdad.
19 This option also has a very low prospect of success on its own. The external opposition is no strong enough to overthrow Saddam and would be rejected by most Iraqis as a replacement government. The Kurds could only mount a very limited offensive in the north. Mass uprisings in the south would be unlikely. The US failure to support the 1991 uprising remains vivid. The Republican Guard would move against any opposition and any wavering regular Army units. There would also be a high risk of US/coalition forces being captured. The remaining elements of opposition could be eliminated, buttressing Saddam and his reputation as Arab folk hero. On the other hand, this option has never been pursued in a concerted, single-minded way before and should not be dismissed, at least as a possible precursor to Options 2 and 3.
20 The aim would be to assist an internal revolt by providing strategic and tactical air support for opposition groups to move against the regime. Such support would disable Saddam’s military and security apparatus. Suspected WMD facilities would also be targeted. Substantial numbers of aircraft and munitions would need to be built up in threatre over a period of months. Any campaign would take several weeks at least probably several months. Pressure on the regime could be increased by massing ground and naval forces and threatening a land invasion.
21 This option has no guarantee of success. The build up of pressure might persuade other Sunnis to overthrow Saddam and his family, but there is no guarantee that another Sunni autocrat would be better. Comparisons with Afghanistan are misleading. Saddam’s military and security apparatus is considerable more potent and cohesive. We are not aware of any Karzai figure able to command respect inside and outside Iraq. Arab states would only back the plan if they were sure Saddam would be deposed. At least the co-operation of Kuwait would be needed for the necessary military build-up. The Arab street would oppose an air attack against Iraq, but visibility of a popular uprising could calm Arab public opinion.
22 The aim would be to launch a full-scale ground offensive to destroy Saddam]s [sic] military machine and remove him from power. A pro-Western regime would be installed which would destroy Iraq’s WMD capability, make peace with Iraq’s neighbours and give rights to all Iraqis, including ethnic minorities. As in the Gulf War, this would need to be preceded by a major air-offensive to soften up defences.
23 US contingency planning prior to 11 September indicated that such a ground campaign would require 200-400,000 troops. The numbers would be roughly half those of 1991 because Iraqi forces are now considerably weaker. Any invasion force would need to pose a credible threat to Baghdad in order to persuade members of the Sunni military elite that their survival was better served by deserting to the coalition than staying loyal to Saddam. Sufficient air assets would need three months and ground forces at least four-five months to assemble so on logistical grounds a ground campaign is not feasible until autumn 2002. The optimal times to start action are early spring.
24 From a purely military perspective it would be very difficult to launch an invasion from Kuwait alone. Carrier-based aircraft would not be enough because of the need for land-based air-to-air refuelling. T be confident of success, bases either in Jordan or in Saudi Arabia would be required. However, a wider and durable international coalition would be advantageous for both military and political reasons. Securing moderate Arab support would be greatly assisted by the promise of a quick and decisive campaign, and credible action by the US to address the MEPP.
25 The risks include US and others military casualties. Any coalition would need much tending over the difficult months of preparation for an actual invasion. Iran, fearing further US encirclement and that it will be invaded next will be prickly but is likely to remain neutral. With his regime in danger, Saddam could use WMD, either before or during an invasion. Saddam could also target Israel as he did during the Gulf War. Restraining Israel will be difficult. it would try to pre-empt a WMD attack and has certainly made clear that it would retaliate. Direct Israeli military involvement in Iraq would great complicate coalition management and risk spreading conflict more widely.
26 None of the above options is mutually exclusive. Options 1 and/or 2 would be natural precursors to Option 3. All options had lead times. If an invasion is contemplated this autumn, then a decision will need to be taken in principle six months in advance. The greater investment of Western forces, the greater our control over Iraq’s future, but the greater the cost and the longer we would need to stay. Option 3 comes closest to guaranteeing regime change. At this stage we need to wait to see which option or combination of options may be favoured by the US government.
27 But it should be noted that even a representative government could seek to acquire WMD and build-up its conventional forces, so long as Iran and Israel retain their WMD and conventional armouries.
28 A full opinion should be sought from the Law Officers if the above options are developed further. But in summary CONTAINMENT generally involves the implementation of existing UNSCRs and has a firm legal foundation. Of itself, REGIME CHANGE has no basis in international law. A separate note by FCO Legal Advisors setting out the general legal background and the obligations in the relevant UN Resolutions is attached.
29 In the judgement of the JIC there is no recent evidence of Iraq complicity with international terrorism. There is therefore no justification for action against Iraq based on action in self-defence (Article 51) to combat imminent threats of terrorism as in Afghanistan. However, Article 51 would come into play if Iraq were about to attack a neighbour.
30 Currently, offensive military action against Iraq can only be justified if Iraq is held to be in breach of the Gulf War ceasefire resolution, 687. 687 imposed obligations on Iraq with regard to the elimination of WMD and monitoring these obligations. But 687 never terminated the authority to use force mandated in UNSCR 678 (1990). Thus a violation of 687 can revive the [sic] authorisation to use force in 678.
31 As the ceasefire was proclaimed by the Security Council in 687, it is for the Council to decide whether a breach of obligations has occurred. There is a precedent, UNSCR 1205 (1998), passed after the expulsion of the UN inspectors, stated that in doing so Iraq had acted in flagrant violation of its obligations under 687. In our view, this revived the authority for the use of force under 678 and underpin ned Operation Dessert Fox. In contrast to general legal opinion, the US assets the right of individual Member States to determine whether Iraq has breached 687, regardless of whether the Council has reached this assessment.
32 For the P5 and the majority of the Council to take the view that Iraq was in breach of 687:
* they would need to be convinced that Iraq was in breach of its obligations regarding WMD, and ballistic missiles. Such proof would need to be incontrovertible and of large-scale activity. Current intelligence is insufficiently robus [sic] to meet this criterion. Even with overriding proof China, France and Russia, in particular, would need considerable lobbying to approve or acquiesce ina new resolution authorising military action against Iraq. Concessions in other policy areas might be needed. However, many Western states, at lest, would not wish to oppose the US on such a major issue; or
* if P5 unity could be obtained, Iraq refused to readmit UN inspectors after a clear ultimatum by the UN Security Council; or
* the UN inspectors were re-admitted to Iraq and found sufficient evidence of WMD activity or were again expelled trying to do so.
33 In sum, despite the considerable difficulties, the use of overridng force in a ground campaign is the only option that we can be confident will remove Saddam and bring Iraq back into the international community.
34 To launch such a campaign would require a staged approach:
* winding up the pressure: increasing the pressure on Saddam through tougher containment. Stricter implementation of sanctions and a military build-up will frighten his regime. A refusal to admit N inspectors, or their admission and subsequent likely frustration, which resulted in an appropriate finding by the Security Council could provide the justification for military action. Saddam would try to prevent this, although he has miscalculated beofre [sic];
* careful planning: detailed military planning on the various invasion and basing options, and when appropriate force deployment;
* coalition building: diplomatic work to establish an international coalition to provide the broadest political and military support to a ground campaign. This will need to focus on China, France and particularly Russia who have the ability to block action in the UN Security Council and on the other Europeans. Special attention will need to be paid to moderate Arab states and to Iran;
* incentives: as an incentive guarantees will need to be made with regard to Iraqi territorial integrity. Plans should be worked up in advance of the great benefits the international community could provide for a post-Saddam Iraq and its people. These should be published.
* tackling other regional issues: an effort to engage the US in a serious effort to re-energise the MEPP would greatly assist coalition building; and
*sensitising the public: a media campaign to warm of the dangers that Saddam poses and to prepare public opinion both in the UK and abroad.
35 The US should be encouraged to consult widely on its plans.