Thursday, January 28, 2010

Republicans Are In Trouble, with their backs against the wall

Republicans are in trouble with their backs against the wall

Sean Lewis
January 28. 2010

The man behind the curtain has been exposed
and America does not like what it sees.

The Republican party is the cause of America's problems.

President Obama has shown the American people how
the Republican party is obstructing progress in a time of emergency.

Typically the Minority party out of power is about making
sure the minority position has a seat at the table and'
is heard.

This however this does not mean the minority party prevents
the will of the majority of the people who voted in representatives
of the majority party to carry out the will of the Majority of

This however has been the goal of the Republican party,
the ONLY goal. To prevent any legislation of the majority
party to become law.

This is morally reprehensable when two significant facts are

One the country is in the middle of massive crisis.
Two the Crisis is a direct result of Republican policy.

The very people who created the problem are preventing
others from fixing their mistakes.

Why are the Republicans doing this? For strictly political reasons,
this is about party first, not country.

If the Democrats fix the Republican crisis, the Republicans
will fall even further from favor. This will also prove that
republican policy is the wrong flawed policy for America to follow.

So Republicans have decided the Democrats must fail so that
the Republican party stays viable. So what if the country goes
down in flames in the process.

This is the same short sighted philosophy the Republicans governed
the Country by for 8 years, the result was almost complete
economic collapse.

Add to this that in an attempt to revitalize their party, the GOP
embraced a rabid Tiger by the tail.

A loose coalition of far right fringe movements.
Minute men
2nd ammenders
and anti government militias.

The GOP thought they could tame these fringe elements
the way they tamed the Right to lifers and Religious Right.

The GOP is currently getting a rude awakening, these
groups have no allegiance or loyalty to any politician
who violates even one of their tenants. Worst, to obey ALL
of the Tenants of these Fringers the GOP must abandon their
long standing platforms that kept them acceptable to
Main Stream Moderate America.

The GOP now finds itself with two options.

Abandon the Fringe and pass legislation the majority
of America wants, and as a party no longer be a force
of political power because their old policies will be
proven not to work.

Embrace the Fringe and in affect become everything
America opposes,an intolerant, intractable, radical
xenophobic movement.

As I said in the beginning the Republicans are in trouble
with their backs against the wall.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The victory in Mass, was about overconfidence and misplayed plans.

The victory in Mass, was about overconfidence and misplayed plans.

This was an election about sending a message, it was not an
election that was lost because the other candidate was a better

Yet republicans are claiming this is proof of the coming ground surge
of anti-Obama anti-Democrat revolt.

It is not.

Republicans as a group still have the lowest poll numbers in recent

The country still remembers quite clearly the mess they left after
8 years of rule and 6 years of complete dominance.

The country also knows that it is the Republican Senators who are
obstructing all attempts to remedy the mistakes of the last 8 years.
The Republicans know that their interference is the reason for
Democratic failure, and they are trying to spin to their
base to energize them that the Democrat lost in Mass is
victory for the GOP.

The lost in Mass, was in anger that Democrats even with
a super Majority are still not getting things accomplished.
The super majority was more of a handy cap for the Dems,
than an asset. Instead of legislating strong policy and using
strong political leverage, Democrats tried to please everyone
and pleased no one and got nothing accomplished.

Republicans need to realize that this Democratic lost, is a
wake up call to Democrats.

It is now up to the Democrats, not the Republicans, to lose
the upcoming 2010 elections.

The Democrats need to show strength and the ability to
get things done if they wish to stay in power. The Republicans
have only one option, to continue their agenda of just say no,
one that Democrats need to let the American people understand
is the reason nothing is getting done.

Democrats tried to be diplomatic and attempted bi partisan
legislation, and the Republicans used the moment to
obstruct, diffuse, obfuscate, dilute and vote against all
legislation to get America back on the path to prosperity.

Democrats need to find their backbone and fight against the
internal enemies of this country. The Obstructionist GOP.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Warning Shot across the Democratic Party's Bow, did the Democrats get the message?

A warning shot across the Democratic Party's Bow,
did they get the message?

January 20, 2009
Sean Lewis

Republicans did not win, the Democrats are just finding
ways to lose!

The Democrats have not been forceful enough to
actually enact change!

It was Bush who gave the Financial Industry a blank check
and the Democrats did not change this, so the public blames
the Democrats for the Financial Bailouts that Bush enacted

The Public wanted health Insurance reform by 7 to 10!
The Democrats had a majority in Congress and a super
majority in the Senate. The Democrats allowed the GOP
to control, diffuse, obscure, obfuscate and out right lie
about what the real objective was, saving american lives
that needlessly die each year because insurance costs are out
of reach.

Democrats needed to create jobs, and because they did not
force the financial institutions to use the bail out money to bailout
main street instead of wall street and reap record profits, no funds
were available to blunt the housing malaise or stimulate the
economy. The money was never released to those who needed
it, it was absorbed by the financial institutions and passed
on in exorbitant profits to individuals who if not for the bailout
would not even have jobs!

So these are the reasons for the low poll numbers for the Democratic
party, they did not execute their game plan or the mandate of the American
people that was clearly stated in the 2006 and 2008 elections.

This was a warning shot across the Democratic bow, the choice
is either Democrats get a backbone and fight the fight they should
have fought since January 2009, or the waffle and get swept in the 2010