Thursday, October 27, 2005

Re: Breaking News - Harriet Miers withdraws as Supreme Court nominee. More to...

Another example of political payback for a dirty job well done. Is this the real reason she withdrew?
                MSNBC Breaking News

Harriet Miers withdraws as Supreme Court nominee. More to come... -
Unfit Commander: Texans for Truth Take On George W. Bush
by Glenn W. Smith

Talk about a timely book that was printed a year ago!

The nomination of Harriet Miers, Bush's latest consigliore, is not only a testament to how the Busheviks are organized along the lines of the Mafia, which is to say that Omerta takes precedence over any claim to competence, or in this case even any prior experience as a judge.

What makes this book -- which was a belated counter-attempt to counter the lies of the Rove-orchestrated "Swift Boat Liars" in the last election -- so immediately relevant is that Miers was paid by the Bush campaign when he was Governor of Texas to "look over" his National Guard record for "trouble spots." Some claim that she was even party to "eliminating" troublesome portions of the record. But the biggest accusation was that she used a Texas state position to basically provide "hush money" to a man who could verify that George was given preference for a position in the Texas Air National Guard.

Miers has proven herself a total Bush loyalist and crony. She meets Bush's only requirement in a candidate for any position: complete and uncompromising loyalty to Bush and the ruling Republican junta.

The Democrats keep thinking it is about individual ideological positions. They are missing the point entirely. Bush appoints people whose positions are the ones that Cheney and Rove tell them that their positions should be once they are in office. It's that simple. For the Democrats to start grousing that they need to know "where Miers stands" is downright idiotic. On the issues that count, she'll stand wherever she's told to stand by the Bush politburo. And the issues that count most to Bush are stealing elections, preserving unaccountable profiteering, overthrowing criminal convictions of Busheviks on technicalities, and affirming the Imperial presidency whenever necessary to ensure the long-term consolidation of single-party Republican power.

Of course, Miers performed heroic services to Bush in bailing him out of a checkered career in the Texas Air National Guard, in which he was given a place because of "affirmative action" for sons of congressmen. The person Miers allegedly had "hush money" handed to, Ben Barnes, revealed on "60 Minutes" last year that he had indeed helped young George leapfrog over hundreds of other applicants for the Air National Guard to help him escape serving in Vietnam.

"Unfit Commander" is a title that captures the essence of Bush's incompetence, ethical corruption and cronyism. It provides detail upon detail -- and document upon document -- that disprove the Rove/Hughes/Miers perpetrated myth that Bush served his country well. He was a coward who supported a war, but refused to fight in it, leaving other young men to die on behalf of his gung ho rhetoric. Then he got drugged and liquored up and disappeared from his "gentleman's duty" in the Guard.

He always appears to be AWOL from crises -- from his odd "My Pet Goat" moment and flight away from Washington after 9/11, to his mysterious bike ride when the Capitol and White House were evacuated and no one bothered to tell him, to his guitar strumming tour while New Orleans was drowning. The only thing Bush doesn't appear to be AWOL from are public relations stunts. In fact, that is his presidency as far as his reporting for duty.

As one reader of "Unfit Commander" noted on another website, "During the Vietnam War, John F. Kerry bravely performed his patriotic duty and risked his life in combat. During the same war, George Bush took the cowardly route and went AWOL from the Air National Guard for nearly a year. Glenn W. Smith's eye opening UNFIT COMMANDER provides full documented evidence, including over 250 pages of service records, that exposes the whole, shocking truth about Dumbya's shameful military 'career.' Smith provides a richly detailed introduction and commentary, plus an extensive appendix that puts the sordid tale into proper perspective. Smith even addresses the recent CBS memo 'controversy' and how Republicans used the media to promote that ridiculous sham of a news story in order to divert the populace from the truth about the president's cowardly past. UNFIT COMMANDER is a well-researched and important historical document."

Bush is definitely an "Unfit Commander" as this book proves. That's why Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld are running America -- running it right into the ground.

This is a BuzzFlash special purchase of an out of print book, so we don't know how many copies we will be able to provide our readers

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Miers in middle of Bush
National Guard scandal?

Records of litigation involving Ben Barnes payoff, Texas Lottery Commission scam ordered destroyed

Posted: October 5, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Joseph Farah

© 2005

WASHINGTON – The nomination of Harriet Miers as associate Supreme Court justice may have an unintended consequence for President Bush – renewing questions about the long-forgotten issue of his National Guard service and charges of influence peddling by the man who raised those allegations in a CBS News interview in 2004.

In 1995, the year George W. Bush won the governorship of Texas, Ben Barnes, the former lieutenant governor, who later claimed in a "60 Minutes" interview with CBS' Dan Rather that George H.W. Bush approached him to secure a National Guard appointment for his son, secured a contract for a company called GTECH to run the Texas Lottery, reports WND columnist Jerome Corsi.

Barnes was granted a contract worth about 4 percent of the revenue generated by GTECH – some $3 million a year. But, by 1997, with the company embroiled in controversy over allegations of political kickbacks, payoffs and overcharges, his contract was bought out by the company for $23 million.

Two years later, a former executive director of the Texas Lottery, Lawrence Littwin, filed a lawsuit alleging he lost his job as a result of political influence wielded by GTECH. He alleged in his lawsuit that much of GTECH's clout was the result of the work of Barnes, who affirmed under oath he had helped get the governor into the National Guard and out of military service in Vietnam.

The Littwin lawsuit was settled out of court with a $300,000 payoff – and an unusual agreement that he would destroy all documents produced by the litigation, including any copies of the Barnes deposition.

GTECH moved to settle with Littwin only after its ability to defend itself was damaged when a federal judge ruled that Texas Lottery Commission Chairwoman Harriet Miers did not have to give a deposition in the case, Corsi reports.

While Miers has been credited with cleaning up the scandal in the Texas Lottery, Corsi, the co-author of "Unfit for Command," a book credited with helping re-elect George W. Bush in 2004, characterizes her role in the scandal as "questionable."

Littwin served for only six months as executive director of the Texas Lottery before being fired by the commission headed by Miers. Littwin was hired in 1997 to replace Nora Linares, who was fired amid allegations of questionable business practices, including a charge that GTECH hired her boyfriend, whom she later married, and because she had not objected to GTECH hiring "former state officials as lobbyists with excessive control," people like Ben Barnes.

When Littwin took over, he received a state auditor report highly critical of the Texas Lottery Commission, GTECH and the relationship between the two. Littwin found that the commission, headed by Miers, had not conducted audits of GTECH, as required by Texas state law. He launched an investigation of GTECH, including allegations of unlawful campaign contributions. He ordered that the GTECH contract be out to competitive bid.

Littwin was first ordered by the commission to stop his investigation. Later he was fired. In addition, the commission, headed by Miers, renewed its contract with GTECH, a Rhode Island company, despite receiving lower bids from other companies. The audit of the company was also halted, Corsi found.

Ben Barnes was not heard from again until 2004 when he explained his role in making sure George W. Bush got into the National Guard and avoided Vietnam service. The impact of the CBS story was minimized because of seemingly bogus documents used by Rather to buttress Barnes' story, and the revelation that Barnes served as a major John Kerry fundraiser.

But Corsi, who also played a pivotal role in the 2004 campaign with his book, "Unfit for Command," wonders out loud whether Barnes may have been telling the truth about his involvement in securing Bush a spot in the National Guard.

"The Barnes melodrama got drowned out by the forged document saga, but to this day, nobody has disproved Barnes played the role he said he did," writes Corsi.

He adds: "CBS missed the boat. Dan Rather should never have forged documents. Instead, '60 Minutes' should have focused on GTECH, Ben Barnes and Harriet Miers."

It was Bush who appointed Miers to head the Texas Lottery Commission in 1995. And it was Bush who brought her to Washington to serve as White House counsel. Again, it was Bush who made her his surprise choice for a Supreme Court appointment, despite the fact that she had never served as a judge.

"President Bush says he nominated Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court in large part because she is a close and trusted associate," writes Corsi. "The question is how close and how trusted?"

Corsi cites GTECH's 1997 10-K report, a full-disclosure document public companies are required to file by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

"What GTECH revealed in its 1997 10-K was that the company was under investigation in Texas because of allegations against one its paid consultants, one Ben Barnes, who previously had been lieutenant governor," writes Corsi. "The 1997 GTECH 10-K noted that the company was under investigation in Texas and its contract had been open to competitive bid. GTECH disclosed that the Texas Lottery contract was then the company's largest, accounting for 16 percent of the company's total revenue in fiscal 1997. Losing this contract would materially hurt GTECH's operating income and depress its stock price as a consequence. GTECH ran for cover by terminating Ben Barnes' contract and paying him $23 million to stay quiet."

Barnes had been hired first by GTECH because of his relationship with former Gov. Ann Richards. When Richards was replaced by George W. Bush in 1995, he boasted to the company that he knew the Bush family well. He explained that Bush family friend Sidney Adger approached him in 1968 to ask Barnes to use his influence to make sure George W. Bush was admitted to the Texas Air National Guard.

Linares, the former executive director of the Texas Lottery, was paid $435,000 by GTECH to drop her lawsuit. Her attorneys were paid a reported $290,000, according to Corsi.

"GTECH further dodged a bullet when the Texas Lottery Commission, including Harriet Miers, decided to end the competitive bidding and re-award the contract to GTECH, deciding not to pursue the lower-price competitive bids that were on the table," Corsi reports. "In the period of 1995-1997, the George Bush controversy over the National Guard had not yet surfaced to be vetted. Was there a cover-up going on? That's a reasonable question given what we've uncovered so far."

He adds: "Who was at the center of what may be a massive cover-up? Attorney Harriet Miers – President Bush's new, surprise Supreme Court nominee – that's who."

If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

+ $1,751,132,130,359 Social Security Trust Fund
$7,805,708,317,936 The Gross National Debt

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT



Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Plame leak now leads to Cheney, Is Bush next?

Cheney Told Aide of C.I.A. Officer, Notes Show

WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 - I. Lewis Libby Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, first learned about the C.I.A. officer at the heart of the leak investigation in a conversation with Mr. Cheney weeks before her identity became public in 2003, lawyers involved in the case said Monday.

Notes of the previously undisclosed conversation between Mr. Libby and Mr. Cheney on June 12, 2003, appear to differ from Mr. Libby's testimony to a federal grand jury that he initially learned about the C.I.A. officer, Valerie Wilson, from journalists, the lawyers said.

The notes, taken by Mr. Libby during the conversation, for the first time place Mr. Cheney in the middle of an effort by the White House to learn about Ms. Wilson's husband, Joseph C. Wilson IV, who was questioning the administration's handling of intelligence about Iraq's nuclear program to justify the war.

Lawyers involved in the case, who described the notes to The New York Times, said they showed that Mr. Cheney knew that Ms. Wilson worked at the C.I.A. more than a month before her identity was made public and her undercover status was disclosed in a syndicated column by Robert D. Novak on July 14, 2003.

Mr. Libby's notes indicate that Mr. Cheney had gotten his information about Ms. Wilson from George J. Tenet, the director of central intelligence, in response to questions from the vice president about Mr. Wilson. But they contain no suggestion that either Mr. Cheney or Mr. Libby knew at the time of Ms. Wilson's undercover status or that her identity was classified. Disclosing a covert agent's identity can be a crime, but only if the person who discloses it knows the agent's undercover status.

It would not be illegal for either Mr. Cheney or Mr. Libby, both of whom are presumably cleared to know the government's deepest secrets, to discuss a C.I.A. officer or her link to a critic of the administration. But any effort by Mr. Libby to steer investigators away from his conversation with Mr. Cheney could be considered by Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the special counsel in the case, to be an illegal effort to impede the inquiry.

White House officials did not respond to requests for comment, and Mr. Libby's lawyer, Joseph Tate, would not comment on Mr. Libby's legal status. Randall Samborn, a spokesman for Mr. Fitzgerald, declined to comment on the case.

Mr. Fitzgerald is expected to decide whether to bring charges in the case by Friday, when the term of the grand jury expires. Mr. Libby and Karl Rove, President Bush's senior adviser, both face the possibility of indictment, lawyers involved in the case have said. It is not publicly known whether other officials also face indictment.

The notes help explain the legal difficulties facing Mr. Libby. Lawyers in the case said Mr. Libby testified to the grand jury that he had first heard from journalists that Ms. Wilson may have had a role in dispatching her husband on a C.I.A.-sponsored mission to Africa in 2002 in search of evidence that Iraq had acquired nuclear material there for its weapons program.

But the notes, now in Mr. Fitzgerald's possession, also indicate that Mr. Libby first heard about Ms. Wilson - who is also known by her maiden name, Valerie Plame - from Mr. Cheney. That apparent discrepancy in his testimony suggests why prosecutors are weighing false statement charges against him in what they interpret as an effort by Mr. Libby to protect Mr. Cheney from scrutiny, the lawyers said.

It is not clear why Mr. Libby would have suggested to the grand jury that he might have learned about Ms. Wilson from journalists if he was aware that Mr. Fitzgerald had obtained the notes of the conversation with Mr. Cheney or might do so. At the beginning of the investigation, Mr. Bush pledged the White House's full cooperation and instructed aides to provide Mr. Fitzgerald with any information he sought.

The notes do not show that Mr. Cheney knew the name of Mr. Wilson's wife. But they do show that Mr. Cheney did know and told Mr. Libby that Ms. Wilson was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency and that she may have helped arrange her husband's trip.

Some lawyers in the case have said Mr. Fitzgerald may face obstacles in bringing a false-statement charge against Mr. Libby. They said it could be difficult to prove that he intentionally sought to mislead the grand jury.

Lawyers involved in the case said they had no indication that Mr. Fitzgerald was considering charging Mr. Cheney with wrongdoing. Mr. Cheney was interviewed under oath by Mr. Fitzgerald last year. It is not known what the vice president told Mr. Fitzgerald about the conversation with Mr. Libby or when Mr. Fitzgerald first learned of it.

But the evidence of Mr. Cheney's direct involvement in the effort to learn more about Mr. Wilson is sure to intensify the political pressure on the White House in a week of high anxiety among Republicans about the potential for the case to deal a sharp blow to Mr. Bush's presidency.

Mr. Tenet was not available for comment Monday night. But another former senior intelligence official said Mr. Tenet had been interviewed by the special prosecutor and his staff in early 2004, and never appeared before the grand jury. Mr. Tenet has not talked since then to the prosecutors, the former official said.

The former official said he strongly doubted that the White House learned about Ms. Wilson from Mr. Tenet.

On Monday, Mr. Rove and Mr. Libby both attended a cabinet meeting with Mr. Bush as the White House continued trying to portray business as usual. But the assumption among White House officials is that anyone who is indicted will step aside.

On June 12, 2003, the day of the conversation between Mr. Cheney and Mr. Libby, The Washington Post published a front-page article reporting that the C.I.A. had sent a retired American diplomat to Niger in February 2002 to investigate claims that Iraq had been seeking to buy uranium there. The article did not name the diplomat, who turned out to be Mr. Wilson, but it reported that his mission had not corroborated a claim about Iraq's pursuit of nuclear material that the White House had subsequently used in Mr. Bush's 2003 State of the Union address.

An earlier anonymous reference to Mr. Wilson and his mission to Africa had appeared in a column by Nicholas D. Kristof in The New York Times on May 6, 2003. Mr. Wilson went public with his conclusion that the White House had "twisted" the intelligence about Iraq's pursuit of nuclear material on July 6, 2003, in an Op-Ed article in The New York Times.

The note written by Mr. Libby will be a crucial piece of evidence in a false-statement case against him if Mr. Fitzgerald decides to pursue it, lawyers in the case said. It also explains why Mr. Fitzgerald waged a long legal battle to obtain the testimony of reporters who were known to have talked to Mr. Libby.

The reporters involved have said that they did not supply Mr. Libby with details about Mr. Wilson and his wife. Matthew Cooper of Time magazine, in his account of a deposition on the subject, wrote that he asked Mr. Libby whether he had even heard that Ms. Wilson had a role in sending her husband to Africa. Mr. Cooper said that Mr. Libby did not use Ms. Wilson's name but replied, "Yeah, I've heard that too."

In her testimony to the grand jury, Judith Miller, a reporter for The New York Times, said Mr. Libby sought from the start of her three conversations with him to "insulate his boss from Mr. Wilson's charges."

Mr. Fitzgerald asked questions about Mr. Cheney, Ms. Miller said. "He asked, for example, if Mr. Libby ever indicated whether Mr. Cheney had approved of his interview with me or was aware of them," Ms. Miller said. "The answer was no."

In addition to Mr. Cooper and Ms. Miller, Mr. Fitzgerald is known to have interviewed three other journalists who spoke to Mr. Libby during June and July 2003. They were Walter Pincus and Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post and Tim Russert of NBC News.

Mr. Pincus and Mr. Kessler have said that Mr. Libby did not discuss Mr. Wilson's wife with them in their conversations during the period. Mr. Russert, in a statement, declined to say exactly what he discussed with Mr. Libby, but said he first learned the identity of Mr. Wilson's wife in the column by Mr. Novak.

If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

+ $1,751,132,130,359 Social Security Trust Fund
$7,805,708,317,936 The Gross National Debt

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT



Friday, October 21, 2005


Indeed, Coulter's "faith" may be as empty and phony as her self-proclaimed "conservative" beliefs. The presentation points out the recent TIME Magazine profile of Coulter which implies that she is a member of Redeemer Presbyterian, an evangelical Christian church in New York, and yet the ministry at the church never seems to have heard of her!

The Redeemer church, "whose non-political stance is well-known, disavows all hateful and hostile speech," according to Borchers' presentation, had to "Google" her name to figure out who she was! Apparently Coulter is not a member of that church at all!

One Of the Ministers was a good friend of mine. He has since moved to Texas. I started going in May of 1998. At the time Redeemer was located mainly at Hunter College with outreach and affiliates being The Village Church, Trinity Presbyterian Church, North Shore Community Church and the City Church of San Francisco. AT NO TIME WAS SHE EVER MENTIONED WHILE I WAS ATTENDING NOR DID I SEE HER, WE WOULD HAVE BEEN GOING AT THE SAME TIME TO THE SAME PLACES OF WORSHIP. WHAT A LYING REPUBLICAN WHORE! TO LIE ABOUT GOING TO CHURCH AND HAVING A BELIF IN GOD YOU SUPPOSEDLY BASE ALL OF YOUR BULL SHIT POLITICAL STANCES ON! THE RADICAL RELIGIOUS RIGHT, BUSH BELIEVERS, USEFUL BUSH IDIOTS, AND ALL BUSH REPUBLICANS SHOULD ALL BE ROUNDED UP AND SENT TO IRAQ TO FIGHT THE INSURGENTS!!!!!!!!!!!

Anti-Coulter Documentary in Production, Release to Coincide with Rightwing Gadfly's Next Book!
ALSO: PowerPoint Presentation Exposing Coulter's Religious Hypocrisy, Opportunism, Flip-Flops Released Exclusively to BRAD BLOG!

While the recent nomination of Hariet Miers for the Supreme Court by George W. Bush may have revealed more than a few cracks in the usually lockstepped Conservative Movement in America, Daniel Borchers has been calling out "fake Conservativism" -- as we refer here at The BRAD BLOG to those who use the tenets of the true Conservative Movement merely for cynical, opportunistic political gain -- for years.

Borchers' organization,
Citizens for Principled Conservatism (CPC) is currently in-production of a documentary named The Truth About Ann which aims squarely at political and religious hypocrisy of Rightwing commentator and author, Ann Coulter.

As well, Borchers has created and released exclusively to
BRAD BLOG, a PowerPoint presentation entitled "The Gospel of Ann".

The presentation, which we've converted into downloadable streaming video, excoriates the controversial Coulter's religious opportunism. It was inspired, according to Borchers, "by Ann Coulter's 'jaw-dropping' expression of faith in God, a faith which otherwise seems so empty in everything Coulter does."

Indeed, Coulter's "faith" may be as empty and phony as her self-proclaimed "conservative" beliefs. The presentation points out the recent TIME Magazine profile of Coulter which implies that she is a member of Redeemer Presbyterian, an evangelical Christian church in New York, and yet the ministry at the church never seems to have heard of her!

The Redeemer church, "whose non-political stance is well-known, disavows all hateful and hostile speech," according to Borchers' presentation, had to "Google" her name to figure out who she was! Apparently Coulter is not a member of that church at all!

The complete "Gospel of Ann" video, along with selected excerpts and screenshots is available at the end of this article.

The Truth About Ann, the documentary DVD currently in-production promises to "expose the extremist nature of Conservatism's preeminent diva and reigning political icon," according to a press release given to
The BRAD BLOG by CPC. The film is said to examine "Coulter’s worldview, and the extremist polemics used to promote it."

"Ann Coulter is mainstreaming extremism within the Conservative Movement," warns Borchers. "Coulter has hijacked a substantial segment of the Conservative Movement and is re-creating it in her image. Her 'New McCarthyism' is poisoning millions of minds."

The explosive "truth" about Coulter revealed in the documentary, according to the release, is that while she may be a "conservative icon," in actuality she is "not really a conservative!"

The Truth About Ann is currently scheduled for release in June of 2006 to coincide with the release of Coulter's next book.

Borchers is a lifelong conservative, and a Vietnam-era veteran with intelligence analyst experience, according to
his bio. In the fall of 2001 he became "disenchanted by the hypocrisy and corruption which invaded the Conservative Movement." That disenchantment led to his founding of CPC after having founded the conservative newsletter Brother Watch back in 1996.

In 2002, while attending a Conservative Political Action Conference, Borchers was stunned when the organizers attempted to confiscate the press kits he was distributing -- with prior permission -- to conference attendees. The materials denounced Coulter's extremism.

His "clarion call for character in the Conservative Movement", as he describes the incident in "The Gospel of Ann", was "inconvenient...because Ann Coulter is their most notorious speaker."

Following the conference, Borchers wrote an essay on Coulter entitled
"Columnist does conservatives a disservice." [PDF] It's posted along with others on, a site he created that "promotes the proposition that Conservatism can only endure as a viable and vibrant movement if it maintains a commitment to the core character traits of honor and integrity, honesty and virtue."

He describes the essay as "calling upon conservatives to seek the higher ground and renounce the hypocritical excesses of Conservatism’s reigning diva." From the essay:

Coulter's greatest fault, however, is not her provocative policy ideas or discriminatory remarks. Ours is a country of free thought and free speech, and Coulter is entitled to her opinions. Coulter's offense is rather that she portrays herself as a Christian conservative, a representative of the views and principles of the Religious Right, and then uses that adopted identity to spread hate and fear, thus stigmatizing all those who embrace Christian conservatism.

His call seems to have fallen on deaf ears, as he regretfully adds in the presentation: "The conscience of the Conservative Movement still sleeps."

We were contacted by Borchers not long after
a recent radio debate we participated in with Coulter (who, for one reason or another, decided to leave half way through the program). He asked if we'd mind being interviewed for his documentary. Always happy to learn that there is yet another intellectually honest conservative left in America -- a vanishing breed, as Borchers is working hard to point out -- we were more than pleased to oblige his request.

In exchange for our interview, completed last weekend, he shared information about the documentary, along with the exclusive look at his PowerPoint presentation with us.

In reviewing the presentation, Borchers wishes he'd gone back still further in exposing Coulter's assertions about Christianity. "From as early as 1998 to the present - that there are no liberal Christians. None According to Coutler, all Chrsitians - that is to say, all true Christians - are conservatives. I guess exit polls from the last election, showing a fairly even split among Christians, don't count," Borchers wrote to us via Email as we finished the conversion of the presentation to video format.

Indeed, exit polls don't count, as regular BRAD BLOG readers know all too well, at least in America. But we digress...

While Borcher's presentation, which asks "Is Ann Coulter a Heroine or a Heretic?" can be somewhat on the dry side, the hypocrisy of the "polemical rants" of Coulter the "hate monger" are priceless and build as the presentation gets rolling.

By way of example of just one of Coulter's rather Anti-Christian hate mongering, here she is from 1999: "If you don't hate Clinton and the people who labored to keep him in office, you don't love your country."

Or this from 2002: "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals by making them realize that they can be killed too."

Or this loving and very Christian chestnut from an appearance on Fox & Friends in 2004 prior to the election:

HOST: [Bush said to Kerry] "You can run, but you can't hide." That's what he said about Osama bin Laden.

COULTER: I hope the results are similar, since Osama is D-E-A-D dead in Tora Bora since December, 2001"

More than a few classic Coulter "flip-flops" are revealed in the presentation as well. In 2000, for example, Coulter denounced the Christian Right for "fascism", the next year vociferously proclaimed there is no Christian Right in America and then finally announced herself a member of the Christian Right the next.

Or decrying the slaughter of innocent civilians on 9/11, followed shortly thereafter with her defense of the "War on Terror" by declaiming: "We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities: we killed civiliians. That's war. And this is war."

Then there is her "flip-flops" concerning her moral pronouncements about sex and Bill Clinton, versus her very own personal sex life which would seem to betray her denouncement of that of others who don't happen to agree with her political point of view.

But it's her use, or rather misuse, of "faith" for apparent political expediency that seems to get under the skin of Borchers. He appropriately winces at Coulter's statement in January of this year: "Oh, it was so much fun this year, because saying 'Merry Christmas' is like saying 'Fuck you!' I've said it to everyone. You know, cab drivers, passing people on the street, whatever."

“Speaking the truth in love is a Christian imperative,” says Borchers, "But both truth and love – core Christian concepts – are foreign to Ann Coulter."

The final credit slide in "The Gospel of Ann" says that the work is "dedicated to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and the One who commands that we should be nice to people (as well as loving them as He loves)." And finally, a special thanks "to Ms. Ann Hart Coulter, whose words and conduct have necessitated" it.


Here is
the entire "Gospel of Ann" presentation, converted to Windows Media Player Video.

Selected excerpts and screenshots from the presentation follow...


NARRATION: Coulter's tenous grasp of Jesus' gospel of forgiveness and love is exposed by her zealous declarations of hatred.

NARRATION: Is there anyone Ann Coulter does not hate?..In her fervent opposition to partial birth abortion, Coulter erupted with her heartfelt desire to kill her fellow New Yorkers.


NARRATION: 9/11 brought out the worst in Ann Coulter. She proclaimed a crusade against pagans and a jihad against liberals. Coulter advocated slaughtering civilians, ethnic cleansing and identity papers.

NARRATION: Immediately after 9/11, Coulter relished the indiscriminant slaughter of innocent civilians. Smiling became a capital crime...But five months before 9/11, Coulter defended the Mai Lai massacre with earily similar language, saying, "Even on the worst version, I think it's a little scurrilous to sit back and attack him. That's why they say, 'War is hell'".

NARRATION: Whom did Coulter target for death? Not the terrorists, but those who cheered and danced. Yes, inappropriate laughter is now a capital offense.


NARRATION: (After saying that the Religious Right doesn't exist)... Coulter herself acknowledges that she is a member of the Christian Right. She just can't seem to make up her mind.

In her essay defending Rush Limbuagh's alleged illegal drug use, Coulter defended hypocrisy using Jesus Christ as her argument

All of a sudden, we should ignore the moral and legal indescretions in prominent conservatives, all because Jesus is the only one who is perfect.

Coulter's typical response to conservative hypocrisy is that either every body does it or that no one is perfect.


NARRATION: Coulter's overzealous defense of The Passion of the Christ was exhibited in two back to back essays.


NARRATION: Just when it seemed there was hope for Ann Coulter, Ann Coulter once again opened her mouth – this time to defame Jesus’ birth.


NARRATION: Oddly enough, the ministry at Redeemer had never even heard of Ann Coulter. She is not a member of their church. Moreover, Redeemer, whose non-political stance is well-known, disavows all hateful and hostile speech.

NARRATION: Nevertheless, Time’s profile implied that Coulter is a member of that church. Was Coulter trying to clothe herself in the righteousness of a church to which she does not belong?


NARRATION: More importantly – from a political and cultural standpoint – is the impact Coulter’s hatred has in the public square and within the Conservative Movement. Consider this dialogue on Fox and Friends, in which Coulter desired the death of a political foe.

NARRATION: None of the hosts evinced surprise at Coulter’s desire for Kerry’s death. Coulter habitually declares death wishes for liberals – and conservatives only chortle with glee. Execution, assassination, carpet-bombing, friendly fire – all means to the end of the eradication of liberalism.

{Special thanks to BRAD BLOG'S not-so-secret weapon, David Edwards in converting "The Gospel of Ann" to downloadable video!}

If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

+ $1,751,132,130,359 Social Security Trust Fund
$7,805,708,317,936 The Gross National Debt

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT

