Monday, November 27, 2006

A self governing Iraq

The road to peace in Iraq is equal representation for all in the Government.
Iraq will be partitioned into three separate but equal states.
Turk, Shia, Sunni.
This is occurring anyway because of the violence. Iraqis are retreating back home to tribal borders or exodus from Iraq entirely.
The three Iraq states will elect one third of the Iraq Congress representatives, each.
The Presidency will be elected by the Congress, not the people.
To get to this point security must first be brought to Iraq.
This will be done by re-instating the draft in the US. It is a simple necessity.
Increase troop strength immediately by 20,000.
Redeploy troops to the Borders of Iran and Syria to SECURE the borders after first making it clear this is not a move prior to invasion.
Encourage the neighboring Middle East countries it is in THEIR best interests for a stable self governing country.
Get troops from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, where ever but they should be the OPEC countries for OBVIOUS reasons. An unstable Iraq threatens the world oil supply.
Then use a mix group to pacify and secure Iraq.
The US Marines go in first to pacify the area, then a mixed group of 1/3 Iraqis, 1/3 OPEC, 1/3 US-coalition maintain security and peace. As the Iraqis step up, the OPEC, US-Coalition steps down.
This process should take two years to complete.
Feed back?
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Re: 72 hours of issue avoiding mud slinging name calling for a few points?!!!

72 hours of issue avoiding mud slinging name calling for a few points?
Carl Rove is pulling out every dirty trick in the book, from name calling, race baiting, phone slamming and out right lying.
All of this and STILL the Democrats will gain control of one if not two of the houses of Congress.
Republicans are desperate. They are scared and for good reason. America doesn't buy their lying game anymore.
You can't keep blaming Clinton and the Democrats when they haven't been in power for years.
You can't keep saying no one knew about 9/11, the Anthrax attacks, Iraq, Bin Laden, Katrina, Schiavo, Abu Gharib, torture, Plame, warrantless wire taps and the open civil war occurring.
No WMD's, No Bin Laden, No help for 3 days for Katrina victims, no real tax cuts to those making under $100,000, not enough troops, not enough armor, no guards for the ammo depots, no exit plan in Iraq, no plan for holding the VICTORY in IRAQ, no ethics, no morality.
America has had enough of the Bush Republicans and their irresponsible Governance!
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group OpenDebateForum
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Would you pay $158 so your kids do not owe $10000? Republicans won't!

So once again a recap, you earn less than $100,000 (88% of the US)
you got a tax cut of $158.61. The 15 million jobs Bush promised
would happen because of the tax cuts, are not occurring. The GDP
has slowed to 1.6%. There is serious talk of a recession. The tax cuts
have caused record debt and record deficits. Your Children now owe
$10,326.09 each to pay back the debt, this number will only grow.
Those making over $100,000 received a tax cut of $4,754.57.
Republicans say that Democrats will raise your taxes.
What American is not willing to pay $158.61, so their Children will
not have to pay $10,326.09? I will tell you. Republicans are not willing.
Stop selling out your children's future, vote Democrat.
If you earned less than $100,000 your share of the tax cut was $158.61 on Average.
If you earned more than $100,000, your share of the tax cut was $4,754.57 on Average.
So if you earn over $100,000 a year, you should vote republican.
If you are earning less than $100,000 a year and vote Republican, you should ask yourself WHY? For $158.61? The increase in gas wiped that out in a week.
If you do not believe me, do the math yourself. Here are my calculations...
I am going to break this down for everyone based on the ADMINISTRATIONS numbers....
In 2003 the Administration said there were 92 million tax payers who on 'average' would receive $1083 each. This does not mean each of the 92 million GOT $1083, it just meant that if you took the entire tax cut and divided it by the number of tax payers it comes to $1083.
The reality is this.
The total tax cut in 2003 was $99,636,000,000.
$87,978,588,000 goes to people making over $100,000 a year.
If you make over $100,000 a year, the 'average' tax cut you received was $4,754.57
18,504,000 received this on average.
The rest of America, the lower middle class and the working poor received what was left. That is $11,657,412,000 to be divided between the remaining 73,496,000 Tax payers.
So if you made less than $100,000 you received on Average a tax cut of $158.61.
So you tell me, who HONESTLY benefited from the Bush Tax cuts?
According to theTax Policy Institute:
45.8% of the benefits from a reduction in capital gains and dividends went to people with incomes over $1 million.  There were 284,000 taxpayers in this income group.  This is .19% of all taxpayers.
An additional 10.8% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $500,000 and $1 million.  There were 593,000 taxpayers in this income group.  This is .40% of all taxpayers.
17.4% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000. There were 3,588,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is 2.46% of all taxpayers.
14.3% of the benefits went to people with incomes of $100,000 to $200,000.  There were 14,039,000 taxpayers in this income group.  
This is 9.66% of all taxpayers.
In other words --
88.3% of the total benefits from Bush tax cuts went to people with incomes over $100,000.  In addition, the total number of taxpayers who got a vast majority of the benefits represent only 12.71% of all taxpayers.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH

If you earned less than $100,000 your share of the tax cut was $158.61.

If you earned less than $100,000 your share of the tax cut was $158.61 on Average.
If you earned more than $100,000, your share of the tax cut was $4,754.57 on Average.
So if you earn over $100,000 a year, you should vote republican.
If you are earning less than $100,000 a year and vote Republican, you should ask yourself WHY? For $158.61? The increase in gas wiped that out in a week.
If you do not believe me, do the math yourself. Here are my calculations...
I am going to break this down for everyone based on the ADMINISTRATIONS numbers....
In 2003 the Administration said there were 92 million tax payers who on 'average' would receive $1083 each. This does not mean each of the 92 million GOT $1083, it just meant that if you took the entire tax cut and divided it by the number of tax payers it comes to $1083.
The reality is this.
The total tax cut in 2003 was $99,636,000,000.
$87,978,588,000 goes to people making over $100,000 a year.
If you make over $100,000 a year, the 'average' tax cut you received was $4,754.57
18,504,000 received this on average.
The rest of America, the lower middle class and the working poor received what was left. That is $11,657,412,000 to be divided between the remaining 73,496,000 Tax payers.
So if you made less than $100,000 you received on Average a tax cut of $158.61.
So you tell me, who HONESTLY benefited from the Bush Tax cuts?
According to theTax Policy Institute:
45.8% of the benefits from a reduction in capital gains and dividends went to people with incomes over $1 million.  There were 284,000 taxpayers in this income group.  This is .19% of all taxpayers.
An additional 10.8% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $500,000 and $1 million.  There were 593,000 taxpayers in this income group.  This is .40% of all taxpayers.
17.4% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000. There were 3,588,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is 2.46% of all taxpayers.
14.3% of the benefits went to people with incomes of $100,000 to $200,000.  There were 14,039,000 taxpayers in this income group.  
This is 9.66% of all taxpayers.
In other words --
88.3% of the total benefits from Bush tax cuts went to people with incomes over $100,000.  In addition, the total number of taxpayers who got a vast majority of the benefits represent only 12.71% of all taxpayers.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group OpenDebateForum
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH