Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bush wants to keep America afraid of it's own shadow!

Iran and Venezuela REALLY are not threats to this country. They are only giving the people of their countries something to keep their minds off the REAL problems that their countries face. (hint hint)
The REAL threat is Al qaida. They have no populations to placate, nor military to keep at bay. Al qaida is not worried about staying in power, or maintaining control of a country. These despots ARE!
Al qaida only has  but one goal, to destroy Western civilization. This is why they ARE THE ONLY REAL THREAT to the US!
Iran ENJOYS the privileges of Western Civilization, so does Venezuela! Try to UNDERSTAND the REALITIES of the International arena. These are just old toothless junk yard dogs. Invading or threatening to invade these countries plays into the hands of our REAL enemies! It gives credence to the manifestos they preach about America being the great evil to Islam!
Bush needs to stop worrying about his political survival, and the Republicans need to stop trying to rally the base to stay in power. In doing this they are missing the truly important issue, the protection of this country against the real enemy. Al qaida.
Al qaida took advantage of the Iraq debacle and now have a killing field for Americans, a training ground for al qaida, and a rich recruiting area for terrorists! Iraq gave rebirth to Al qaida!
It is time for hard unpopular decisions. One that Bush can now make since he now has nothing left to lose. Bring back the draft, fix the mess in Iraq we should never have created. Focus of the real terrorists, Al qaida. Let Israel deal with Iran, they will let us Know when Iran is a REAL threat. They will bomb Iran!
America has taken on the personae of a third world dictatorship. Everyone is against us, and we need to attack before we are attacked. This is the blueprint for every failed administration that has tried to obscure failed domestic policies with aggressive antagonistic Foreign policies.
Yes al qaida attacked the US. Some how we survived the first attack in 1993 and the Anthrax attacks. Life went on. It goes on in other countries that suffered terror attacks. Only in America has it become a wall of worry a President uses to hold on to power. Enough is enough. I am not going to live my life afraid of my own shadow, nor do I want a leader who tries to keep me in constant fear to maintain control.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH

Monday, September 18, 2006

Why Bush is losing the 'War on Terror' in Iraq. IMHO

I am against not only the war in Iraq but also how Bush and Co. tried to fight it on the cheap!
Just like Abu Gharib, amateurs were used for roles that should have been provided by professionals Worst, like Abu Gharib these Idiots Documented their atrocities, but these idiots went one step further and POSTED the video THEMSELVES to the World Wide Web!
You wonder why we are loosing the hearts and minds of Iraqis? This is why! Abu Gharib, The rape and murder of the 14 year old girl and her family, the killing of the negotiator who rescued the Italian News reporter, and now this video. This is only the tip of the iceberg. 100 bodies a day with drill holes and other signs of torture are other signs things are going very badly.
Bush keeps saying stay the course, I think not! So far all I have seen is an incomplete handling of the post Iraq war and the lost of military victory that has become a Katrina style catastrophe!
my opinion of Bush is this.....

Bush's plan for victory is another plan for failure

Iraq was the Wrong War at the Wrong Time for the Wrong Reasons.
Simply put, the preemptive war of choice was the worst thing America could have done in it's war on terrorism. For Al qaida the Iraq war turned defeat in Afghanistan into a world wide rallying cry. 
Iraq was no threat to the US.
Iraq had no WMD's
Iraq was not involved in 9/11.
Iraq had no supporting role with Al qaida.
Iraq was not an immediate threat to the US.
Iraq was not an imminent threat to the US.
Iraq might have been a threat in the distant future, MAYBE!
Bush's plan for victory, like his first plan for invasion, is not based on reality. The reality is Iraq is becoming a war of desperation with ever decreasing chances for a good fairy tale ending. Iraq will become everything Bush warned the world Iraq would become if we did not invade. In fact because of the invasion Iraq will become everything Bush predicted and worst.
Iraq's fate could have been different. It could have been everything Bush predicted. For this to have happened, Bush would have had to be truthful and open. One thing it is obvious the Administration is incapable of being.
From the beginning Iraq was doomed to failure.
The Bush administration 'filtered' the Intelligence and the N.I.E. on the Intelligence. The administration used extreme bad judgement in it's inclusion of questionable and challenged Intelligence in it's justification for war. Intelligence that all proved to be WRONG.
The republicans say the Democrats were at fault also. Why? Apparently it is the Democrats fault for believing Bush at his word during war time. You heard me. The Republicans are blaming the Democrats for taking Bush at his word and not double checking the facts. This is like blaming a woman for being raped because she is pretty. This is how ever the Administrations reasoning for all the many mistakes that have occurred.
The Bush Administration planned for a successful invasion of Iraq. 'Mission Accomplish!' Who didn't know this was going to happen. The real test was what happened AFTER the invasion, when the real battle for the hearts and minds of the Iraqis were at stake. This is where the hubris and incompetence of this Bush Administration is very apparent.
So let me 'Bring It On!'
The Intelligence was wrong, based on lies.
There were no WMD's
There wasn't enough troops.
The Ammo and weapon depots were not secured.
The IAEA sites were not secured.
No security was provided after the Iraq military and police were disbanded.
Rioting, looting, crime and chaos was allowed unhindered.
Crime, chaos and murder have gone unchecked.
Indiscriminate torture of the indigent population has occurred.
The claim that it is better to fight Al qaida in Iraq rather than in the US or in Afghanistan were Al qaida was.
The Downing Memos.
Allowing roaming killing squads to exist.
Using Chemical and anti personnel weapons in civilian populated areas.
These are the most egregious mistakes that could have been prevented if Bush had simply LISTENED to criticism.
The solution for Iraq is not in Iraq. The solution for Iraq begins in the White House. For the Iraq war would never have been if not for the White House. Until Bush is willing to admit the fundamental mistakes of it's Iraq war strategy, there will be no positive outcome in Iraq.
Bush's Presidency is a failure. It is a far reaching failure for not just Bush and his supporters. This failure reverberates through out America, the Middle East and the World Bush's failure has made the world a MUCH more dangerous place.
This is a failure that cannot be allowed to happen. For this reason Iraq MUST BE A WORLD WIDE ISSUE Unfortunately the world is getting out in 2006. We will be left with this. The only way to turn it around is to show the world America acknowledges this Administration's Iraq Agenda was wrong. America has taken those first tentative steps. Next Congress and America must take the lead on 'fixing' Iraq.
America cannot survive anymore Bush plans for victory.
What we need to do to turn this around is bring back the draft and increase troop strength to 500,000!
Bush Apologists, you haven't got the slightest f**king clue what I believe about the danger of terrorism because, as with all conservatives, you're too terrified in your frightened little shell of desperate flailing to do anything but construct straw men based on delusional fantasies regarding what you wish liberals were like, because it's the only way you can rationalize the childish world view held by the right. Wake up. Look at what happens when you Right-wingers bring your adolescent punch lines into the world as foreign and domestic policy. (And btw, there was a surplus when Clinton left office, which Bush promptly wasted. Sorry to once again intrude on the Right-wing fantasy.) You know what I would have done if I invaded Iraq? I would have done what Ike did when planning D-Day, and expected the worst, rather than the punk-bitch attitude of Dick "five deferments" Cheney and the cakewalk brigade. They deserve the firing squad for what they've done to our military -- but instead, they'll just get medals and promotions, just like the Iranian spy Ahmed Chalabi that the traitorous scumbags fed their schoolboy fantasies with, who is being given yet another high level position in the puppet Iraqi government (before it crashes, as it will), where he can steal more millions from American taxpayers instead of being shot in the back of the head and dragged through the streets like Mussolini as he deserves.
         I would have built Afghanistan up like a g-d damned Olympic village to be the "model democracy" for the Middle East -- a concept conservatives sh*t all over with their every move, because they haven't got the slightest f**king clue about people or how the world works. All they have is their mutual bullsh*t societies to pump each other up and tell themselves how smart they are, and how everyone else is a traitor. And if I still wanted to invade Iraq, I would have followed the plans that the generals made over the preceding decade, instead of chucking them out the window in favor of senile Dong Rumsfeld's criminal horsesh*t. Then I would have slowly brought 500,000 troops to the region, using a safe and prosperous Afghanistan as a base, and slowly built a looming cloud of death over Saddam and his murderous sons like a towering wall of slag from Mount Vesuvius, before crashing down like the wrath of God over that backwater dictator, crushing him in one fell swoop while also holding the country together -- rather than allowing the "mess" that a**hole Rumsfeld was moron enough to say he planned.  
          That's how you win a war, not through half-assed talking points and sissy crying about "Oh, the media and liberals are talking bad about us!!! Waaaah!!!" That's how my grandfather helped kill the fascists in Germany in WWII -- an era that today's non-military serving Republican leadership has Oedipal wet dreams of living up to as they send other men off to die in order to make up for being such dickless wonders themselves. At least Papa Bush was a bonified hero pilot in WWII. His son is a jerk-off pretender weirdo with a chip on his shoulder bigger than his idiot monkey brain. Real men don't need to kill other people to prove how "tough" they are. Real men can out-think dumb asses like Saddam Hussein, at least enough to avoid tens of thousands of dead and wounded, which, incidentally, are already in line with the numbers in Vietnam, except for body armor keeping them alive. It's a loser plan implemented by losers who have already lost the war, but are too stupid and prideful to admit it
The facts of the REAL world show that the Republicans are clueless to how to actually run things. Their pragmatic thinking is not applicable to the Real world. They wrongfully believe that through sheer force of will and faith they will get others to do the 'right' thing. Fools. They should simply look in the mirror at their own intractability to issues such as Abortion to understand the REALITIES of the world. If they can not see other sides of an argument how do they expect others to change their views?
They still cling to WMD's. They Still Cling to Schiavo was the correct thing to do. They still give Bush a Pass on 9/11 Katrina and Iraq. They still make excuses about the fact that Bin laden is still alive and free 5 years after attacking the US. They ignore the staggering Debt, Deficit and Trade Deficits. They ignore the weakening dollar. They turn a blind eye to the lowering standard of living MOST Americans are now experiencing. The housing market is in decline. Wealth generation is now negative.
Republicans are causing the decline of the Preeminence of America yet will not look beyond what their twisted interpretation of what the Bible says, then they talk about our enemies holy wars.
Look in the mirror!
You want to support the troops, you need to put a man in the office who has a clue on how to correctly conduct a war. Bush does not.
If the President will not support the troops by conducting the war in a competent manor with proven war strategy or OVER WHELMING military strength and PRESENCE then we should never have invaded in the first place.
The terms Powell Doctrine mean anything to you Bush apologists?
If Bush does not have the balls to reinstate the draft, increase troop strength to 500,000 in Iraq, so we stop playing 'whack a mole' and completely overwhelm the enemy, and THEN give protection AND security to the Iraqis so when insurgents DO TRY TO REINSTATE their presence in a pacified area, the civilian population will feel secure and safe enough to step forward and point out the bad guys without fear of retribution. This is NOT THE CASE NOW. Now the US military can NOT maintain such forces because not enough troops are in place.
So if you are not going to support the troops by increasing troop strength to 500,000 LIKE THE FIRST IRAQ WAR so the military can RECLAIM victory, then get the troops the hell out of IRAQ!
This is the problem you Bush apologists will not admit to.
I will not even bother discussing the reasons for invasion. History already knows those facts, or lack of facts.
The standard republican response shows why the World hates the lazy incompetent Bush Administration. It isn't about facts, but how you want to view the realities of the world. If it doesn't fit in your narrow box of how the world should be, then it isn't reality and is irrelevant.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH

test 2

If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group OpenDebateForum
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH


If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group OpenDebateForum
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH

Adults and Children, Democrats and Republicans

Adults know that you sacrifice short term for long term returns. Democrats know that means letting the tax cuts sunset so our children will not be saddled with the record US Debt and Deficit.
Children want what they want when they want it. That means that not only do the Republicans want the tax cuts permanent, they want increased tax cuts, that will not only jeopardize our children's future, but their own with Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare insolvent!
This is just one example, but there are MANY.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Bush says Congress needs to pass laws dealing with prisoners. He is giving an ultimatum of do it my way or be labeled soft on terror. My suggestion is this...
Fine, let's pass the legislation but why stop there.
Let's also pass ALL the recommendations of the 9/11 commission.
Let's also pass laws for border security and enforcement of immigration laws regarding illegal employment.
Let's also reinstate the draft.
Let's also find Bin laden.
Let's make the issue, NOT about GETTING tough on Terror, but how Bush has not DONE THE JOB of BEING tough on terror!
5 years later and we STILL DO NOT HAVE a secure border, a coherent terror list, secure ports. Bush wants laws for handling terrorist, lets add all the other issues ALSO!
let's see how the Republicans handle being forced to be viewed weak on terrorism if they do NOT include these additions!
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group OpenDebateForum
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Coming back to Constitutional America

Bush has stopped torturing prisoners.
Has admitted to having illegal prisons.
Is NOW willing to honor the Constitution and American law.
All in time for the elections.
Now we need to hear how this illegal activity has saved US lives.
Like the anonymous tip one year ago about the London terrorist looking to bomb Airplanes. Bush said the illegal wire tap program prevented the attack. A LIE.
The truth is the Brit's asked the US to monitor the suspects after normal intelligence had already gathered the names and had court ordered warrants to monitor the suspects.
Bush is desperately trying to tie Iraq to the global war on terror. He says we need to have victory in Iraq.
I thought we already won that one? 'Mission accomplished. Last throes and a few dead enders. You mean we can lose in Iraq? When did this happen?
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH

Republicans, LOOK IN THE MIRROR!

The facts of the REAL world show that the Republicans are clueless to how to actually run things. Their pragmatic thinking is not applicable to the Real world. They wrongfully believe that through sheer force of will and faith they will get others to do the 'right' thing. Fools. They should simply look in the mirror at their own intractability to issues such as Abortion to understand the REALITIES of the world. If they can not see other sides of an argument how do they expect others to change their views?
They still cling to WMD's. They Still Cling to Schiavo was the correct thing to do. They still give Bush a Pass on 9/11 Katrina and Iraq. They still make excuses about the fact that Bin laden is still alive and free 5 years after attacking the US. They ignore the staggering Debt, Deficit and Trade Deficits. They ignore the weakening dollar. They turn a blind eye to the lowering standard of living MOST Americans are now experiencing. The housing market is in decline. Wealth generation is now negative.
Republicans are causing the decline of the Preeminence of America yet will not look beyond what their twisted interpretation of what the Bible says, then they talk about our enemies holy wars.
Look in the mirror!
You want to support the troops, you need to put a man in the office who has a clue on how to correctly conduct a war. Bush does not.
If the President will not support the troops by conducting the war in a competent manor with proven war strategy or OVER WHELMING military strength and PRESENCE then we should never have invaded in the first place.
The terms Powell Doctrine mean anything to you Bush apologists?
If Bush does not have the balls to reinstate the draft, increase troop strength to 500,000 in Iraq, so we stop playing 'whack a mole' and completely overwhelm the enemy, and THEN give protection AND security to the Iraqis so when insurgents DO TRY TO REINSTATE their presence in a pacified area, the civilian population will feel secure and safe enough to step forward and point out the bad guys without fear of retribution. This is NOT THE CASE NOW. Now the US military can NOT maintain such forces because not enough troops are in place.
This is the problem you Bush apologists will not admit to.
I will not even bother discussing the reasons for invasion. History already knows those facts, or lack of facts.
The standard republican response shows why the World hates the lazy incompetent Bush Administration. It isn't about facts, but how you want to view the realities of the world. If it doesn't fit in your narrow box of how the world should be, then it isn't reality and is irrelevant.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group OpenDebateForum
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH