Saturday, September 09, 2006


Bush says Congress needs to pass laws dealing with prisoners. He is giving an ultimatum of do it my way or be labeled soft on terror. My suggestion is this...
Fine, let's pass the legislation but why stop there.
Let's also pass ALL the recommendations of the 9/11 commission.
Let's also pass laws for border security and enforcement of immigration laws regarding illegal employment.
Let's also reinstate the draft.
Let's also find Bin laden.
Let's make the issue, NOT about GETTING tough on Terror, but how Bush has not DONE THE JOB of BEING tough on terror!
5 years later and we STILL DO NOT HAVE a secure border, a coherent terror list, secure ports. Bush wants laws for handling terrorist, lets add all the other issues ALSO!
let's see how the Republicans handle being forced to be viewed weak on terrorism if they do NOT include these additions!
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group OpenDebateForum
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH

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