Friday, December 31, 2010

If only One of these Three should get a tax cut , which would it be?

If only One of these Three should get a tax cut , which would it be?

Sean Lewis
December 31, 2010

The US corporation that fires American workers to hire workers in
other Countries to manufacture goods to sell in the US?

The Small Business Owner who owes this company, and is currently
making record profits because his costs have been drastically cut
because he is using cheap overseas labor?

The Unemployed or underemployed US worker who was fired at this
company and now is struggling to keep his home, healthcare, his
kids in college and his dignity?

Monday, December 20, 2010

9/11: the GOP can hold 'patriotic' political fund raisers on that day, but can't find the time to help the 9/11 responders!

7 years of hearings.

First Responders dying of exotic diseases.

21 different amendments.

The GOP said tax cuts to the rich must pass before they would even
consider anything else.

Now the GOP doesn't have time to pass the Bill, it would be
disrespectful to THEIR families to work through the Holidays.

I guess their were no Republican 9/11 responders, because if there were, they would of had 4 years of debate to determine if it was viable to save Americans in need. Then another 4 years of determining how to save them. Then another 4 years of discussion about how they would get compensated!

Friday, December 17, 2010

The GOP obstructed the Spending Bill, denied 9/11 Responders, but got the tax cuts for the rich

Sean Lewis
December 17, 2010

Democratic leadership decided not to play the chicken game of the GOP,after Republicans piled on with Billions of Ear Marks making it a poison
Pill for Moderate Republicans to vote for it.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid abandoned the measure yesterday
after several Republicans he had been counting on withdrew their
support for the plan that would have funded government programs and
agencies through Sept. 30, 2011.

On Dec 17, 5:06 pm, VT VirtualTruth <> wrote:

> This is something apparently Republicans think should be celebrated?

The GOP poison pill of of Ear Marks worked to kill the Bill to Fund the Government, this is cooperation?

The GOP poison pill of of Ear Marks worked to kill the Bill to Fund
the Government, this is cooperation?

Sean Lewis
December 17, 2010

The very Republicans who signed a pledge against Ear Marks
piled on Billions of Ear Marks on the Bill to Fund the US
Government making it a poison Pill for Republican Senators
to vote for,

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid abandoned the measure yesterday
after several Republicans he had been counting on withdrew their
support for the plan that would have funded government programs and
agencies through Sept. 30, 2011.

Republicans celebrated this.

Republicans forced a Greater Amount of Debt on America by
forcing the continuance of tax cuts for the Wealthiest 2% of
Americans at the expense of all other US Government business
in effect holding the other 98% of America Hostage, and now will
harm even more Americans by sabotaging the US Budget and delaying
funds to desperate Americans and Programs.

Glad we are looking at the NEW GOP, one that is about compromise,
and working with the President, not the GOP that was about Party
before Country and whose only Agenda is/was making President
Obama a one Term President regardless of the Damage to the Country.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Republicans sold out their base, and the GOP sell out is on the record!

Republicans sold out their base, and the GOP sell out is on the record!

Sean Lewis
December 13, 2010

The Tea Party Voted Republicans into office to reduce the Deficit
and the Debt.

The First vote was for tax cuts to working class Americans ONLY.
Republicans voted in unison, NO not unless we get ADDITIONAL
tax cuts for the rich.

The Second Vote was to have a NEW tax cut and package
GREATER than the stimulus package of 2009.

In fact the GOP stated that NOTHING else would get done
UNTIL the new tax cuts were passed. They DEMANDED
the NEW tax cuts and in doing so DEMANDED that the
Current Debt and Deficit spending continue for another
2 years!

LOL, I thought the Republicans learned about the mistakes
of being fiscally irresponsible during the Bush years, and
promised they would not make the same mistake again.

The Republicans are not even in office yet, and they already broke
their promise to the Tea Baggers.

I wonder if buyers remorse is setting in yet......

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Flat Earthers say Climate change is a myth.

The Flat Earthers say Climate change is a myth.

Sean Lewis
December 12, 2010

There was a time that if you said the earth was round
you were called a heretic, a child of Satan, stripped of
all property, imprisoned by the Church, tortured, forced
to recant your declaration, and in some cases crucified
or burn at the stake.

Everyone now knows the Earth is round.

There was a time that if you said the Earth was not the
center of the universe you were called a heretic, a child
of Satan, stripped of all property, imprisoned by the
Church, tortured, forced to recant your declaration, and
in some cases crucified or burn at the stake.

Everyone now knows the Earth is not the center of the

There was a time that if you said the earth traveled around
the sun you were called a heretic, a child of Satan, stripped
of all property, imprisoned by the Church, tortured, forced
to recant your declaration, and in some cases crucified
or burn at the stake.

Everyone now knows the Earth travels around the Sun.

For many 'Believers' Science is the destruction of faith,
it is not. Science is about understanding the empirical
facts that govern life. Religion has tried to control
knowledge because knowledge contradicts many of
the erroneous teachings of modern religion.

God is love. It is as simple as this. But if you teach this
simple message, you do not gain power or wealth.
So you need to make this message more complicated
so you can govern and control, gain wealth and power.

That is why it is important not to allow the 'faithful'
to become an informed educated people. Because then
when a religious leader makes a comment that we
are the center of God's universe, yet facts say otherwise,
it brings to question EVERYTHING that a manipulative
religion tells it's faithful beyond God is love.

This brings us to the modern day Flat Earthers.

Today's the 'Earth is Flat' beliefs are these 'revelations'.
Dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark.
Creationism replaces Evolution.
Climate Change is a myth.

Empirical science proves all of this wrong,
but the Modern day Flat Earthers are in full throated

There were no WMD's
Bush ignored warnings about 9/11.
Bush ignored warnings about Katrina.
Tax cuts to the Rich did not 15 million jobs.
President Obama was not born in the United States.
Tax cuts to the Rich did not stimulate the economy, but contributed to
the near economic collapse of the United States.

The flat earther are now turning to beliefs that in their minds can
not be disproved as all of these previous beliefs have been
empirically proven to be wrong. So the Flat Earthers are reaching out
to things that only large expanses of time can prove wrong. It is
safer not to have to face the reality that the things you thought were
true are not. Previously, you could simple torture and kill those who
threatened your beliefs, we are at war with people who think this way,
Hopefully this type of extreme radical religion will not dominate the
American landscape either.

Then again these Flat Earthers do kill Doctors in Church they disagree with.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

The GOP: Help the 9/11 Responders? Hell NO, we want to get ours first!

The GOP: Help the 9/11 Responders? Hell NO, we want to get ours first!

Sean Lewis
December 9, 2010

You got to love the GOP. They are clearly about Party before Country.

The Senate GOP will not even allow the Bill to come up for a vote in the Senate, these Assholes are blocking all legislation until the Tax cuts to the Rich are passed first!

9/11 Responders are dying from respiratory disease cause by working
at Ground Zero. These men need medical aid. They did not first say
what are you going to do for me BEFORE I help America.

NO, the 9/11 Responders put Country before themselves.

The GOP is allowing Americans to suffer and die for political gain.

This is not holding America Hostage?

This is obscene, hateful, Un-American and UN-Patriotic!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Republicans Gave Democrats a GIFT!

by Liberal Reality Check

Wed Dec 08, 2010 at 01:01:45 AM EST

The Republicans are about increasing the Debt and Deficit and about holding the working class Hostage to the rich. The GOP is about ignoring the suffering of the Middle class to give further aid to the rich.
This flies in the face of everything the Tea Party was about, reducing the Deficit and the DEBT.

The Republicans are ignoring the fact that Main Street Bailed out Wall Street, and now that the Bill is due, the GOP refuses to pay up, but demands even MORE! This is Blood money, blood of our future and our children! Do you really think the world will reward such irresponsible fiscal governance?

This is the first skirmish of the next two years and it is clear what it will be about. Class warfare. The Democratic Party need to exploit this and change the narrative. Country before Party! I want the Democrats to block this deal or Amend the SHIT out it! I want the point to be that Democrats are about keeping down the Debt!

The Culture wars are about to get bloody.

There are fools who are cannon fodder who will realize too late they
were fighting for the wrong side and listening to puppeteers who
pulled the strings of their minions against their own self interest.

There are intellectuals who swore that if the facts were clearly
stated that it was obvious what should be done, intelligence in this
Country is now over rated.

We have slit our own throats and it is clear by this early skirmish
just how bad things are about to become.

It was Saturday, Bloody Saturday.

Democrats need a leader, Republicans need a conscience.
We all need some common sense!

The 'Compromise' is actually SURRENDER

We need a leader! some one who is not about being weak. I felt like the minority party the last two years, not the majority, and now with the House gone to Republicans, and the Senate arcane rules, the president is a lame duck for the next two years. This is going to get ugly and FAST!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Their way or the Highway, the Selfish GOP

Selfish GOP, if we can't get what we want we will take our ball and go

Sean Lewis
December 6. 2010

The GOP wants tax cuts for the richest Americans and
are so set on accomplishing this goal, they will not
even discuss any of the other problems this country
is facing, including National Security.

To vote for NEW tax cuts for the rich would increase
the all NEW tax cuts by 300%. This is because
the Tax Cuts for the rich equaled 75% of the Bush
tax cuts.

This is days after a election that Republicans demanded
that Democrats address the rising Deficit and Debt.

So there first thought after such an election? To
get tax cuts accomplished under the DEMOCRATICALLY
controlled Congress before the Republican controlled
Congress comes into office. This way the GOP can deny
they were the party that passed the tax increases!

The lie of course is that Republicans are refusing to
address any legislation that is not about the tax cuts
to the Rich.

The GOP refuse to discuss National security issues.
The GOP refuse to discuss Unemployment extensions.
The GOP refuse to address benefits to 9/11 responders.
The GOP refuses to address DADT legislation.
The GOP refuse to address the issue of DEBT reduction.

This is about the GOP blatantly putting party before Country,
the GOP is even putting the elite Republicans before
the Grass root demands of the Tea Party who were
about DEBT and DEFICIT reduction.

This is NOT what the majority of America wants, yet this
is how the GOP understands the results of the last election.

In purely old party platform views not the agendas of an
outraged country who view favoritism of the elites as a
disservice and a call to arms to revolt against the status

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Democratic leadership said only increase debt by $26 Billion, Republicans said, no increase the debt by $99 Billion

Democratic leadership said only increase debt by $26 Billion,
Republicans said, no increase the debt by $99 Billion

Sean Lewis
December 04, 2010

Tea Baggers is this what you voted for?

Just on extending the Dividend and Capital Gains tax for people making over $200,000 a year
this adds an additional $73 Billion to the annual Debt. This is what Republicans voted for.

The Democrats only wanted to increase the Debt by $26 Billion.

So please tell me if Republicans said they were NOT going to repeat
the same mistakes, how is DEMANDING an increase in the Debt 4 times
greater than Democrats suggested a change?

I am going to break this down for everyone based on the ADMINISTRATIONS numbers....

In 2003 the Administration said there were 92 million tax payers who on 'average' would receive $1083 each. This does not mean each of the 92 million GOT $1083, it just meant that if you took the entire tax cut and divided it by the number of tax payers it comes to $1083.

The reality is this.

The total tax cut in 2003 was $99,636,000,000.

According to theTax Policy Institute:
45.8% of the benefits from a reduction in capital gains and dividends went to people with incomes over $1 million. There were 284,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .19% of all taxpayers.

An additional 10.8% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $500,000 and $1 million. There were 593,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .40% of all taxpayers.

17.4% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000. There were 3,588,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is 2.46% of all taxpayers.

In other words --
74% of the total benefits from Bush tax cuts went to people with incomes over $200,000.

Friday, December 03, 2010

I would think that all the Republicans on the Deficit Reduction Committee would be for reducing the Deficit?

I would think that all the Republicans on the Deficit
Reduction Committee would be for reducing the Deficit?

Sean Lewis
December 3, 2010

$4 Trillion Deficit Reduction Plan a No-Go

You would think with the 'grass roots' tea bagger movement
that was against deficit spending and for Debt reduction,
the Republicans on the Deficit Committee would all be for
the comprehensive plan for across the board reduction in
Government spending.

But the Majority of the elected Republicans voted against
allowing the report to come up for debate and vote in the full

You would think that this is not the Tea Baggers voted the
Republican officials to do, keep the status quo.

But apparently this is what the GOP intends to do, the same
thing they have done to get this Country in fiscal trouble in
the first place.

Tax cuts with no reduction is spending and no real plan to
reduce spending.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Record Profits to business, Record bonuses on Wall Street, Record Unemployment on main street. Tax Cuts to the rich work? For who?

Record Profits to business, Record bonuses on Wall Street,
Record Unemployment on main street. Tax Cuts to the rich work?
For who?

Sean Lewis
December 2. 2010

Republicans claim tax cuts will trickle down to Working America,

They say we need to keep these tax cuts because Big Business
and wealthy Americans are the engines of job growth.

Well we bailed out wall street, allowed wealthy Americans
to keep their record bonuses, and did not raise their
taxes. The result flat job growth.

However Wall Street does now have even HIGHER Bonuses,
and Corporations now have record profits.

You think that since the rich Americans and corporations
are doing so well they might be able to pay higher taxes
since they are NOT hiring or creating new jobs?

Republicans say no, and we should punish the unemployed by
not extending benefits, and the GOP feels it is unfair to force
the rich to pay higher taxes, because we can't afford not
to give tax cuts even though it will cost more then the
unemployment benefits!

I think it is clear who the GOP supports. It ain't America.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

How do we add $73,730,640,000 to the annual Budget?

You allow the tax cuts on passive investments to sunset.

This is not on Wages, wages remained untouched, those tax cuts remain.

Passive investments for working Americans also remain untouched.

You only allow the tax cuts on dividend and capital gain income
on passive investments for individuals making over $200,000 a
year to sunset.

This generates nearly $74 Billion in additional tax revenues.

It does not increase WAGE income tax for those making over $200,000.
This is according to the figures supplied by the Bush White House on
the 2003 Tax cuts.

According to theTax Policy Institute:
45.8% of the benefits from a reduction in capital gains and dividends went to people with incomes over $1 million. There were 284,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .19% of all taxpayers.

An additional 10.8% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $500,000 and $1 million. There were 593,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .40% of all taxpayers.

17.4% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000. There were 3,588,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is 2.46% of all taxpayers.

This only effects 3.05% of Taxpayers.

How do we add $73,730,640,000 to the annual Budget?

You allow the tax cuts on passive investments to sunset.

This is not on Wages, wages remained untouched, those tax cuts remain.

Passive investments for working Americans also remain untouched.

You only allow the tax cuts on dividend and capital gain income
on passive investments for individuals making over $200,000 a
year to sunset.

This generates nearly $74 Billion in additional tax revenues.

It does not increase WAGE income tax for those making over $200,000.
This is according to the figures supplied by the Bush White House on
the 2003 Tax cuts.

According to theTax Policy Institute:
45.8% of the benefits from a reduction in capital gains and dividends went to people with incomes over $1 million. There were 284,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .19% of all taxpayers.

An additional 10.8% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $500,000 and $1 million. There were 593,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .40% of all taxpayers.

17.4% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000. There were 3,588,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is 2.46% of all taxpayers.

The GOP knows how to play Liar's Poker

The GOP knows how to play Liar's Poker

Before the 'Tax' Game even starts, the GOP has
set the rules. No Compromise.

President Obama just doesn't get the fact he has the
stronger hand. He is playing to the perceived hand
or strength of the GOP.

The reality is this.

Without accompanying Budget cuts to equal the
tax cuts, the NEW Tax cuts would only INCREASE
the Debt and Deficit.

Allowing the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy to sunset
is the first step towards fiscal responsibility.

The Sunset tax cuts would finance the shortfalls
in the Budget the US is correctly borrowing money
to balance the Budget.

The Tea Party Movement was all about NOT giving money
to people who do not need it, and balancing the Budget
and addressing the long term debt.

Public Opinion by an overwhelming majority support
allowing the tax cuts to the rich to sunset.

Yet The Democrats in their need to compromise for
bipartisanship are willing to ignore the will of the
people and listen to the voices of the People who are
not about Country, but Party first.

The result is that weak ineffective bills are passed,
if they are voted on at all. Policies are so ineffective
or delayed the results are negligible. The Republicans
obstruct, deny and sabotage honest attempts to fix
what is wrong for purely political reasons and have been
handsomely rewarded by a frustrated US population
that voted in protest not realizing the collective result
of this protest vote.

We will see the result of the GOP agenda over the
next two years. It will be clear ONLY if the Democrats
and President Obama force the Republicans to vote
on the policies Democrats and the American people
voted for overwhelmingly in 2006 and 2008.

Democrats are wholly ineffective at being a party of
force and strength even when they have large majorities.

Democrats in fact acted as if they were the minority for
the last 2 years and seemed to need GOP acceptance
on every Bill they put up for a vote. Democrats caved,
Republicans refused to compromise, then refused to
vote on the Bill because after gutting the Bill the GOP
claimed the Bill was now ineffective and would not achieve it's goals.

Republicans have no intention of changing strategy, why should they,
it works.

Democrats need to learn how to stand up for what they believe and get
a back bone, the first step is to learn the rules of Liar's Poker, a
game the GOP knows all too well!