Wednesday, December 01, 2010

How do we add $73,730,640,000 to the annual Budget?

You allow the tax cuts on passive investments to sunset.

This is not on Wages, wages remained untouched, those tax cuts remain.

Passive investments for working Americans also remain untouched.

You only allow the tax cuts on dividend and capital gain income
on passive investments for individuals making over $200,000 a
year to sunset.

This generates nearly $74 Billion in additional tax revenues.

It does not increase WAGE income tax for those making over $200,000.
This is according to the figures supplied by the Bush White House on
the 2003 Tax cuts.

According to theTax Policy Institute:
45.8% of the benefits from a reduction in capital gains and dividends went to people with incomes over $1 million. There were 284,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .19% of all taxpayers.

An additional 10.8% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $500,000 and $1 million. There were 593,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is .40% of all taxpayers.

17.4% of the benefits went to people with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000. There were 3,588,000 taxpayers in this income group. This is 2.46% of all taxpayers.

This only effects 3.05% of Taxpayers.

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