Friday, December 03, 2010

I would think that all the Republicans on the Deficit Reduction Committee would be for reducing the Deficit?

I would think that all the Republicans on the Deficit
Reduction Committee would be for reducing the Deficit?

Sean Lewis
December 3, 2010

$4 Trillion Deficit Reduction Plan a No-Go

You would think with the 'grass roots' tea bagger movement
that was against deficit spending and for Debt reduction,
the Republicans on the Deficit Committee would all be for
the comprehensive plan for across the board reduction in
Government spending.

But the Majority of the elected Republicans voted against
allowing the report to come up for debate and vote in the full

You would think that this is not the Tea Baggers voted the
Republican officials to do, keep the status quo.

But apparently this is what the GOP intends to do, the same
thing they have done to get this Country in fiscal trouble in
the first place.

Tax cuts with no reduction is spending and no real plan to
reduce spending.

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