Thursday, January 21, 2010

The victory in Mass, was about overconfidence and misplayed plans.

The victory in Mass, was about overconfidence and misplayed plans.

This was an election about sending a message, it was not an
election that was lost because the other candidate was a better

Yet republicans are claiming this is proof of the coming ground surge
of anti-Obama anti-Democrat revolt.

It is not.

Republicans as a group still have the lowest poll numbers in recent

The country still remembers quite clearly the mess they left after
8 years of rule and 6 years of complete dominance.

The country also knows that it is the Republican Senators who are
obstructing all attempts to remedy the mistakes of the last 8 years.
The Republicans know that their interference is the reason for
Democratic failure, and they are trying to spin to their
base to energize them that the Democrat lost in Mass is
victory for the GOP.

The lost in Mass, was in anger that Democrats even with
a super Majority are still not getting things accomplished.
The super majority was more of a handy cap for the Dems,
than an asset. Instead of legislating strong policy and using
strong political leverage, Democrats tried to please everyone
and pleased no one and got nothing accomplished.

Republicans need to realize that this Democratic lost, is a
wake up call to Democrats.

It is now up to the Democrats, not the Republicans, to lose
the upcoming 2010 elections.

The Democrats need to show strength and the ability to
get things done if they wish to stay in power. The Republicans
have only one option, to continue their agenda of just say no,
one that Democrats need to let the American people understand
is the reason nothing is getting done.

Democrats tried to be diplomatic and attempted bi partisan
legislation, and the Republicans used the moment to
obstruct, diffuse, obfuscate, dilute and vote against all
legislation to get America back on the path to prosperity.

Democrats need to find their backbone and fight against the
internal enemies of this country. The Obstructionist GOP.

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