Sunday, May 30, 2010

The BP oil spill is NOT President Obama's Katrina

The BP oil spill is NOT President Obama's Katrina!

Sean Lewis
May 30, 2010

BP had the primary responsibility, they were the ones mandated by law
to have fail safes and contingency measures in place for such a spill.

Had BP actually followed protocols and regulations rather than
cutting corners for expediency and profit, there might never have
been a leak or emergency.

The Government's first response was a search and rescue. Afterwards
it was to contain the fire.

BP said at first there was no leak, then the leak was minimum only a
thousand barrels a day. By the time the true extent of damage was no
longer something that could be easier hid from the Government, BP
up'ed the leak to 5000 Barrels. It is now almost 20,000 Barrels a day!

The next phase was the legal entanglement regarding liability and
responsibility and control of the clean up which fiscally BP was
responsible for and tried initially to control all activities.

Eventually the Government and BP came to a compromise of Leadership.
BP had the expertise and the Government had the oversight.

Because no real plan was in place by BP or the US Government, BP
simply did not have one, and the Government because of previous
deregulation was excluded from such hands on plans.

To expect none of the perhaps millions of gallons of oil NOT to reach
shore was not based in reality, especially since large plums are below

The power that BP has now given the environmental movement is
unimaginable, as is the destruction unregulated greed has created.

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