The Tea Party is really about four things:
Fear, Anger, Power and Change
Sean Lewis
April 16, 2010
The Issue of Tea Party discontent currently in America and
the political discussion is about the emotions associated
with the shifting demographics of the US Population.
It is not about race per se, but about Power.
The demographic of the US population is becoming one of
diversity and color.
The 2008 Elections emphasized this. The status quo has
changed. It is this change that has created the anger and
fear of the far right conservatives of this Country.
Power is shifting away from the old guard and is being given
to the next generation. A Generation that is better educated,
informed, diverse and open to embrace change.
For Generations America was a Country with clear
understanding of who had the power and who did not. The
Constitution clearly stated this, White Male Land owners
Not the poor
Not Non Whites
Not Woman
White Male Land Owners had control of the Country and
made the decisions. This legacy and entitlement was understood
to be the way things worked, regardless of what the Amendments
to the Constitution stated. This has changed.
The Country has clearly rejected the status quo and this is
personified by the election of a President who is for the leveling
of the playing field for all forcing the rich to be responsible and
accountable. The President also happens to be Black.
This one fact, A Black President makes the Change in Power
very apparent and the old guard of 'Entitled' white conservatives
are angry they did not get their way and have their candidate
elected, they are now in fear that if this president is successful
there is no turning back the clock,
No one likes to give up power, whether that power is real or
imagined, and many in the fringe have harbored xenophobic and
homophobic fears but felt societal pressure not to express these
bigoted ideas.
The tea bag movement has given a 'legitimate' outlet for this fear
and also anger at the lost of financial security the near Depression
has created. The old Guard is unwilling to accept the
changes needed to accept the new political environment or to adapt
to the changing economic and employment environment.
Tea baggers know they are becoming the minority, and that the
electoral process is no longer in their favor, so the Tea baggers
are trying to go outside of the Election process to turn back the
clock to how things were, even if it means they will have to use
violence to accomplish this goal.
We are seeing a major turning point in America, it is truly
becoming a melting pot, and all change is met with fear and anger
as power is shifted away from one group to another.
How this ends is dependent on if the fires stoking hate, fear,
rhetorical violence, and open dissent against Government authority,
are allowed to go uncontested or challenged. Having lively political
debate is the American way, however inciting revolution is not. This
is NOT an American colony suffering from no representation, this is
the minority not accepting majority rule.
Friday, April 16, 2010
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