Monday, August 08, 2011
Bottom line the GOP was wrong on everything the 6 entire years they had complete control
to keep the peace, Now the GOP is ignoring sane fiscal policy to raise
the Debt Ceiling
Republicans said tax cuts would create 15 million jobs, yet after 8
years we were losing 800,000 jobs a month, Now we should trust the GOP
with a solution to the DEBT?
GOP was wrong about Iraq and WMD;s, and the GOP is wrong about the Debt
The Republican President ignored the warnings about the 9/11 threat,
Now the GOP is ignoring the threat of US Default!
The GOP claims there were no terror attacks after 9/11 but some how
forgets the multiple Anthrax attacks, and Now the GOP wants America to
ignore the 8 years of deficit spending that created the DEBT Crisis!
The GOP thinks that firing 100'000s of Government workers will
stimulate the Economy, and now the GOP think not raising the Debt
Ceiling and reducing spending but not increasing revenues is sound
fiscal policy!
The GOP ignored the housing collapse and only paid lip service to
regulation until after a near economic collapse, and Now the same GOP
is ignoring the same economic collapse if the DEBT ceiling is not
A Republican President did not take seriously the warnings about
Katrina, and Americans suffered for three days until The President was
ASKED to watch a video, now the GOP is ready to deal with the Debt
crisis at Midnight after 8 years of nothing
A Republican White House treasonously released the Name of a CIA
Operative for political pay back, and now the GOP is against raising
the Debt Ceiling because the GOP is putting Party before Country AGAIN!
The GOP was more concern about creating nearly a 1000 new bills
restricting the reproductive rights of woman then deal with creating
jobs or reducing the Debt, Now they want to 'fix' the Debt by
bankrupting the Country!
The GOP ignored the falling US Dollar, rising GOLD prices, a Falling
Stock market, a declining GDP, rising Unemployment, higher poverty as
signs of fiscal crisis, now we are to believe they understand how to
solve the DEBT problem?
The GOP ignored the Financial Institution collapse and only paid lip
service to regulation until after a near economic collapse, and Now
the same GOP is ignoring the same economic collapse if the DEBT
ceiling is not raised
The GOP thought that violating the Constitution for expediency was OK
to spy on Americans domestically, but now the GOP will not raise the
Debt Ceiling even though the Constitution says this is a fiscal
The GOP wants the Country to ignore the Fact that since 2008 not one
GOP Job Creation Bill has been voted on, Yet now we are to trust the
GOP to create a DEBT reduction plan after we do not raise the Debt
The GOP squandered a Budget surplus in one year, creating ever greater
deficits, now the GOP wants the Country to trust them with fiscal
policy about the DEBT!
Republicans ignored fiscal responsibility by creating a $20 Trillion
unfunded liability with the Medicare Drug prescription plan, and now
they Republicans are claiming ignorance for the need to raise the Debt!
Bottom line the GOP was wrong on everything the 6 entire years they
had complete control. but NOW they have the answers. Just that the
answers are still the WRONG answers. Nothing has changed!
Class War Fare is on, it is the GOP and the wealthy against everyone else
Sean Lewis
August 2,2011
The GOP would rather the blue collar middle class family
lose their home because of high taxes, health care cost,
lower paying jobs or no job, and higher education costs,
and blame this on the poor, elderly and sick rather than
acknowledging that the rich are not also contributing the
same proportions of income tax per dollar as the poorest
American, forget the discrepancy with middle class american tax rates
which is even greater!
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Buy Guns, Ammo, Bows, Arrows, activated charcoal, and dry goods so you can feed and protect your family next year.
so you can feed and protect your family next year.
Sean Lewis
August 4, 2011
Sell your stock holdings, sell your Gold, divest yourself of
all forms of non tangible wealth. The TeaBagger/GOP
economic cascade collapse has begun.
We are about to experience the double dip in the economy
that this Country is not prepared to handle and the World
will not be able to bail us out of.
Thank you GOP for putting Party before Country in 2009/2010
and now for putting Party before economic survival.
The GOP crafted a Debt deal that does not reduce debt!
Eliminates the Safety Nets for the Middle class, and punishes
the poor, sick, elderly and retirees!
But the Wealthy are protected against any inconvenience.
The GOP however isn't the sharpest crayons in the box.
After the tax cuts promise of 15 million jobs turned into
800,000 being lost a month, you would think they might learn'to let others handle the County's Bank Account.
But, No. The GOP/TeaBaggers held the Country hostage and blackmailed the President to accept their Double Down offer, reduce government spending by eliminating entitlements and government jobs or we will bankrupt the Country. This is responsible rational governance?
The Markets and the world disagree, and like in 2008 the collapsing of the markets has begun once again.
It happened when The GOP refused to authorize the Financial Bailouts and it is happening again with the FUBAR of a Debt deal that does not reduce the Debt!
BTW, the wealthy will suffer too as the markets tank and the dollar plunges
once again the GOP/TeaBaggers have done what they do best, made a bad situation worst!
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
The TeaBaggers/GOP got 98% of their Debt Ceiling Demands, The DJIA drops and GLD hits new highs.
The DJIA drops and GLD hits new highs.
Sean Lewis
August 03.2011
Why are the Markets reacting negatively to the 'deal'
America was blackmailed to support by the GOP?
Because it once again kicks the Can down the road
and does not solve the real problem. The Debt is still
A truly comprehensive approach would be a combined
three part approach.
Cut Spending so the Budget is balanced in 5 years.
Reinstate Pay/Go to cap additional spending.
Increase Federal Revenues.
The GOP demanded only ONE of these things occurred
and it was NOT a true cut in actual Deficit, just a reduction
of Deficit growth!
This is what the Country came to the brink of economic collapse for!
A political showdown with no real consequential remedy to a problem that WILL bring about REAL economic collapse.
The Markets which look at bottom line analysis, give this plan a strong thumbs down!
The Bottom line: The Debt will still be over 10 trillion ten years from now! It will still be over 11 Trillion dollars!
The budget office affirmed what Obama and congressional leaders in both parties have been saying since the deal was struck last night: There would be upfront savings of $917 billion from 2012 to 2021 -- the same amount as contained in a plan by House Speaker John Boehner.
The independent budget analysts say deficits would be reduced by an additional $1.2 trillion over the 10-year period, contingent upon the work done by a new, special committee of Congress or the automatic spending cuts that would take effect if the committee couldn't get its recommendations passed by Congress.
The Country was held hostage so the rich would stay rich, because the GOP/TeaBaggers put Party before Country once again!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Count Down to Armageddon: The Tea Bagger Secret Plan
The Tea Bagger Secret Plan
Sean Lewis
July 26, 2011
As a survivalist I would know when Armageddon was near
when I Black man is elected President.
But before that happens the Country must be prepared.
So, first the Major organizations that would oppose the
new age of 'enlightenment must be weakened or eliminated.
Second civil liberties and constitutional rights must be subverted.
Third the unenlightened must be divided and at war with each other.
Fourth the Country's Fiscal and Industrial organizations must be toppled or greatly reduced.
To do this a populist movement must be created based on fear, hatred and bigotry but veiled in religious, patriotic and family values.
Once enough key positions in Government, industry and the Press are in place the dismantling of America can begin.
Class warfare, Race warfare, sexual warfare, religious warfare, all for one purpose, to destroy the fabric of society and put things back the way they belong! Back to a simpler time when the right people were in control and woman knew their places, Where the right God is obeyed.
It can all begin as soon as Wednesday, the continuation of the financial collapse that began in 2008, but with no hope for change to stop the cascade effect to total failure. With total failure all systems breakdown, money becomes worthless, even Gold, the only things of value will be food, water, power and guns. The World of the White Supremacy Survivalist.
Why Wednesday?, because it takes three days for stock transactions to settle, and the panic selling will begin then.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Economic Suicide: Putting Party Before Country, Ideology before Reality.
Putting Party Before Country, and Ideology before reality..
Sean Lewis
July 25, 2010
The 2008 elected Congressional Democrats ran on a platform of economic reform and job creation.
The House Democrats passed ALL of the initiatives in the first 100 Days.
The Senate Democrats however face arcane Senate runs,that allowed individual Senators to place anonymous holds on legislation and a 60 vote super majority before a bill could come up for a vote. Because Frankel was not Seated till Months after the Election, and Another Senator suffered a sever stroke, Democrats only had 60 votes for a limited period of time and Republicans were able to stop most of the Jobs creation, economic refor and recovery legislation from getting to the President's desk to be signed into law,
This is why the recovery has not occurred as robustly as predicted. Add to this that Republicans began to dismantle all legislation passed in the 2 year period before the 2010 elections. The Party of no, has made it their agenda to bring down The President by bringing down the Country. The GOP feels this is acceptable to put Party before Country.
However it has reach the suicide tipping point with the Debt Ceiling. If the Suicidal Economic Tea Baggers do not allow the Debt Ceiling to be raise, the 2008 economic collapse will occur again, but this time there will be nothing to stop complete collapse.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The $20 Trillion Unfunded Bush Medicare Drug Prescription Plan, $20 Trillion Bush and the GOP added to the DEBT!
Sean Lewis
July 19. 2011
The FUNDED Social Security Debt Obligation is only $15 Trillion.
Bush and the Republicans in a Fiscally irresponsible
FUBAR that our Children will have to honor, added $20 trillion
in long term Debt Obligations to the additional Debt the Bush
Tax Cuts created.
The Net effect is Medicare will have far less funds to honor NORMAL
Medicare costs. It will be insolvent much sooner because of this.
It was Bush and the Republicans who have taken away Grandma's Medicare!
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Health Insurance is an individual responsibility for 'Healthy' working Americans
Sean Lewis
February 1, 2010
Health Insurance is an individual responsibility for 'Healthy' working
and should not be a responsibility of the Government for
'healthy' working Americans.
Yet on this issue of personal responsibility the
Republicans are for Government to take responsibility of the costs
in the form of paying the costs of emergency room care
for the uninsured.
The inconsistence of Republican policy is clear when you understand
why the inconsistency occurs. It is for the constituents, big business.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
State Taxes Rising and State Services disappearing, Thank You GOP!
Sean Lewis
January 20, 2011
Republicans ended the Federal Stimulus package to the States,
now we are seeing the effects of such actions.
Higher State Taxes
Fewer State Services
and crumbling infrastructure.
But many Americans are paying higher taxes anyway because states can't
borrow the way Washington can or put off the day of reckoning. The
listless economy has shredded state budgets, forcing tough decisions
nationwide about whether to slash services, raise taxes, or both. Last
year's big federal stimulus package helped, sending about $250 billion
to states. But that emergency funding is starting to peter out and tax
increases passed during the recession are finally starting to hit
people's wallets.
Over the last two years, 36 out of 50 states have raised taxes or
fees, according to data from the National Association of State Budget
Officers. The combined tab comes to more than $25 billion. The worst
seems to be over, with proposals for the upcoming year amounting to
just $3.1 billion in new state taxes. But those figures are premised
on a steadily improving economy, which means new taxes could end up a
lot higher if there's a dreaded double-dip recession. And many local
municipalities are just getting around to raising their own taxes,
since state and federal aid to many local governments is falling. In
Congress, for instance, new aid packages that would prevent teacher
layoffs and help pay for Medicaid have stalled, as opponents argue
that the federal government can no longer afford such generosity.
To figure out where the pain is greatest, I used NASBO data to compile
the total tax hikes in each state since 2009, including proposed tax
increases for 2011. Then I divided each aggregate figure by the
state's population, based on Census Bureau data, and ranked the states
according to the amount of new taxes per person. The per-capita
numbers don't mean every resident is forking over the same higher
amount, since taxes are often skewed toward wealthy people and
businesses. But they do reveal which states are in the most pain, and
the types of new taxes passed in those states could find their way to
others. Here are the states with the highest per capital tax hikes
since 2009, along with some of the notable new taxes they've imposed:
New York. Total enacted and proposed new taxes, 2009–2011: $8.2
billion; $419 per person.
Enacted: Higher taxes on the wealthy and on tobacco, beer and wine,
car rentals, and taxi rides; increased fees on motor vehicles,
hospital stays, car insurance, tax preparation, utilities, and several
other things; reduced tax credits for a variety of businesses.
Proposed: Additional taxes on cigarettes; new taxes on certain small
businesses, soft drinks, and some medical services.
California. Total: $11.5 billion; $312 per person.
Enacted: 1 percentage point increase in the sales tax and a quarter-
point increase in personal income taxes. Lower business tax credits;
new fees on motor vehicles, vessels, and aircraft.
Proposed: A net decrease in gas and diesel taxes.
Delaware. Total: $253 million; $286 per person.
Enacted: 1 percentage point increase in taxes on incomes above
$60,000; higher taxes on cigarettes, video lottery, utilities, and
some businesses. New estate tax.
Connecticut. Total: $777 million; $221 per person.
Enacted: Higher income taxes on the wealthy and on medium-sized and
large corporations; higher taxes on tobacco; accelerated estate- and
gift-tax payments; various new fees.
Wisconsin. Total: $900 million; $159 per person.
Enacted: Higher taxes on the wealthy, lower capital-gains-tax
exclusions, higher taxes on tobacco.
Arizona. Total: $1 billion; $154 per person.
Enacted: A 1 percentage point increase in the sales tax on most goods
and services.
Kansas. Total: $425 million; $151 per person.
Almost all of the new taxes in Kansas are proposed for 2011, including
an increase in the sales tax and the tax on tobacco.
Washington state. Total: $982 million; $147 per person.
Enacted: Higher tuition at public universities and a variety of fee
Proposed: Higher taxes on cigarettes, carbonated beverages, hazardous
substances, and some businesses.
Oregon. Total: $541 million; $141 per person.
Enacted: Higher personal and corporate income taxes, higher taxes on
tobacco, higher motor vehicle fees.
Massachusetts. Total: $890 million; $135 per person.
Enacted: A 1.25 percentage point increase in the sales tax,
elimination of the tax exemption for alcohol, new taxes on direct-
broadcast satellite service.
New Hampshire. Total: $161 million; $121 per person.
Enacted: Higher taxes on tobacco, some motor vehicle records, hotel
rooms, gambling winnings; higher fees on boat and motor vehicle
registrations and some government activities.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The LYING GOP, People no longer need to work to afford healthcare = GOP lie 650,000 American jobs lost!
= GOP lie: 650,000 American jobs lost!
Sean Lewis
January 18, 2011
The CBO states that because of Healthcare reform people no longer
must remain at jobs so they can have affordable healthcare.
Americans may now downsize or out right leave jobs they continued
to work because healthcare insurance was to expensive to afford.
The GOP spins the half truth of 650,000 American jobs will be 'lost'
as a result of healthcare reform.
This is actually 650,000 jobs now available for entry level positions
for the unemployed being exited by Americans who are retiring now
because they can afford to!
FACT CHECK: Shaky health care job loss estimate
Tue Jan 18, 7:11 am ET
WASHINGTON – Republicans pushing to repeal President Barack Obama's
health care overhaul warn that 650,000 jobs will be lost if the law is
allowed to stand.
But the widely cited estimate by House GOP leaders is shaky. It's the
latest creative use of statistics in the health care debate, which has
seen plenty of examples from both sides.
Republicans are calling their thumbs-down legislation the "Repealing
the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act." Postponed after the mass
shootings in Tucson, a House vote on the divisive issue is now
expected Wednesday, although Democrats promise they'll block repeal in
the Senate.
A recent report by House GOP leaders says "independent analyses have
determined that the health care law will cause significant job losses
for the U.S. economy."
It cites the 650,000 lost jobs as Exhibit A, and the nonpartisan
Congressional Budget Office as the source of the original analysis
behind that estimate.
But the budget office, which referees the costs and consequences of
legislation, never produced the number.
What follows is a story of how statistics get used and abused in
What CBO actually said is that the impact of the health care law on
supply and demand for labor would be small. Most of it would come from
people who no longer have to work, or can downshift to less demanding
employment, because insurance will be available outside the job.
"The legislation, on net, will reduce the amount of labor used in the
economy by a small amount _roughly half a percent_ primarily by
reducing the amount of labor that workers choose to supply," budget
office number crunchers said in a report from last year.
That's not how it got translated in the new report from Speaker John
Boehner, R-Ohio, and other top Republicans.
CBO "has determined that the law will reduce the 'amount of labor used
in the economy by.roughly half a percent.,' an estimate that adds up
to roughly 650,000 jobs lost," the GOP version said.
Gone was the caveat that the impact would be small, mainly due to
people working less. Added was the estimate of 650,000 jobs lost.
The Republican translation doesn't track, said economist Paul Fronstin
of the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute. "People
voluntarily working less isn't the same as employers cutting jobs," he
For example, CBO said some people might decide to retire earlier
because it would be easier to get health care, instead of waiting
until they become eligible for Medicare at age 65.
The law "reduces the amount of labor supplied, but it's not reducing
the ability of people to find jobs, which is what the job-killing
slogan is intended to convey," said economist Paul Van de Water of the
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The center advocates for low-
income people, and supports the health care law.
In theory, any legislation that increases costs for employers can lead
to job loss. But with the health care law, companies can also decide
to pass on added costs to their workers, as some have already done
this year.
To put things in perspective, there are currently about 131 million
jobs in the economy. CBO projects that unemployment will be
significantly lower in 2014, when the law's major coverage expansion
A spokeswoman for House Ways and Means Committee Republicans pointed
out that CBO's report did flag that some employers would cut hiring.
"The CBO analysis does not claim that the entire response is people
exiting the labor market," said Michelle Dimarob.
The law's penalties on employers who don't provide health insurance
might cause some companies to hire fewer low-wage workers, or to hire
more part-timers instead of full-time employees, the budget office
said. But the main consequence would still be from more people
choosing not to work.
That still doesn't answer the question of how Republicans came up with
the estimate of 650,000 lost jobs.
Dimarob said staffers took the 131 million jobs and multiplied that by
half a percent, the number from the CBO analysis. The result: 650,000
jobs feared to be in jeopardy.
"For ordinary Americans who could fall into that half a percent, that
is a vitally important stat, and it is reasonable to suggest they
would not characterize the effect as small," she said.
But Fronstin said that approach is also questionable, since the budget
office and the GOP staffers used different yardsticks to measure
overall jobs and hours worked. The differences would have to be
adjusted first in order to produce an accurate estimate.
Said Van de Water, "The number doesn't mean what they say it means."
Monday, January 10, 2011
2nd Amendment Solutions, By Ballot or Bullet, and the Tea Bagger Fringe is shocked they are targeted as the source of the match that lite the flame of violence!
that is real scary is
how the crowd cheered to the violence of a 2nd amendment solution!
We May Have To Resort To The Bullet Box
'By Ballot or Bullet Restoration is coming' a sign at a 9/12 rally
If a Detroit Muslim put a map on the web with crosshairs on 20 pols,
then 1 of them got shot, where would he be sitting right now? Just
asking. - Michael Moore
A physician cannot treat an illness s/he willfully refuses to
diagnose. Violent political rhetoric is not fault of "both sides." -
Tom Tomorrow
Inspiring that our media pundits are so quick to reach for
to blame" when no conservative events have been terrorized by gunmen.
- Jeffrey Feldman
Weird: rightwingers say movies, video games affect behavior -- but
real world violent rhetoric from leaders & radio talkers have NO
impact! - Tom Tomorrow
Jared Lougnner: drug arrests, too crazy for Army or for college or
anything else, but getting a legal gun? No problem. - Tom Tomorrow
I find it abhorrent that Sarah Palin would stoke the coals of
extremism with dangerous messaging, then delete it when something bad
happens. - Jason Pollock
Sure, Sarah Palin didn't pull the trigger. But then, neither did
Charles Manson. - auntbeast
Sarah Palin rummages online frantically erasing her rabble-rousing
Tweets like a Stalinist trimming non-persons out of photos. - Roger
I'll say this, if your first instinct after hearing about a tragedy
to scrub yr websites, you have a problem as a political movement. -
CNN's Dana Bash says "this could be a wake-up call." THIS ... ? The
whole Tea Party, carrying guns to rallies WASN'T?? - hololio2
Teaparty asses have been asking for this to happen, and how they're
pissed off that we're calling them out on it. - TLW3
STOP SAYING"BOTH PARTIES"!! The Left has not been advocating
@CNN assholes. - YatPundit
Friday, January 07, 2011
Simple Fact, The Health Care Law is exempt from the GOP CUT/GO law because is actually SAVES 100,000 Billions of Dollars!
One more time, to repeal the Health Care Law it will RAISE
the DEBT.
So the GOP is LYING about the Health Care Bill costing money.
So Now they have changed the reason for repealing the Bill
to it cost jobs?
Sounds like the ever changing reasons to invade Iraq.
They Lie, They Lie and They LIE!