Monday, July 25, 2011

Economic Suicide: Putting Party Before Country, Ideology before Reality.

The Suicidal Insane Tea Baggers and their Agenda to destroy America
Putting Party Before Country, and Ideology before reality..

Sean Lewis
July 25, 2010

The 2008 elected Congressional Democrats ran on a platform of economic reform and job creation.

The House Democrats passed ALL of the initiatives in the first 100 Days.

The Senate Democrats however face arcane Senate runs,that allowed individual Senators to place anonymous holds on legislation and a 60 vote super majority before a bill could come up for a vote. Because Frankel was not Seated till Months after the Election, and Another Senator suffered a sever stroke, Democrats only had 60 votes for a limited period of time and Republicans were able to stop most of the Jobs creation, economic refor and recovery legislation from getting to the President's desk to be signed into law,

This is why the recovery has not occurred as robustly as predicted. Add to this that Republicans began to dismantle all legislation passed in the 2 year period before the 2010 elections. The Party of no, has made it their agenda to bring down The President by bringing down the Country. The GOP feels this is acceptable to put Party before Country.

However it has reach the suicide tipping point with the Debt Ceiling. If the Suicidal Economic Tea Baggers do not allow the Debt Ceiling to be raise, the 2008 economic collapse will occur again, but this time there will be nothing to stop complete collapse.

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