The Flat Earthers say Climate change is a myth.
Sean Lewis
December 12, 2010
There was a time that if you said the earth was round
you were called a heretic, a child of Satan, stripped of
all property, imprisoned by the Church, tortured, forced
to recant your declaration, and in some cases crucified
or burn at the stake.
Everyone now knows the Earth is round.
There was a time that if you said the Earth was not the
center of the universe you were called a heretic, a child
of Satan, stripped of all property, imprisoned by the
Church, tortured, forced to recant your declaration, and
in some cases crucified or burn at the stake.
Everyone now knows the Earth is not the center of the
There was a time that if you said the earth traveled around
the sun you were called a heretic, a child of Satan, stripped
of all property, imprisoned by the Church, tortured, forced
to recant your declaration, and in some cases crucified
or burn at the stake.
Everyone now knows the Earth travels around the Sun.
For many 'Believers' Science is the destruction of faith,
it is not. Science is about understanding the empirical
facts that govern life. Religion has tried to control
knowledge because knowledge contradicts many of
the erroneous teachings of modern religion.
God is love. It is as simple as this. But if you teach this
simple message, you do not gain power or wealth.
So you need to make this message more complicated
so you can govern and control, gain wealth and power.
That is why it is important not to allow the 'faithful'
to become an informed educated people. Because then
when a religious leader makes a comment that we
are the center of God's universe, yet facts say otherwise,
it brings to question EVERYTHING that a manipulative
religion tells it's faithful beyond God is love.
This brings us to the modern day Flat Earthers.
Today's the 'Earth is Flat' beliefs are these 'revelations'.
Dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark.
Creationism replaces Evolution.
Climate Change is a myth.
Empirical science proves all of this wrong,
but the Modern day Flat Earthers are in full throated
There were no WMD's
Bush ignored warnings about 9/11.
Bush ignored warnings about Katrina.
Tax cuts to the Rich did not 15 million jobs.
President Obama was not born in the United States.
Tax cuts to the Rich did not stimulate the economy, but contributed to
the near economic collapse of the United States.
The flat earther are now turning to beliefs that in their minds can
not be disproved as all of these previous beliefs have been
empirically proven to be wrong. So the Flat Earthers are reaching out
to things that only large expanses of time can prove wrong. It is
safer not to have to face the reality that the things you thought were
true are not. Previously, you could simple torture and kill those who
threatened your beliefs, we are at war with people who think this way,
Hopefully this type of extreme radical religion will not dominate the
American landscape either.
Then again these Flat Earthers do kill Doctors in Church they disagree with.