Monday, January 23, 2006

My Children are not going to have a chance at a better Life! Another Bush Legacy

I am getting depressed. I see no hope for my children.
In one sentence I can some up the Bush Administration.
This Administration is willfully ignorant when it says the economy is going like gang busters just as a major company announces the firing of 30,000 Americans.
This Administration is willfully ignorant when Bush says the future is learning a skill that is marketable as our high paying skilled jobs are being out-sourced and Federal Pell grants are being cut and the Federal Student loan program charge high interest rates that border on usury.
Bush says he is all about protecting the US against terrorism while leaving our borders unguarded, so much so that Military troops from Mexico REGULARLY cross our borders with illegal aliens, how does this show America we are safe and secure?

Hey how many of you can come up with similar statements?

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"

Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"

Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"


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