Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Are we REALLY safer with Bush? The Answer is NO

Bush Says he is the man to keep America safe against the Bad guys. The facts say otherwise.
Al Qaida Attacked the US in 2001.
Al qaida is still active, Bin Laden has taken on cult status, and the threat of more attacks in the US is actually more likely to happen.
Bush has shown he can not effectively run a war. The War in Iraq has a litany of mistakes that began when Bush Invaded with too few troops to keep the peace.
Bush chooses to listen to the wrong advisors. He ignored the Intel saying America was about to be attacked in 2001. He ignored the Intel that said Iraq had no involvement in 9/11. He ignored the Intel that said Iraq had no WMD's. Bush ignored the Intel that said we needed more troops in Iraq to maintain the peace. He ignored the Intel about armor for the troops. Bush Ignored the Intel that said we needed to secure the weapon depots.
Bush helped the terrorists in England when he warned them the Al qaida Computer expert was caught. This informed the London terrorists that they were NOT in contact with the Al qaida Computer guy but British and Pakistani intelligence. The British tried to roll up the terror cell, but did not get them all. History told the rest of the story. Why did Bush give up the secret? For political gain, he wanted to kill Kerry's post convention bounce. Bush put lives in harms way for his own political gain.
I will repeat this, listen. Bush put lives in harms way for his own political gain.
4 years after 9/11 and is America prepared to face internal attacks? No.
Al qaida was probably behind the Anthrax attacks. They were a terror attack aimed at the US Government. People died, yet the myth that Iraq has kept America safe Persists.
Katrina prove that Bush still is not paying attention to obvious threats to the Country. The Administration was still on vacation 3 days after Landfall. A category 5 hurricane is a very obvious threat, yet the system  merely did not work, it failed in a spectacular fashion that the entire world got to watch in real time.
Our Borders are unguarded, Mexican troops regularly cross our borders with illegal aliens. Terrorist can enter this country just as easy.
Based on all of these facts, we are not safer but at higher risk.
America there is a wolf at our door. It is terrorism. Yet Bush has left the windows and doors open and run off to protect a distant neighbor in Iraq who was never in danger, and left our woman and children home to fend for themselves.
The National Guard should be patrolling the borders, the US Military should be after Bin Laden with ALL OF IT"S RESOURCES. Safety begins at home. You first take care of your family's immediate threat before you go off to save someone else NOT in danger!
Katrina proved no one is home keeping America safe. The Mexican military and the illegal aliens prove our borders are not secure. The Anthrax attacks prove that invading Iraq did not keep terror from our borders.
Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"

Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"

Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"

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