January 26, 2006
Sean Lewis
Rage against the Bush Propaganda Machine!
The pattern is clear and has been repeated continuously unfortunately since 9/11. There is a threat, Bush is warned about the threat. He ignores the treat. The worst happens. Then Bush denies knowing about the threat. Fights any investigation into the threat. Revises history to make it look like it is Clinton or the Democrats fault. A paper trail appears exposing Bush and the Administrations incompetency in dealing with the threat. Bush denies any knowledge of being forewarn about the threat. Bush then rewards his constituents and unqualified cronies with money from the US Treasury and jobs to fix the mistake. They of course being incompetent the appointees only make it worst.
Bush supporters ignore the endemic faults of this Bush administration. Bush continues to ignore the warnings that would save American lives. This is not political, this is fact. I for one value American lives. Do YOU?
Bush is doing now with the Katrina Investigation what he has done with every investigation since 9/11. Stall, deny, omit the truth, blur the truth, politicize the discussion, attack the person not the issue, try to revise history, and only grudgingly admit the truth after the truth has been known all along. Then blame Clinton or the Democrats for giving comfort to the enemy because we question Bush's poor judgement.
Poor Judgement like there were WMD's In Iraq, Iraq was involved in 9/11, Bush had no warning about 9/11, Bush had no warning about Katrina, The White House had no involvement in Plame outing, The US isn't torturing prisoners, The Wire Taps are legal, Delay has no legal problems, Abramoff did nothing wrong, US borders are secure, The Anthrax was not a terrorist attack within our borders, 68 thousand auto workers being fired proves the economy is doing fine, record number of bankruptcies proves tax cuts for the rich help the working poor and middle class, Terri Schiavo wasn't brain dead, slowing GDP growth proves tax cuts stimulated the economy, out-sourcing jobs is good for Americans, buying reporters to shill for the White House is OK, altering Government reports to support Bush's policies is OK, trying to 'fix' Social Security and 'fixing' Medicare to HELP the elderly, there is more but you get the point.
That felt good but unfortunately it did not solve the problem. To solve the problem the US needs a change in Leadership starting in 2006!
Nixon 1973: "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger: "I did nothing illegal!"
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Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger: "I did nothing illegal!"
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