Thursday, January 26, 2006

Rage against the Bush Propaganda Machine!

January 26, 2006
Sean Lewis
Rage against the Bush Propaganda Machine! 
The pattern is clear and has been repeated continuously unfortunately since 9/11. There is a threat, Bush is warned about the threat. He ignores the treat. The worst happens. Then Bush denies knowing about the threat. Fights any investigation into the threat. Revises history to make it look like it is Clinton or the Democrats fault. A paper trail appears exposing Bush and the Administrations incompetency in dealing with the threat. Bush denies any knowledge of being forewarn about the threat. Bush then rewards his constituents and unqualified cronies with money from the US Treasury and jobs to fix the mistake. They of course being incompetent the appointees only make it worst.
Bush supporters ignore the endemic faults of this Bush administration. Bush continues to ignore the warnings that would save American lives. This is not political, this is fact. I for one value American lives. Do YOU?
Bush is doing now with the Katrina Investigation what he has done with every investigation since 9/11. Stall, deny, omit the truth, blur the truth, politicize the discussion, attack the person not the issue, try to revise history, and only grudgingly admit the truth after the truth has been known all along. Then blame Clinton or the Democrats for giving comfort to the enemy because we question Bush's poor judgement.
Poor Judgement like there were WMD's In Iraq, Iraq was involved in 9/11, Bush had no warning about 9/11, Bush had no warning about Katrina, The White House had no involvement in Plame outing, The US isn't torturing prisoners, The Wire Taps are legal, Delay has no legal problems, Abramoff did nothing wrong, US borders are secure, The Anthrax was not a terrorist attack within our borders, 68 thousand auto workers being fired proves the economy is doing fine, record number of bankruptcies proves tax cuts for the rich help the working poor and middle class, Terri Schiavo wasn't brain dead, slowing GDP growth proves tax cuts stimulated the economy, out-sourcing jobs is good for Americans, buying reporters to shill for the White House is OK, altering Government reports to support Bush's policies is OK, trying to 'fix' Social Security and 'fixing' Medicare to HELP the elderly, there is more but you get the point. 
That felt good but unfortunately it did not solve the problem. To solve the problem the US needs a change in Leadership starting in 2006!
Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"

Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"

Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"


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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Are we REALLY safer with Bush? The Answer is NO

Bush Says he is the man to keep America safe against the Bad guys. The facts say otherwise.
Al Qaida Attacked the US in 2001.
Al qaida is still active, Bin Laden has taken on cult status, and the threat of more attacks in the US is actually more likely to happen.
Bush has shown he can not effectively run a war. The War in Iraq has a litany of mistakes that began when Bush Invaded with too few troops to keep the peace.
Bush chooses to listen to the wrong advisors. He ignored the Intel saying America was about to be attacked in 2001. He ignored the Intel that said Iraq had no involvement in 9/11. He ignored the Intel that said Iraq had no WMD's. Bush ignored the Intel that said we needed more troops in Iraq to maintain the peace. He ignored the Intel about armor for the troops. Bush Ignored the Intel that said we needed to secure the weapon depots.
Bush helped the terrorists in England when he warned them the Al qaida Computer expert was caught. This informed the London terrorists that they were NOT in contact with the Al qaida Computer guy but British and Pakistani intelligence. The British tried to roll up the terror cell, but did not get them all. History told the rest of the story. Why did Bush give up the secret? For political gain, he wanted to kill Kerry's post convention bounce. Bush put lives in harms way for his own political gain.
I will repeat this, listen. Bush put lives in harms way for his own political gain.
4 years after 9/11 and is America prepared to face internal attacks? No.
Al qaida was probably behind the Anthrax attacks. They were a terror attack aimed at the US Government. People died, yet the myth that Iraq has kept America safe Persists.
Katrina prove that Bush still is not paying attention to obvious threats to the Country. The Administration was still on vacation 3 days after Landfall. A category 5 hurricane is a very obvious threat, yet the system  merely did not work, it failed in a spectacular fashion that the entire world got to watch in real time.
Our Borders are unguarded, Mexican troops regularly cross our borders with illegal aliens. Terrorist can enter this country just as easy.
Based on all of these facts, we are not safer but at higher risk.
America there is a wolf at our door. It is terrorism. Yet Bush has left the windows and doors open and run off to protect a distant neighbor in Iraq who was never in danger, and left our woman and children home to fend for themselves.
The National Guard should be patrolling the borders, the US Military should be after Bin Laden with ALL OF IT"S RESOURCES. Safety begins at home. You first take care of your family's immediate threat before you go off to save someone else NOT in danger!
Katrina proved no one is home keeping America safe. The Mexican military and the illegal aliens prove our borders are not secure. The Anthrax attacks prove that invading Iraq did not keep terror from our borders.
Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"

Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"

Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"


Monday, January 23, 2006

My Children are not going to have a chance at a better Life! Another Bush Legacy

I am getting depressed. I see no hope for my children.
In one sentence I can some up the Bush Administration.
This Administration is willfully ignorant when it says the economy is going like gang busters just as a major company announces the firing of 30,000 Americans.
This Administration is willfully ignorant when Bush says the future is learning a skill that is marketable as our high paying skilled jobs are being out-sourced and Federal Pell grants are being cut and the Federal Student loan program charge high interest rates that border on usury.
Bush says he is all about protecting the US against terrorism while leaving our borders unguarded, so much so that Military troops from Mexico REGULARLY cross our borders with illegal aliens, how does this show America we are safe and secure?

Hey how many of you can come up with similar statements?

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"

Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"

Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Is Alito Bush's Ford?

I have watched the Alito Nomination and frankly I am losing faith in the politicians of this country.
The Republicans are corrupt and the Democrats are inept.
Bush choose Alito because Alito shares Bush's need for absolute Presidential Powers, the overturning of Roe vs Wade and the rolling back of many gains many religious conservatives feel destroyed this country, like women's liberation, social programs, abortion, evolution, affirmative action and gay rights.
But besides this, Bush is working on HIS exit plan. Hell Bush knows that once he leaves office, if the Republicans are not in power, it will be time to pay the piper. Iraq was a mistake that will haunt Bush and this Nation. Bush needs a judge who will vote not to go after Bush legally after he leaves office. Alito will be that advocate on the Bench for Bush.
Alito's personal views on abortion makes it very clear what he is about. He judgement on other issues give a little insight to the man. Alito is not a Bigot per say, but he does represent the middle age white male who feels that things are not like they used to be and they should be made the way they were before the Democrats screwed things up.
Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"

Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"

Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Unconfirmed Sources 2005 Year In Review

Saturday, December 31, 2005

In an effort to keep all the joy and happiness of 2005 alive, Unconfirmed Sources gives you a rather windy re-cap of the year that was:

January 2005: The flap over United States President George W. Bush's telling the White House press corps that he has "a Man Date" due to his 52% election win continues, outraging the very Evangelical Christians that elected him. Ralph Reed, head of the Christian Coalition, denounces Mr. Bush for his new Gay lifestyle and condemns Man Dates in general.

The entire planet is captivated by scenes of the Boxing Day Tsunami devastation, sending buckets of cash to Thailand and South Asia while more than 70,000 Sudanese are killed in civil wars and by the ongoing drought. 2.1 million Sudanese don sarongs and scotch tape back their eyes in an attempt to appear more Asian and apply for Thai citizenship just to stay alive. They are turned away when Thai officials realize donations will dry up if people think their money will go to starving and limbless Africans instead of cute little Asian children.

February: As if Man Dates weren't enough, The White House also shows it's commitment to Gay Rights when it is discovered that one of the Presidents favorite reporters is actually a Conservative Christian Republican Homosexual Military Prostitute named Jeff Gannon…or Jim Guckert…I can never remember.

President Bush shows his appreciation to the military for it's work and sacrifice by cutting Veterans Healthcare Benefits by 900 million dollars and Housing by another 50 million, explaining that it needs to make up the shortfall since United States Pro-Consul for Iraq, J. Paul Bremmer, admitted that he couldn't account for 9 billion dollars that was pissed away during the Iraqi occupation, saying that someone must have taken his spare change jar off his dresser when he wasn't looking.

March: Teri Schaivo fever grips America as hundreds of members of the Congress, Senate and White House join the President's brother Jeb in showing solidarity with the brain dead woman by proving that consciousness isn't the only way to determine you're brain is working.
Research suggests that far from abstaining from sex to remain virgins, young Christian girls were just foregoing intercourse in favor of anal and oral sex, making them incredibly popular in the teen dating pool.

April: Millions of non Catholics worldwide squared their shoulders and pretended to mourn the passing of Pope John Paul II, who after years of idle threats, finally died. The College of Cardinals elect Hitler Youth alumni Joseph Ratzinger who takes the name Benedict XVI, or Bennie Four Square.
America is gripped by Runaway Bride fever as goggle-eyed Jennifer Willbanks tells police that she was kidnapped by a bunch of Hispanic guys and some chick, exciting the nations lust for inter-racial and Lesbian bondage sex.

May: Evidence surfaces that the Air Force Academy is nothing more than a private Evangelical Christian club dedicated to bombing non-Christians into the Rapture; the findings surfaced as a result of investigations into charges of sexual abuse by female cadets. Muslims, Jews and non-Evangelicals protested, saying that they wanted to bomb people and grope chicks as much as Evangelical Christians and it just wasn't fair. Happily, changes were made and now everyone can now grope female cadets, regardless of religion.

June: North Carolina Congressman Walter Jones, the dope who coined the term Freedom Fries, adds his voice to the growing chorus demanding a time table for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, proving that even complete morons were beginning to worry about George Bush's military prowess.
George Bush addresses the Southern Baptist Convention, calling for more cash for Christians and re-iterating his commitment to the ideals that it doesn't matter how many people die of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or cancer as long as a single stem cell isn't harmed.

July: Circumventing both public opinion and Congressional approval George Bush make a recess appointment of John Bolton as Ambassador to the UN in retaliation to his falling poll numbers.
Republican Senate Leader Bill Frist regains some measure of sanity and endorses stem cell research.
President Bush, the worlds leading example of Chaos Theory, endorses Intelligent Design, or ID as it's also called. Proponents of the theory, or IDiots as they're known, respond by giving the President more time to kill Iraqi's without complaint.

August: George Bush takes a well earned vacation in Crawford, Texas where he is unexpectedly besieged by Cindy Sheehan…enough said there.
Hurricane Katrina drowns New Orleans and the Gulf Coast- President Bush compliments FEMA head Michael Brown, uttering the now infamous line, "You're doing a Helluva job Brownie." Surprisingly, Mr. Bush's poll numbers continue to fall.

September: Tom DeLay is indicted for money laundering and fraud, shocking Washington politicians who had no idea that those things were illegal. Investigations into the Valerie Plame CIA leak heats up with both Karl Rove and Scooter Libby eyed for committing treason by naming a covert agent. Bill Frist is under investigation for insider trading, the White House procurement chief is arrested for lying to FBI and obstructing a criminal investigation. The Rev. Pat Robertson calls for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. All in all, a pretty cool month.

October: President Bush Nominates White House Counsel Harriet Meirs as his choice to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Conner to overwhelming support from his base, but for some strange reason Ms. Meirs withdraws from the race rather than answer any questions about exactly how she's been keeping President Bush out of jail all these years.
Scooter Libby is indicted.
Mr. Bush also admits that God told him to invade Iraq…God denies the charges and refuses to speak to the President ever again.

November: My computer crashes and I go off-line…apparently nothing happened.

December: In a fit of madness rivaled only by George W. Bush's second term re-election, Unconfirmed Sources readers contribute to the Chuck Terzella computer fund, guaranteeing another year of bad satire and poor writing, I respond by saying, "I have a Mandate." Readers begin to rethink their generosity, but like George Bush's election, it's just too late.

Happy New Year!

Nixon 1973:  "I am not a crook!"

Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"

Bush 2005 wagging finger:  "I did nothing illegal!"