Thursday, August 04, 2005

View from Australia

I am in Australia. One of the allies in the War against Terror.
It is interesting. In social settings eventually the discussion gets around to politics. In every situation from farmers to Solicitors the same questions always comes up. 'Why did Americans elect Bush for a second term?'. 'Why are you allowing the Religious extremist run your country?'
No one is for the war and all thing it was a mistake to invade Iraq. All are stating that the sooner the Australian army is out of Iraq the better. All however feel that the invasion into Afghanistan was just.
I try to explain that not everyone believes in the war in Iraq that we are a Democracy and that the Majority of the people voted based on misplaced Patriotism rather than common sense. I tell them that anyone who questioned the invasion was called un-American and a traitor to the country so few opposed the invasion. That Bush won on one of the slimmest percentage margins in history and that is why it went down to just the votes in one state Ohio.
Still they look at me and ask 'Why aren't Americans aware of the facts?' 'Saddam wasn't the enemy, the enemy was in Afghanistan, not Iraq.' 'America is killing innocent Iraqis by having the war in Afghanistan rather than Iraq.'
Then some say this as a reason for the war. 'You know it is all about the oil. Look at the Sudan, they have no oil so America does not help them.'
All I can say is that I am an American. That I believe in my Country and what it stands for. That we have a leader who has led us astray and we have people who follow him because they are misguided by his use of religion and Patriotism.
To this they respond if Americans are not careful we could see the beginning of another dark age if a war is begun between the Christians and the Muslims. They say that our religious zealots are as bad if not worst than the Taliban and al qaida. That America is becoming it's own worst enemy.
I sit and I listen. The news here is of a different view. I listen to Muslim leaders talk about how the Koran is a book a peace. That a fringe group of Muslims are using the Koran wrongly to inspire war and hatred. I listen as the Muslim leaders repeat over and over how they condemn the violence, and that it is important NOT to blame Muslims for the war.
Then I listen to the Religious based hate from Bush supporters and I see the true danger to this country. I just hope others see it before it is too late.
Sean Lewis
Malanda Australia
Time will tell all the truth.


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