Sunday, October 11, 2009

When did it become a Political Ideology to celebrate Failure in America?

When did it become a Political Ideology to celebrate Failure in America?

Sean Lewis
October 11, 2009

If I didn't know better I swear I lived in a Communist Anti-American

Only there would I hear cheers when The US failed to achieve a goal,
of hear a chorus of ridicule and excuses if the US President was
awarded a Noble Prize or tried to make life better for the majority of

What happened to this Country?

There is an entire block of Americans actively undermining the
US President, Congress and hard working patriotic
Americans. These individuals hope that the Country The Congress
and the President will fail in their attempt to reverse the last
8 years of economic decline.

These individuals WANT America to Fail!

There are entertainment Channels who sole purpose it appears
is to undermine US Democracy. These channels cultivates
anti-American opinions and actually organize protests against
the US Government!

The Entertainers on these channels cite unverified, erroneous half
truths and perpetuate urban legends as fact, not to educate or
enlighten but to sow dissent and agitation for one reason. Ratings
and money.

At what point does it become UN-American to try to undermine
this country for the benefit of financial gain at the cost of
American prestige and prosperity?

At what point do the American people say ENOUGH. We are
Americans first and we stand for America for better or for worst
and as Americans we will all join together to help America succeed
rather than celebrate and cultivate Americans failure!

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