Monday, December 05, 2005

Re: Bush's plan for victory is another plan for failure

Iraq was the Wrong War at the Wrong Time for the Wrong Reasons.
Simply put, the preemptive war of choice was the worst thing America could have done in it's war on terrorism. For Al qaida the Iraq war turned defeat in Afghanistan into a world wide rallying cry. 
Iraq was no threat to the US.
Iraq had no WMD's
Iraq was not involved in 9/11.
Iraq had no supporting role with Al qaida.
Iraq was not an immediate threat to the US.
Iraq was not an imminent threat to the US.
Iraq might have been a threat in the distant future, MAYBE!
Bush's plan for victory, like his first plan for invasion, is not based on reality. The reality is Iraq is becoming a war of desperation with ever decreasing chances for a good fairy tale ending. Iraq will become everything Bush warned the world Iraq would become if we did not invade. In fact because of the invasion Iraq will become everything Bush predicted and worst.
Iraq's fate could have been different. It could have been everything Bush predicted. For this to have happened, Bush would have had to be truthful and open. One thing it is obvious the Administration is incapable of being.
From the beginning Iraq was doomed to failure.
The Bush administration 'filtered' the Intelligence and the N.I.E. on the Intelligence. The administration used extreme bad judgement in it's inclusion of questionable and challenged Intelligence in it's justification for war. Intelligence that all proved to be WRONG.
The republicans say the Democrats were at fault also. Why? Apparently it is the Democrats fault for believing Bush at his word during war time. You heard me. The Republicans are blaming the Democrats for taking Bush at his word and not double checking the facts. This is like blaming a woman for being raped because she is pretty. This is how ever the Administrations reasoning for all the many mistakes that have occurred.
The Bush Administration planned for a successful invasion of Iraq. 'Mission Accomplish!' Who didn't know this was going to happen. The real test was what happened AFTER the invasion, when the real battle for the hearts and minds of the Iraqis were at stake. This is where the hubris and incompetence of this Bush Administration is very apparent.
So let me 'Bring It On!'
The Intelligence was wrong, based on lies.
There were no WMD's
There wasn't enough troops.
The Ammo and weapon depots were not secured.
The IAEA sites were not secured.
No security was provided after the Iraq military and police were disbanded.
Rioting, looting, crime and chaos was allowed unhindered.
Crime, chaos and murder have gone unchecked.
Indiscriminate torture of the indigent population has occurred.
The claim that it is better to fight Al qaida in Iraq rather than in the US or in Afghanistan were Al qaida was.
The Downing Memos.
Allowing roaming killing squads to exist.
Using Chemical and anti personnel weapons in civilian populated areas.
These are the most egregious mistakes that could have been prevented if Bush had simply LISTENED to criticism.
The solution for Iraq is not in Iraq. The solution for Iraq begins in the White House. For the Iraq war would never have been if not for the White House. Until Bush is willing to admit the fundamental mistakes of it's Iraq war strategy, there will be no positive outcome in Iraq.
Bush's Presidency is a failure. It is a far reaching failure for not just Bush and his supporters. This failure reverberates through out America, the Middle East and the World. Bush's failure has made the world a MUCH more dangerous place.
This is a failure that cannot be allowed to happen. For this reason Iraq MUST BE a WORLD WIDE ISSUE Unfortunately the world is getting out in 2006. We will be left with this. The only way to turn it around is to show the world America acknowledges this Administration's Iraq Agenda was wrong. America has taken those first tentative steps. Next Congress and America must take the lead on 'fixing' Iraq.
America cannot survive anymore plans for victory.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

+ $1,809,593,591,481
Social Security Trust Fund
– $8,017,618,068,106
The Gross National Debt

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT

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