Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Next 3 years of an Irrelevant President.

The Next 3 years of an Irrelevant President.
Bush is now telling the truth. Hell after the horrible images of Katrina, Bush has nothing left to lose. Well, actually he does. Bush is about to become irrelevant. No one any longer takes him seriously.
We volunteered to give up our civil liberties, and mortgaged our children's future because Bush said it would keep us safe. We turned everything over to the Government. Bush told us the US Government could best see the big picture, the big puzzle, the big threat.
Yet somehow they missed a CAT 5 hurricane that took days to move across the Gulf of Mexico. They missed the Americans begging for help as they slowly died in color worldwide over the next week waiting for our Government to come to their aid.
We invaded Iraq to bring Democracy. Somehow after seeing how the greatest Democratic country treats it's most helpless and needy Citizens in a time of emergency, I doubt anyone thinks Democracy is such a good deal. Maybe we should recycle those WMD theories again.
Bush responded with that 'no one could have expected such an event.' 'There was no warning.' 'The reports he received were wrong' or 'never made it to the WH.' This might have worked once, but Bush has used it for 9/11, Post Iraq, and now Katrina. That's three strikes. Bush is out.
I remember reading about the French and how the elderly were left behind during August to die slow deaths. I thought how could any civilized country allow such a thing happen to their elderly. I no longer take such a high and mighty point of view.
I have traveled overseas. At some point no matter who I am talking to, the issue of Bush comes up. My response is that I did not vote for him. During the first week of Katrina I received calls from overseas. My foreign friends were in stunned disbelief that America could not help it's own citizens in a national emergency that was known to about to occur. They kept asking the same question, 'how could this happen?' I couldn't answer because I was asking the same question too.
I tear up when I see those helpless elder Americans. More than anything else these poor people endured so much their entire lives and then to see them die such slow horrible deaths that could have and should have been prevented. There are simply no words to express my sorrow and disgust. 
Bush has to do more than simply except responsibility. This was obvious. Bush needs to admit this is not the only mistake he has made. Bush needs to change how he runs the WH. If he does not, the Country will simply ignore him and get the business of running this country done through the Congress and the 2006 elections. All the Bush Republicans should take notice, it is not working and America is about ready to clean house.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

+ $1,751,132,130,359 Social Security Trust Fund

– $7,805,708,317,936 The Gross National Debt

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT



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