The Bush Believer's Katrina blame game, anyone else But Bush and Co.
For the last week I have heard a litany of noise from both sides of the aisle about the Catastrophe that was the Katrina Post Hurricane Rescue and now recovery.
In the beginning the discussion was overwhelmingly critical of the WH and it's extremely slow response, or in reality; the WH non response to the death and destruction of Hurricane Katrina.
The Bush Believers and Useful Bush Idiots cried it was unfair to blame the WH. They used the same tactic as 9/11. It was the terrorist who attacked the US blame them not Bush. It was a hurricane that caused the Destruction down south, not Bush. I love this Bull Shit. The Deflection of cause and accountability begins immediately. The Bush Believers and Useful Bush Idiots believe that if they can say that being critical of the President about something that was not in his control you are being just a Bush Basher and Blame America First Democrat. The reality is being critical of Bush is putting his feet to the fire to start acting like the President of the United States, The Commander And Chief.
In Both Disasters there were warnings that went unanswered. In both disasters actions could have been taken that could have limited or possibly even eliminated the Disaster. In both disasters Bush was actually taking FUNDING away from the solution that could have prevented the Disaster. In both Disasters Bush exhibited a total disconnect to reality, we watched Bush and his 'My Pet Goat' syndrome during 9/11 and while people were drowning in New Orleans Bush was playing Guitar and blowing out candles. He exhibited total dereliction of duty. The man has proven that he is not qualified to run the Nation and his administration has shown they do not know how to run things. Condi rice was still on Vacation 4 days after Katrina hit. She was shopping for shoes in NYC until Customers shamed her to go to work.
The Administration is an embarrassment, and the world got to watch how the administration did nothing as a Disaster unraveled in slow motion. A disaster that took DAYS in the making!!!!!
The Bush Believers and Useful Bush Idiots were like Bush and CO. caught flat footed. So for the first few days the images of New Orleans and the complete criticism of Bush went unchallenged. It took both Bush and Co and the Bush Believers and Useful Bush Idiots a few days to mount a reaction to the obvious show of incompetence the world view with Katrina.
The First step was to try to stem the damage. So the Bush Believers and use Useful Bush Idiots said pointing fingers wasn't going to help the survivors. The issue wasn't blame the issue was accountability. the death in New Orleans was unacceptable.
The Second step was to kill the story. So the Bush Believers and Useful Bush Idiots tried to make the story about the looters who took control of the city 48 hours after no rescue, food, water medication and lawful order were brought to the city. They completely ignored the majority of the Lawful citizens who listened to officials and gathered for help at designated areas or those victims clinging to life trapped in flooded attics or rooftops. All these people waited and died for aid that for them never came. they did not riot, they did not break the law. They died waiting for a government that was still on Vacation or simply out to lunch.
The Third step was to play the race card effectively killing the issue of why the poor, sick and elderly do not rate being on the radar as far as Bush and Co are concerned. The Bush Believers and Useful Bush Idiots try to say it was just the LIBERALS trying to make it a racial issue, when the reality was that the Bush Believers already made it an issue with phrases such as 'look at THESE people, they are looting and acting like animals' 'THESE people deserve what they get, THEY stayed to loot the city'
The fourth step was to Blame local government by simply throwing as much Shit at the wall, seeing what stuck and running with that. Each claim that was knocked down as wrong, a lie or actually a negative for Bush was dropped and two other claims took it's place. The longer it took to knock a lie down the louder the lie got. The softer the retraction, if any was even given.
Finally the issue of the death toll. Just like Iraq. the death toll is being swept under the rug. No central collection area, no body retrieval, just numbers that haven't been recounted since Tuesday after the hurricane hit. Many bodies will never be found. they will be swept to sea of into the lake. Many are being eaten by Alligators. These are Americans. In an age where soldiers will not leave a dead comrades body behind and will even suffer more dead to retrieve the dead body, bush and CO are letting American bodies rot and covered where they lay.
This is unbelievable. This is unacceptable. This is unforgivable.
This is the ultimate responsibility and fault of Bush.