Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Bush now scares me at News Conferences.

Today I watched Bush at his news conference.
The Press asked real questions, for a change.
Bush tried his good old boy charm, the press ignored this and tried to remain formal and to the point. Answer the questions about the issues.
Bush continued to answer the questions with answers that have worked in the past. However now the American people and the press know the real answers, and Bush is still replying with disinformation that is painful to watch and hear.
When Bush is in a jam, without pause he calls on another reporter so as to not allow a follow up question.
His composure or lack there of is becoming obvious. It appears he is a man on the edge. This was further confirmed by the way he quickly ended this news conference after first saying he would take a few more questions.
Why, because the press was asking specific yes or no questions. Would Bush be willing to drop private accounts for a compromise on Social Security. Bush never answered. Worse the very thing Bush was asking Congress to do, Compromise and work together to arrive at a compromised solution, Bush himself will not do himself
Bush is trying to overcome the publics view of this Republican Government and it all or nothing views to their Radical Religious Right Agenda. This Press Conference only seemed to confirm this belief.
I do not think Bush should do any more Press conferences. I do not get any comfort or feel secure with bush at the helm showing cracks in his composure. things will only get worst if gasoline prices raise and the housing market stalls. What will Bush do then?
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Time will tell all the Truth.


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