Taking America Back(ward) or moving it Forward.
That is the choice.
Sean Lewis
November 28, 2010
Currently the debacle that was the 2007 recession
and the 2008 Meltdown and near Depression has
been reigned in and the economy has been stabilized.
The Cause was irresponsible governance for 6 years.
Republicans want to claim it all began when the Democrats
came into office with a majority in 2007. A Lie.
Democrats did not have controlling input into economic policy
until the FALL of 2007 during the 2008 Budget process! That
Budget did not go into effect until 2008.
The Country was already in recession in 2007 and saw Bailouts
already BEGINNING in the First Quarter of 2008!
Republicans blocked and denied the economy was in trouble
until it was almost too late to do anything about it.
Now we have a stabilized economy even though the Obstructionist
Republican Senators have blocked 420 House passed bills from
being CONSIDERED to become possible law. 420 economic bills
that were to help grow the economy and create jobs,
Had these Bills gone through we might be well into economic
Recovery and growing the Country back to robust economic
job, earnings and GDP Growth. But this would mean the GOP
had it all wrong.
So blocking legislation did serve a purpose, it was about putting
the GOP party before America and the American people.
Many people actually believe the lack of economic recovery is
because of Democratic incompetence. Not entirely true.
The democrats are incompetent, but their incompetence is
about not being on message and telling simply and clearly how
they saved the Country from the cliff of Depression.
The issue now is this. What happens in 2011?
If the GOP actually gets control of one or both the Senate or
the House, it will now be on the GOP to present solutions that WORK!
Not an easy task because of the incursions of the Far Right
Tea Party Candidates, who naively believe the solution to everything
is to cut Federal Spending, end Social Programs, Deregulate
Business, end subsidies, and lower taxes.
Sounds great, but implementation would actually be disastrous if in fact no rational thought is given to such actions.
I am all for these actions, in moderation; and explained the hows and whys YEARS ago. However if in fact the TEA PARTY acts without reason the next 2 years could make 2008 look like a walk in the park.
If the Country SURVIVES 2 years of GOP/Tea Party chaos
the Country will know without a doubt who is really the cause
of all the pain this Country has endure these long last 10 years.
There is a chance however rational minds will actually rule and
attempt real compromise, rather than the demolition of the United States
from the inside the Tea Party unwittingly is advocating.
If we have real political compromise and Bi-Partisan rule we
may actually come out ahead in the next 2 years, regardless
of which Party actually controls Congress.
I ain't holding my Breath. There is a reason Gold is going up!
GOLD $1312.40 10/28/10
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
$1.6 Trillion of DEBT in ten years, courtesy of the 2001, 2003 Bush Tax Cuts Options
JCT estimate, which was that the Bush tax cuts (2001 and 2003) would,
over the 10-year period, allow taxpayers to keep $1.6 trillion dollars
an unpaid for future Debt Liability that now must be paid back.
Written into law by The Republican Controlled Congress and signed into
Law by a republican President.
over the 10-year period, allow taxpayers to keep $1.6 trillion dollars
an unpaid for future Debt Liability that now must be paid back.
Written into law by The Republican Controlled Congress and signed into
Law by a republican President.
The Current UNPAID liability of the Medicare Drug Prescription Program is $19.3 Trillion courtesy or the Republicans.
The unpaid for Medicare Drug Prescription Program is currently a $19.3
Trillion liability written by a Republican Controlled Congress and signed into
law by a Republican President. Republicans lied about the cost and made no
effort to pay or offset these expenditures.
The Unfunded liabilities of the Medicare Drug prescription Program is
now greater than the Unfunded liabilities of Social Security!
This was not debated, the bill was forced through without being read
and the cost is greater than any other social program in recent
Trillion liability written by a Republican Controlled Congress and signed into
law by a Republican President. Republicans lied about the cost and made no
effort to pay or offset these expenditures.
The Unfunded liabilities of the Medicare Drug prescription Program is
now greater than the Unfunded liabilities of Social Security!
This was not debated, the bill was forced through without being read
and the cost is greater than any other social program in recent
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The GOP is not disclosing their funding from big money! Wonder why?
Is it because the GOP are selling our Government to
the highest bidder, large Corporations and Foreign
Are they no longer being of service to the American voter,
but are instead showing loyalty to Corporate 'citizens'
and Foreign Corporations seeking American dollars
and more out sourced american jobs?
This is helping America in a time of crisis how?
Is this yet another example of putting Party before Americans and
the highest bidder, large Corporations and Foreign
Are they no longer being of service to the American voter,
but are instead showing loyalty to Corporate 'citizens'
and Foreign Corporations seeking American dollars
and more out sourced american jobs?
This is helping America in a time of crisis how?
Is this yet another example of putting Party before Americans and
Who outed Valerie Plane to reporters from the White House?
We still do not know because Bush allowed the
obstructionist to justice a get out of jail free card
contradicting his promise to the American people
to find out who was responsible no matter where it lead.
Libby was facing hard jail time a leverage to make him talk
and Bush said no. This is Republican governance. This is
what Republicans stand for, lying to America and selling her out for
political favor.
An entire CIA intelligence network was rolled up because of this, and
this was WHY the CIA DEMANDED an investigation.
All so we could go to war about non existent WMD's.
obstructionist to justice a get out of jail free card
contradicting his promise to the American people
to find out who was responsible no matter where it lead.
Libby was facing hard jail time a leverage to make him talk
and Bush said no. This is Republican governance. This is
what Republicans stand for, lying to America and selling her out for
political favor.
An entire CIA intelligence network was rolled up because of this, and
this was WHY the CIA DEMANDED an investigation.
All so we could go to war about non existent WMD's.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
be afraid be very afraid
be afraid be very afraid
A suggestion by a fellow blogger in the event of a Tea Bagger Senate Victory,
this person is a survivalist.
"here is my suggestions
1 sturdy 12G shotgun. most recommend a mossberg or remington pump gun
but I would suggest a Benelli Semi auto
2) 200 rounds of #6 birdshot-lethal up to 20 yards and useful for
harvesting birds and small mammals
3) 100 rounds of 1 ounce slugs-accurate to 75 yards-great stopping
power and kick less than the 1.25 or 1.5 slugs and just as effective
1 semi auto rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO. those derived from the M16
are the easiest to obtain and get parts for-Rock River is the best
easily obtained brand but BushMaster, DPMS, Armalite and Smith and
Wesson work too. Avoid the Colts-well made but they are "large hole"
receivers-harder to find stuff for
2) 2000 rounds of 5.56MM ammo-62 grains is a good compromise between
weight and accuracy
3) 10 magazines-20 round MagPul mags are the most reliable
If you prefer an AK platform the Bulgarian made ARSENAL in 5.56MM is a
great choice though slightly less accurate than the AR 15/M15 platform
1 bolt action rifle in 7.62 NATO with a good scope. Remington 700 is
pretty much the standard though the savage 110 is cheaper and as
accurate. put a 4-14 scope on it and go with leopold or Burris. you
can also chamber it in 5.56-with the 62 grain bullets its accurate out
to 600M
500 rounds for the above rifle
a smith and wesson 357 revolver with 4 inch barrel-most versatile
handgun in the world
500 rounds for that-some hot 357 and some lighter 38s
finally, a good quality 22 rifle and 5000 rounds of ammo (less than
200 dollars)
for collecting food"
A suggestion by a fellow blogger in the event of a Tea Bagger Senate Victory,
this person is a survivalist.
"here is my suggestions
1 sturdy 12G shotgun. most recommend a mossberg or remington pump gun
but I would suggest a Benelli Semi auto
2) 200 rounds of #6 birdshot-lethal up to 20 yards and useful for
harvesting birds and small mammals
3) 100 rounds of 1 ounce slugs-accurate to 75 yards-great stopping
power and kick less than the 1.25 or 1.5 slugs and just as effective
1 semi auto rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO. those derived from the M16
are the easiest to obtain and get parts for-Rock River is the best
easily obtained brand but BushMaster, DPMS, Armalite and Smith and
Wesson work too. Avoid the Colts-well made but they are "large hole"
receivers-harder to find stuff for
2) 2000 rounds of 5.56MM ammo-62 grains is a good compromise between
weight and accuracy
3) 10 magazines-20 round MagPul mags are the most reliable
If you prefer an AK platform the Bulgarian made ARSENAL in 5.56MM is a
great choice though slightly less accurate than the AR 15/M15 platform
1 bolt action rifle in 7.62 NATO with a good scope. Remington 700 is
pretty much the standard though the savage 110 is cheaper and as
accurate. put a 4-14 scope on it and go with leopold or Burris. you
can also chamber it in 5.56-with the 62 grain bullets its accurate out
to 600M
500 rounds for the above rifle
a smith and wesson 357 revolver with 4 inch barrel-most versatile
handgun in the world
500 rounds for that-some hot 357 and some lighter 38s
finally, a good quality 22 rifle and 5000 rounds of ammo (less than
200 dollars)
for collecting food"
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
420 Bills NOT even given an up or down vote in the Senate!
420 Bills NOT even given an up or down vote in the Senate!
Wed Oct 06, 2010 at 05:58:26 PM EDT
Do you want to know how the Republican Senators are helping
the Country? They are blocking legislation from even coming
up for a vote. Legislation that has already passed in the House
of Representatives.
420 Bills to possibly help the unemployed get jobs, the
economy to recover, people in danger of losing their
homes to keep them, small businesses to get tax cuts and
funding to grow their business and create jobs and stimulus
to expand the GDP growth to both help generate more
Revenues to pay down both State and Federal Deficits.
These Bills are not being voted down by Republican
Senators. No these Bills are being PREVENTED from
even coming up for a vote! Individual Republican Senators
have put personal holds on bills and Republicans have
blocked Bills from being called up for a vote.
This is not about doing the Business of Governance
the American people want in a time of need and emergency.
This is about the Republicans obstructing any Democratic
economic initiative because they are afraid it might work!
Republicans need and want the Democrats to fail because
then they can blame the Democrats for failed policies,
policies that the Republicans have actually sabotaged from
This is 420 examples of putting party first before the Country
and the American people in a time of pain, suffering and need.
Republicans need to be punished not rewarded for this selfish self serving behavior!
Wed Oct 06, 2010 at 05:58:26 PM EDT
Do you want to know how the Republican Senators are helping
the Country? They are blocking legislation from even coming
up for a vote. Legislation that has already passed in the House
of Representatives.
420 Bills to possibly help the unemployed get jobs, the
economy to recover, people in danger of losing their
homes to keep them, small businesses to get tax cuts and
funding to grow their business and create jobs and stimulus
to expand the GDP growth to both help generate more
Revenues to pay down both State and Federal Deficits.
These Bills are not being voted down by Republican
Senators. No these Bills are being PREVENTED from
even coming up for a vote! Individual Republican Senators
have put personal holds on bills and Republicans have
blocked Bills from being called up for a vote.
This is not about doing the Business of Governance
the American people want in a time of need and emergency.
This is about the Republicans obstructing any Democratic
economic initiative because they are afraid it might work!
Republicans need and want the Democrats to fail because
then they can blame the Democrats for failed policies,
policies that the Republicans have actually sabotaged from
This is 420 examples of putting party first before the Country
and the American people in a time of pain, suffering and need.
Republicans need to be punished not rewarded for this selfish self serving behavior!
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