I am tired of Bush apologists saying the Anti-Bush crowd is soft on terror
Bush Apologists, you haven't got the slightest f**king clue what I believe about the danger of terrorism because, as with all conservatives, you're too terrified in your frightened little shell of desperate flailing to do anything but construct straw men based on delusional fantasies regarding what you wish liberals were like, because it's the only way you can rationalize the childish world view held by the right. Wake up. Look at what happens when you Right-wingers bring your adolescent punch lines into the world as foreign and domestic policy. (And btw, there was a surplus when Clinton left office, which Bush promptly wasted. Sorry to once again intrude on the Right-wing fantasy.) You know what I would have done if I invaded Iraq? I would have done what Ike did when planning D-Day, and expected the worst, rather than the punk-bitch attitude of Dick "five deferments" Cheney and the cakewalk brigade. They deserve the firing squad for what they've done to our military -- but instead, they'll just get medals and promotions, just like the Iranian spy Ahmed Chalabi that the traitorous scumbags fed their schoolboy fantasies with, who is being given yet another high level position in the puppet Iraqi government (before it crashes, as it will), where he can steal more millions from American taxpayers instead of being shot in the back of the head and dragged through the streets like Mussolini as he deserves.
I would have built Afghanistan up like a g-d damned Olympic village to be the "model democracy" for the Middle East -- a concept conservatives sh*t all over with their every move, because they haven't got the slightest f**king clue about people or how the world works. All they have is their mutual bullsh*t societies to pump each other up and tell themselves how smart they are, and how everyone else is a traitor. And if I still wanted to invade Iraq, I would have followed the plans that the generals made over the preceding decade, instead of chucking them out the window in favor of senile Dong Rumsfeld's criminal horsesh*t. Then I would have slowly brought 500,000 troops to the region, using a safe and prosperous Afghanistan as a base, and slowly built a looming cloud of death over Saddam and his murderous sons like a towering wall of slag from Mount Vesuvius, before crashing down like the wrath of God over that backwater dictator, crushing him in one fell swoop while also holding the country together -- rather than allowing the "mess" that a**hole Rumsfeld was moron enough to say he planned.
That's how you win a war, not through half-assed talking points and sissy crying about "Oh, the media and liberals are talking bad about us!!! Waaaah!!!" That's how my grandfather helped kill the fascists in Germany in WWII -- an era that today's non-military serving Republican leadership has Oedipal wet dreams of living up to as they send other men off to die in order to make up for being such dickless wonders themselves. At least Papa Bush was a bonefied hero pilot in WWII. His son is a jerk-off pretender weirdo with a chip on his shoulder bigger than his idiot monkey brain. Real men don't need to kill other people to prove how "tough" they are. Real men can out-think dumb asses like Saddam Hussein, at least enough to avoid tens of thousands of dead and wounded, which, incidentally, are already in line with the numbers in Vietnam, except for body armor keeping them alive. It's a loser plan implemented by losers who have already lost the war, but are too stupid and prideful to admit it
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.
Nixon 1973: "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger: "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil
Time will tell all the Truth.
Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group OpenDebateForum
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Global_Media_Lightning_Headlines/
Nixon 1973: "I am not a crook!"
Clinton 1998 wagging finger: "I did not have sex with that woman!"
Bush 2005 wagging finger: "I did nothing illegal!"
+ $1,899,522,392,147 Social Security Trust Fund. – $8,367,894,586,992 The Gross National Debt $3,231,274,298,946.38 in foreign oil
Time will tell all the Truth.
Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT
Founder AOL Group OpenDebateForum
Founder Google Group Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
Founder of Blog Sean Lewis's Virtual Truth
Creator of Web Site The Center of Virtual Truth
Owner of GMLH http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Global_Media_Lightning_Headlines/