Friday, June 03, 2005

Yahoo News: Bush was invading Iraq six months before "shock and awe"

 Yahoo News: Bush was invading Iraq six months before "shock and awe"

Fri Jun 3rd, 2005 at 12:03:34 EST

well it's not on network television, but the grassroots rumbling is starting to catch the attention of serveral news sources.

It was a huge air assault: Approximately 100 US and British planes flew from Kuwait into Iraqi airspace. At least seven types of aircraft were part of this massive operation, including US F-15 Strike Eagles and Royal Air Force Tornado ground-attack planes.


But there was a catch: The war hadn't started yet, at least not officially. This was September 2002--a month before Congress had voted to give President Bush the authority he used to invade Iraq, two months before the United Nations brought the matter to a vote and more than six months before "shock and awe" officially began


the war was already a foregone conclusion and attacks were no less than the undeclared beginning of the invasion of Iraq.

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Well it goes without saying that this news is a problem for Bush, the question is whether any news networks are going to grow the balls needed to begin reporting the truth about the invasion of Iraq.

These are the facts:

  1. Bush lied to Congress.
  2. Bush lied to the American people.
  3. Bush conspired with Blair to falsely lead America into war.
  4. Bush knowingly overstepped his constitutional powers.
  5. Bush broke his oath to uphold the US Constitution.

We have the facts, and the proof, now it's time to make this happen.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

+ $ 1,746,571,905,405 . . . Soc. Sec. Trust
– $7,783,526,186,894 . . . National Debt

Time will tell all the Truth.


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