Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Bush had a Mandate, it was for the Truth. He failed.

Bush had a Mandate, it was for the Truth. He failed.
Sean Lewis June 1, 2005
Bush did not have a mandate. What Bush had, was the Benefit of the doubt. No one wanted to believe that the US invaded another country on the insistence of Bush and that the resultant chaos and death is now blood on American hands. America needed to believe that we were the good guys, that Saddam did have WMDs and was a threat to the US like Bin Laden is. By the way does anyone know where Bin Laden is?

So in keeping with this hope, we needed to vote for Bush who was the personification of this hope. So the American people with some dubious help from the RNC machine Elected Bush for a second term.
That hope and the benefit of doubt disappeared when it became official that Saddam never had WMDs in 2003 when we invaded. Now even with the white wash of an invasion for the noble cause of bringing democracy to the middle east is tainted, when in Sudan where a real battle for democracy is being brutally fought America is doing nothing. Where woman are being gang raped, where children are being starved, where genocide on a large scale is occurring, the US does nothing.
Bush's mandate was one of truth. He failed this test. Now Bush must prove beyond ANY doubt that his policies are correct, workable and more importantly the Truth. His Social Security plan was none of these.
If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

Time will tell all the Truth.


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