Friday, June 24, 2005

Karl Rove's Red Meat Misdirection

As go Karl Rove so goes Bush's.


When Karl Rove is quiet all is going well for Bush, When Rove throws a 'red meat' issue into the Ring it is to deflect the bad news and boast Bush's rating by taking attention away from an Administration Weakness and going to a 'perceived' Republican strength.


We are losing a Company of troops a month in Iraq to death, combat wounds, injuries and suicides. A company a month.

This is what was reported yesterday. What you didn't hear about this? That is what a 'red meat' issue does.


When the Downing Memo hit, the 'red meat' issue was the Nuclear Option.


Iraq is NOT getting better. Rove wants to redirect attention by saying that Liberals are the enemy. 


Liberals are the people who questioned the issue of WMDs in Iraq.


Liberals are the people who questioned the yellow cake, and aluminum tubes.


Liberals are the people who questioned why we stopped fighting Al qaida in Afghanistan.


Liberals are wondering where bin Laden is.


Liberals are the people who questioned how taking money out of Social Security strengthened it.


Liberals are the people who questioned how allowing corporations to default on pension funds helps America.


Liberals are the people who questioned how taking away a persons home because of bankrupting medical costs helps America.


Liberals are the people who question if things are going so well, why are more people out of work, below the poverty line, without health insurance, and without hope.


It time to end misdirection and start getting America going in the right direction. Away from the Radical right and back to center.

If people only knew the facts, they would not be fighting for the 'RIGHT' to be screwed over.

+ $1,751,132,130,359 Social Security Trust Fund

– $7,805,708,317,936 The Gross National Debt

Time will tell all the Truth.

Sean Lewis/VirtualTruth/VT


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