TacSAS battlefield weather-data system begins preliminary tests in Europe and US
A satellite data-based alternative to balloon-borne sounding systems for artillery met (meteorological) data acquisition on the battlefield has begun preliminary testing in the US and Europe.
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to - 11 January 2006]
US government certifies Cluster 2 JTRS
Having completed the necessary JTRS Technology Laboratory SCA verification assessment and operational trials last year, Thales Communications Inc (TCI) announced on January 5 that its Cluster 2 Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Enhanced Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio (MBITR), or JEM, had finally received its formal Software Communications Architecture (SCA) certification from the US government. This clears the way for the start of full-rate production that had originally been expected to begin in the first quarter of 2005.
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to - 17 January 2006]
Turkish defence budget sees increase
THE projected Turkish Ministry of National Defence (MND) budget for Fiscal Year 2006 (FY06) is fixed at TRY11.8 billion (USD8.6 billion); a slight increase over the previous year (TRY10.9 billion).
[Jane's Defence Industry - first posted to - 18 January 2006]
Russian minister cites rise in defence spending
Russia's defence industry has contracts and orders worth USD22 billion, while military equipment exports reached USD6 billion in 2005, according to Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov. * Ivanov said contracts agreed in late December had boosted sales figures for the year, but did not outline specific contract details.
[Jane's Defence Industry - first posted to - 23 January 2006]
Goodrich posts a 2005 profit increase
US aircraft component specialist Goodrich has reported sales and profit growth for Q4 2005 and the full year. * However, defence aftermarket sales are expected to dip in the coming year.
[Jane's Defence Industry - first posted to - 2 February 2006]
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Alcatel to maximise 'relationship' with Thales
Alcatel could be preparing to increase its holding in Thales from 9.5 per cent to around 30 per cent. * The French government - Thales' biggest share investor and holder of a golden share - will have the right to veto any major deals.
[Jane's Defence Industry - first posted to - 3 February 2006]
Raytheon more than doubles 2005 net income
Raytheon has reported strong results for 2005 operations, more than doubling its net income to USD871 million. * The 2006 outlook remains largely unchanged, although a USD0.05 rise in earnings per share expectations was announced.
[Jane's Defence Industry - first posted to - 3 February 2006]
Osa-1T upgrade boosts combat capability
The Belarus company Tetraedr has completed the development of its 9K33M3-1T OSA-1T upgrade for the 9K33M3 Osa-AKM (SA-8 'Gecko') mobile surface-to-air missile system, writes Miroslav Gyurosi.
[Jane's Missiles and Rockets - first posted to - 24 January 2006]
Raytheon demonstrates PAASM from digital launcher
Raytheon has successfully demonstrated its Precision Attack Air-to-Surface Missile (PAASM), a derivative of the Precision Attack Missile (PAM). The latter weapon is being developed in conjunction with Lockheed Martin under the US Army's Non-Line-of-Sight - Launch System (NLOS-LS) programme.
[Jane's Missiles and Rockets - first posted to - 24 January 2006]
France draws in on TSMPF development
DCN and Thales are developing a multiplatform situational awareness demonstrator under contract to DGA. - The programme is designed to prove technologies and techniques underpinning a force-wide sensor data-fusion network similar in concept to the USN's CEC. - Live testing of a technology demonstrator system is due to commence in the second half of 2006.
[Jane's Navy International - first posted to - 19 January 2006] | Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference 2006 SOFEX is the premier International Defence Exhibition focusing on Special Operations Forces and Homeland Security and is being held in Amman, Jordan, from the 27th-30th March 2006. | |
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