Monday, August 08, 2005

Blood on our hands

Enough  already.

Americans need to  find their once proud sense of right and wrong and admit
that it is wrong to  have a man leading the nation that orchestrated a war
based on lies and caused  the death of 10's of thousands based on a twisted belief
that God has chosen him  to wage war against the infidels of the world.

Has anyone  considered the Iraqis people and what they are being subjected to
based on  Bush's war of lies? We lose 1800 troops and 10 times the number in
horrible  disabling injuries and the pain is almost unbearable. Think of the
Iraqis  who did not ask for this war, are not in any real power to control the
daily  military assaults against their people and are suffering 50 times the
casualty  numbers.

Saddam was a bad  man, but under Saddam the entire population was not subject
to arbitrary death  on the scale this war is subjecting every Iraqis to.

It is time Americans  take off the false blinders of Patriotism and fear of
being viewed as  un-American and face the truth that in Iraq, the war against
Al qaida only began  after Bush flew on board a US carrier and dressed like a
puppet Dictator in army  uniform and declared mission accomplished.

Bush has harm this  country greater than the attack on 9/11. Bush used the
blood of Americans killed  that horrific day and used their pain and suffering
to cause even greater death  and suffering for both Iraqis and Americans dying
in Iraq.

I suggest Americans  travel abroad, listen to what the 'friendly' nations
will say to you unfiltered  by the sycophant US media. Your eyes will be opened. 
These Countries sent troops to Iraq because an American President said  it
was the right thing to do. That Bush had undeniable proof that Saddam was 
making WMDs and had the potential to make nukes within months if not weeks. So 
these countries sent troops simply on the word of Bush, because previous 
Presidents, men of integrity had proved that America was a super power  that was not about abusing it's power or acting irrationally and waging war  without first
exhausting all possible solutions and then only with great  restraint engaging in war. If America knowing the cost of war and the death and destruction  it causes still
felt it was in the best interest of the world to engage in such  an action then
no one questioned America's motives, many nations answered the call to war. Because of Bush this will  never happen again.

Bush has none of these traits of these former great Presidents. He is rash  reckless and incompetent. From 'Bring it On' to 'you are either with us or  against us' and including his irrational belief that governing this country  based on theological beliefs rather than facts and sound reason is a good thing  Bush is clearly showing he is NOT a man to be trusted with making decisions  about steroid use in baseball let alone run this Great Nation.

So Again I say  enough.

Enough with wasting  our brave heroes on a lie.
The Blood of these  true patriotic troops and the poor unwilling victims in
Iraq is blood on the  hands of America.

Time will tell all the truth.


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